In continuation to the tender for electrification works for Krishna Park underground extension station of Phase-4, the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. (DMRC) has invited open e-tender for the work Contract Package DE-03 “Design verification, Detail engineering, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Electrical and Mechanical system including Fire, Hydraulic and DG set, Environment control system, Tunnel ventilation system and Building Management System for Krishna Park Ext underground station of line-8 extension corridor of Phase-IV of Delhi MRTS.”
- Approximate cost of work: INR 57.94 Crore
- Completion period of the Work: 36 Months
- Pre-bid Meeting: 29.12.2020
- Tender submission start date: 13.01.2021
- Tender submission end date: 20.01.2021
- Date of opening of Tender online: 21.01.2021
Brief Overview Of E & M Works:
- This section contains the general description of the system concepts and major components for Electrical and Mechanical (E & M) Works including Fire, Hydraulic and DG sets, interface requirements with other contractors, manufacturing, general installation, design / performance and testing requirements. Detailed Specifications for the Items and Equipment to be used in E & M Works along with specific installation, design / performance and testing requirements are given in various sections of the Particular Specifications. The Bidder’s attention is drawn to the General Conditions of Contract, SpecialConditions of Contract, General Specifications, Bid Drawings, Pricing Schedule/Bill of Quantities and SHE manual which are to be read in conjunction with these Particular specifications.
- The emphasis is to explain the requirements of work, interfaces with other contractors for achieving an efficient & safe working system commensurate to the best international standards and practices. The contractor shall follow acceptable standards akin to the best available in world Metros where this is not specifically mentioned. Interface management document is also attached for reference.
- In this document the term “provide” shall mean “calculations, preparation of drawings for installations & maintenance, manufacture and factory testing or procurement, delivery, off-loading, installation, testing, commissioning, handover of completed works to DMRC, DMRC staff training including supply of O&M manuals & as-built drawings, interface and co-ordination with other contractors arising out of concurrent works and warranties.
- The design and supply of elements shall be to latest International Specifications and Standards. Approved latest local standards shall also be complied wherever necessary.
- Unless approved otherwise, all equipment and items shall be uniform throughout the Contract in order to minimise inventory of spares and the number of manufacturer interfaces.
Scope of work:
The works include the provision of all Building Services required in this contract, as specified below, for stations and tunnels and also those which are not specifically excluded. The Services covered are those, which are necessary to permit the Metro Corridor to perform its design functions in a safe and efficient manner, in compliance with the requirements of the relevant Particular Specifications and in accordance with modern Metro Railway practice. Equipment and Systems provided shall be compliant with the relevant Particular Specifications.
- The Electrical & Mechanical works are to be provided as described in the scope of Drawings, Manufacture, Testing at manufacturer’s works, Supply, Storage, Erection, Site testing and Commissioning of the works and other provisions as stipulated in GCc, SCCand other documents comprising but not restricted to description given below.
- Approved Definitive Design Documents and Construction Reference Drawings prepared by Detailed Design Consultants of the Employer, approved by Engineer, shall be supplied progressively during Works. The Contractor must develop Working /Shop Drawings and documents from the above mentioned drawings / documents, submit to DDC for reviewing and obtain written approval of the Engineer prior to construction.
- Scope of works shall also include all Civil Works associated with Electrical System Works and making good and painting the civil works as required. These civil works shall be executed as per latest CPWD specifications and latest IS & BIS codes.
- Establishing a site office with documentation, communication and transport facility and maintenance of the area during the implementation stage.
- De-mobilisation, clearing of all temporary works and facilities after completion of job.
- Obtaining necessary permits / approval to commence works at site from local authorities.
- Obtaining all statutory and mandatory permissions / clearances / approvals from the concerned authorities for commissioning of the complete installation including approval of the Working Drawings from Delhi Fire Services.
- The contractor shall include the supply of entire materials in accordance with the relevant particular specifications, accompanying schedules and drawings for whole work necessary for a complete installation. Materials and components not explicitly stated in the specifications and / or bill of materials or noted on the drawing but which are necessary for satisfactory installation and operation of the system shall be deemed to have been included in the scope of work.
- The contractor has to install the following systems in the station and tunnel as applicable:
- Electrical Systems.
- Plumbing/Hydraulic Systems.
- Fire Detection and Protection System.
- Scope of works for Electrical, Plumbing/Hydraulics, Fire Protection and Detection System.
The tender documents describing the Scope of Work and Terms and Conditions for the Contract are available on the website
Source: DMRC-Tender | Image Credit (representational): DMRC
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