Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited (DFCCIL) has invited open e-tenders, in Single Stage Two Packet System for Consultancy services for development and preparation of GADs, Detailed Project Report, preparation of detailed drawings and design for foundation, substructure & superstructure of road over bridge including viaduct spans and approaches; design of retaining wall; proof checking of foundation, structural and RE Wall/Retaining Wall Design; preparation of BOQ; preparation of detailed estimate; conducting final location survey; preparation of land acquisition proposals; conducting geotechnical investigation and preparation of bid document with technical specifications as per relevant codes/manuals for construction of 10 ROBs in connection with Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor corporation between Andal to Pradhankhanta of Asansol Division in the State of West Bengal & Jharkhand.
- Tender Reference Number: KKK-EN-ROB-DGN-UDL-PKA
- Name of Work: Consultancy services for development and preparation of GADs, Detailed Project Report, preparation of detailed drawings and design for foundation, substructure & superstructure of road over bridge including viaduct spans and approaches; design of retaining wall; proof checking of foundation, structural and RE Wall/Retaining Wall Design; preparation of BOQ; preparation of detailed estimate; conducting final location survey; preparation of land acquisition proposals; conducting geotechnical investigation and preparation of bid document with technical specifications as per relevant codes/manuals for construction of 10 ROBs in connection with Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor corporation between Andal to Pradhankhanta of Asansol Division in the State of West Bengal & Jharkhand.
- Advertised Value: INR 1,88,03,680/-
- EMD: INR 3,76,100/-
- Period of Contract: 06 Months
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 30th March, 2023
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 21st April, 2023
- Bid Submission Start Date: 07th April, 2023
- Bid Submission End Date: 21st April, 2023
- Tender Opening Date: 21st April, 2023
Scope of Work:
- Consultancy Services for Development and Preparation of GADs, Detailed Project Report , Preparation of Detailed Drawings and Design for Foundation, Substructure & Superstructure of Road Over Bridge including Viaduct Spans and Approaches; Design of Retaining Wall; Proof Checking of Foundation, Structural and RE Wall/Retaining Wall Design; Preparation of BOQ; Preparation of Detailed Estimate; Conducting Final Location Survey; Preparation of Land Acquisition Proposals; Conducting Geotechnical Investigation and Preparation of Bid Document with Technical Specifications as per relevant Codes/Manuals for Construction Of 10 ROBs in connection with Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation between Andal to Pradhankhanta of Asansol Division in the State of West Bengal & Jharkhand.
- Presently, ROBs of this section as shown in Annexure-1A (Part-IV, Chapter-III of Tender Document) will be taken up for this consultancy services for Development and Preparation of GADs, Detailed ProjectReport, Preparation of Detailed Drawings and Design for Foundation, Substructure & SuperStructure of Viaduct Spans and Approaches. The list is only indicative and as per requirement, more ROBs may be added in the scope of work or LC No. for ROB may change.
The scope of work shall include but not limited to:
- The consultant shall conduct a preliminary site survey and submit a “Concept Plan” indicating different options for ROB alignment. This concept Plan will be scrutinised by the DFCCIL in consultation with IR and other Stakeholders and the most suitable alignment for the ROB will be selected and communicated to the Consultant.
- After finalization of the Concept Plan, the Consultant shall conduct Geotechnical Investigation and topographic survey at the selected location and prepare the GAD. This GAD shall be submitted to DFCCIL, who will process for obtaining formal approval of concerned stakeholders.
- The consultant will provide technical support in approval of GADs by way of addressing queries of stakeholders through emails/letters. After submission of GADs to DFCCIL, joint site visits, meetings/presentations with stakeholders may be required for approval of GADs.
- After submission of GADs to DFCCIL, Out- station visits (Kolkata, Ranchi, Patna/Hajipur, District HQs Asansol Dhanbad, Giridih, Delhi/NCR and other locations in SEB-ULD section) with stakeholders will be attended by Consultant team on specific advice of DFCCIL and nothing extra will be paid for visits for such meetings.
- Similarly, meetings attended by Consultant at Kolkata or Delhi/NCR will be deemed to be inclusive of scope of work and nothing extra will be paid for such meetings.
- As layout of ROB in railway portion is dependent upon feasibility and layout of approach alignment, after topographical survey, an Integrated Key Plan of entire ROB alignment covering railway portion, approaches, take-off and landing arrangements of ROB approaches with NHAI/other roads will be developed and included in GAD. The Technical Requirement for Topographical survey is mentioned in the Part-II, Technical Specifications of Tender Document.
- Geotechnical investigation as per codal provisions shall be carried out by drilling boreholes for 40m depth & collecting soil samples from boreholes. Technical requirement for Geotechnical investigations is further spelt out in thePart-II, Technical Specifications of Tender Document.
- After completion of borehole drilling, the Consultant will inform DFCCIL for checking the borehole depth. After checking the borehole depth, the Consultant will plug the boreholes. Till boreholes are plugged, the Consultant will protect the boreholes to avoid any accident/mishap due to drilled borehole.
- Geotechnical report will be submitted by the Consultant covering geology and seismicity of area, details of lab test results, bore log details. Based upon field and lab results, the Consultant will work out two options i.e., pile as well as open foundation. Justification for adoption of pile foundation will be part of the Geotechnical report.
- Schedule of land and property required for costing purpose for construction of ROB (Railway portion + approaches), will be prepared by the Consultant as per format advised by DFCCIL. The abovementioned schedule of land and property is also meant for assessing the requirement of acquisition of land and/or property.
- Preparation of Land Plans using Total StationandDGPS Instrument for acquisition purpose duly superimposing on Revenue Maps, preparation of 20A proposals and 20E proposals. Preparation of Form-11 for 20F award notification (where ever required).
- GADs will be prepared on AutoCAD and printed on tracing paper shall be submitted to DFCCIL for signature of all stakeholders. In addition, a soft copy will also be submitted to DFCCIL. GADs will be prepared at a suitable scale and different portions may be shown at different scales for clarity.
- DFCCIL will make available the check list as prescribed by Eastern Railway and the same will be followed for preparation of GAD. As far as possible, RDSO standard superstructure drawings will be followed. The GAD prepared will be property of DFCCIL.
- After approval of GAD by competent authority (Chief Bridge Engineer of the zonal railway), the Consultantshall prepare preliminary and detailed design of foundation, substructure, superstructure, including staircase, approach slab (wherever applicable)& Good For Construction drawings (GFC Drawings) and all other drawing as required for construction of DFC + Railway portion of the ROB and both approaches.
- The detailed design of superstructure will be further governed as per Para (iv)h of Deliverables. These post GAD activities shall be initiated and undertaken by the Consultant after receipt of approved copy of GAD.
- Preparation of bill of quantities, cost estimates, technical specifications and tender documents as per preliminary designs and drawings.
- Checking of design/ drawings submitted by contractor(s) for bearings, launching schemes, Temporary Arrangement Drawing etc, if any, up to Defect Liability Period (DLP).
- Technical support for getting approval from Railway/CRS including approval of temporary staging and launching scheme upto Defect Liability Period (DLP).
- Designer support during construction of ROB including site visit as per requirement of DFCCIL. This will include modification of design/drawings as and when required,up to Defect Liability Period (DLP).
- Consultancy period will be valid till completion of ROBs in Railway and DFCCIL portion. Suitable extension of completion period will be provided as and when required.
- Technical support for design clarification, documentation and approvals required field visits of Consultant/Team. The cost of site visits during currency of contract is inclusive in the rates. However, site visits after Date of Completion during Defect Liability period will be paid @ Rs. 10,000/- lump sum per day of visit which shall be inclusive of all travel, lodging, boarding etc expenses.
- The tenderer who will be awarded with the job should either have a design office at Kolkata already functioning or should set up such an office within one month of issue of LOA. Design office should have at least 01 engineers and 02 AUTOCAD drawing staff conversant with design and drawing of ROB and highway bridges.
Topographic Survey:
- The Scope of work consists of topographic survey of 1km length per ROB in approaches with a corridor of 100 m and, spot levelling, pillar fixing, processing of data to generate plan and Longitudinal section as per specified scale and details of the site.
- For development of key plan and GAD, topographic survey of 1Km x 100m corridor will be carried out by using total station and precise levels along the entire alignment as per concept plan (covering railway and approach portion).
- Buildings, road, footpath/dividers/central verges, railway tracks, Railway OHE poles, trees, manholes and other structures, H.T., L.T., transmission lines, bridges, ROBs/ RUBs, ponds, streams, major drains, level crossing, religious structures and other relevant site features shall be picked up during topographical survey.
- At some places, instruments having reflector- less facilities may be used for collecting details of features due to inaccessibility of the area. All the buildings falling in the 100 m corridor will be closed during the survey and shall be included in the drawings.
- The tenderer / JV firm (as per clause no. 65.15.1 of GCC) must have satisfactorily completed any of the following during last 7 years, ending last day of month previous to the one in which tender is invited:
- Three similar works each costing not less than the amount equal to 30% of advertised value of subject work, or
- Two similar works each costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of advertised value of subject work, or
- One similar works each costing not less than the amount equal to 60% of advertised value of subject work.
The Tender document can be downloaded from IREPS website www.ireps.gov.in and DFCCIL’s website www.dfccil.com
Source: DFCCIL- Tender | Image Credit (representational): MoR
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