The National High Speed Rail Corporation Ltd. (NHSRCL) has invited online open tender for the work “Preparation of GADs of Crossing Bridges over Rivers/Canals/Railways and Roads (Expressway, NH & SH and Major District Roads) and GADs of proposed Stations and Maintenance Depots for DPR of Delhi-Varanasi HSR Corridor”.
- Tender No.: NHSRCL/CO/CONT./GAD/2020/12
- Tender Security: INR 2,15,000/- (Rupees Two Lakh fifteen thousand only)
- Completion period of the Work: 03 Months
- Pre-bid Meeting: 09.07.2020 at 1500 hrs. (online)
- Tender submission start date: 18.07.2020 & 1000 Hrs.
- Tender submission end date: 23.07.2020 till 1500 Hrs.
- Date & time of Opening of Technical Bid online: 24.07.2020 at 1500 hrs
Employer’s Requirement (Functional):
NHSRCL is in the process of preparation of Detailed Project Report for new High Speed Rail Corridors. NHSRCL has so far completed the preliminary study of this corridor and other related activities are in progress. Present assignment is for Preparation of GADs of Crossing Bridges over Rivers/Canals//Railways/Roads (Expressway, NH & SH and Major District Roads) and GADs of Station Yards and Maintenance Depots for DPR of Delhi-Noida-Agra-Kanpur-Lucknow-Varanasi High Speed Rail Corridor (865 km):
Main Objectives of the Consultancy Services:
NHSRCL through this tender intends to appoint a contractor for
- Preparation of General Arrangement Drawings (GADs), on AutoCAD, of Crossing Bridges over Rivers /Canals/Railways/Roads (Expressway/NH & SH and Major District Roads etc) as per Index Plan and Index Section provided by the Employer.
- Preparation of General Arrangement Drawings (GADs) on AutoCAD GADs of Station Yards and Maintenance Depots for preparation of the DPR of Delhi-Noida-Agra-Kanpur-Lucknow-Varanasi High Speed Rail Corridor.
Scope of Works:
- The proposed Delhi-Varanasi High Speed Rail Corridor is planned along major expressway, national highways, greenfield areas and may be passing through arterial roads of the intermediate city road network. Large number of bridges for crossing rivers, canals, railways and roads shall be required along the proposed alignment of the High Speed Rail Corridor.
- There are 12 stations planned in the proposed corridor including Delhi and Varanasi. There are 12 Maintenance Depots planned along the corridor.
- The Contractor is required to prepare GADs of the crossing bridges across rivers, canals, railways, and roads (Expressway, NH & SH and Major District Rords) for the proposed High Speed Rail Corridor. The Contractor is also required to prepare GADs (Layout Plan) of Stations and Maintenance Depots.
- For span configuration of crossing bridges, NHSRCL proposes to adopt and utilize & propose to use the existing standard set of superstructure for this project as detailed below. Any requirement of additional span of different length or nonstandard span shall be intimated to NHSRCL.
- Up to 45 m crossing length, Simply supported PSC box girders of standard spans 25m, 30m, 35m, 40m & 45 m shall be adopted. Beyond this, PSC box girders in continuous configuration (three / four spans) may be adopted.
- For crossing lengh 60m and beyond steel truss girders with deck slab in Simply Supported spans of 60m, 70m, 80m, 90m and 100m may be adopted. In unavoidable cases continuous configuration may be adopted.
- The works shall be carried out following NHSRCL’s Schedule of Dimension(SOD) for High Speed Rail and various clearances shall be as per codal provisions of the respective authorities.
- While preparing the GADs:
- Each GAD of crossing bridges must include key plan, half top and half bottom plan, and sectional elevtion of the crossing bridge incorporating relevant details such as ground level & rail level as per Index Plan and Section provided by the employer, span length, pier and pier cap dimensions, centre to centre distance between two tracks (4.50m), and top width of the viaduct (11.90m – Straight section and 12.4m – Curved Section ). Station and Depot GADs must include general layout of the station/depot including tracks, platforms etc.
- Each GAD must also include title block, general notes, drawing nos. and space for NHSRCL drawing approval number.
- Contractor shall follow best industrial practices.
- Contractor shall comply/incorporate all the comments offered by the Employer on the Draft GADs before submission of the final GADs.
Employer will provide basic data of the proposed corridor which will include:
- Route alignment (KMZ file and or other electronic format) of the Project Alignment to identify the crossing locations.
- Plan and longitudinal Section of the proposed High Speed Corridor.
- Hydrological Data e.g. H.F.L., Rainfall data, discharge etc. and data in respect of nearby existing bridges such as bridge length, span arrangement etc., for various rivers, streams etc. crossing the proposed HSR alignment.
- Geotechnical Data in respect of existing/proposed/under-construction bridges, viaduct etc. in vicinity of the proposed HSR alignment as available.
- Employer will provide tentative Locations of proposed Stattions & Maintenance Depots and number and length of lines in each of Station Yards and the Depots.
Tender documents can only be obtained online on the e-tendering website https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app . Physical bids shall not be accepted.
Source: NHSRCL-Tender
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