DFCCIL invites tender for electrical works in connection with provision of high mast lighting at various station yard areas

Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited (DFCCIL) has invited open e-tenders, in Single Stage Two Packet System for Electrical works in connection with provision of High Mast lighting at the station yard area in New Karchana, New Unchdih, New Mirzapur, New Dagmagpur, New Ahraura Road & New DDU station of prayagraj east unit.

  • Tender Reference Number: PRYJ (E)/EL/High Mast Lighting/2057/T/09
  • Name of Work: Electrical works in connection with provision of High Mast lighting at the station yard area in New Karchana, New Unchdih, New Mirzapur, New Dagmagpur, New Ahraura Road & New DDU station of prayagraj east unit.
  • Advertised Value: INR 1,75,39,773.56 Crore
  • EMD: INR 2,37,700 Lakh
  • Period of Contract: 04 Months
  • Document Download / Sale Start Date: 21st April, 2023
  • Document Download / Sale End Date: 25th May, 2023
  • Bid Submission Start Date: 21st April, 2023
  • Bid Submission End Date: 25th May, 2023
  • Tender Opening Date: 25th May, 2023

Scope of Work:

  • The scope of work covers “Electrical works in connection with provision of lights at various stations of DFCCIL CGM Prayagraj East unit.
  • The subject work involves supply of materials, fittings and components as per relevant IS, BIS, RDSO, specifications as given in the reference list of this tender document. In case any standard/Specification is not available for any item, relevant Indian standard shall be followed with prior approval of the purchaser in writing.
  • The contractor shall carry out a detailed site survey at each station with concerned JPM/Sr.executive/executive/ Electrical and assess the quantum of work. The cable route plan, locations of high mast, earthing stations, junction boxes etc. shall be decided mutually duly consulting other departments viz. civil, S&T. OP&BD as required.
  • The contractor shall develop a layout plan of lighting work and obtain approval of DFCCIL before starting of work.  On completion of work 03 copies of the layout plan shall be handed over to DFCCIL.
  • The proposed work is for providing required High mast lights for illuminations of station Yards at 06 nos. crossing/junction stations of DFCCIL in New Karchana- New Deen Dayal Upadhyay section as under:
    • High mast lights for illuminations of station Yards.
    • Any other requirement as per site conditions.
  • The scope of work covers “Electrical Works in connection with Provision of High Mast Lighting at the station Yard Area in KCNN, UNDN, MZPN, DAPN, ARWN & DDUN Station of Prayagraj East Unit.

Explanatory Notes:

  • The price shall cover Supply, erection, testing & commissioning of hot dip galvanized High Mast Tower 20 Mtr. high, Base plate dia. 650 x 25 mm, with base outer dia 410 mm and top outer dia. 150 mm suitable for wind velocity as per IS:875 Pt 03, on G.I. polygon pole with lowering and raising facilities by single wire rope, 6 mm dia, 2350 Kg breaking load, double drum winch and automatic switching device along with 16 (Sixteen) Nos. 170 Watt LED flood light/Beam light luminaries, outdoor type, weather proof, die cast aluminum housing, suitable to work on 230 V AC supply, Philips/Bajaj/Crompton Greaves/Havells make.
  • This includes foundation work as per design. High mast should be as per IS: 875/Part(3) BSTN- 10025/1993,CPE-III TRT/1996 of ILEUK. Octagonal pole S355JO, Galvanization IS:2629 BSEN ISO-1461 and Make of BAJAJ, PHILIPS, CROMPTON AND BPP HIGH MAST, GE, VENTURA, UTKARSH, WIPRO & ASTER.
  • Mandatory Accessories are Winch, Mechanical torque limiter, motor, 6 mm dia. SS wire rope, Trailing cable, Power tool, Lantern carriage, Pulleys, Head frame, Lightning protection Finial & Buffer, Feeder Pillar, Manual cranking handle, automatic switching control, Aviation obstruction warning light.

Common Features:

  • Type of Joints for section – Slip – Stress fit.
  • Raising lowering speed – 3 Mtr/Min.
  • Lubrication arrangement and type – Permanent oil bath – SAE 90/140.
  • Lifting capacity – 500 – 750 Kg.
  • Trailing cable – ERP / PCP sheathed multi core flexible copper.
  • PCD in mm – 550.
  • Power tool (reversible) – 440 Volt, 50 Hz. 1 HP/1.5 HP. 

The work involves mainly following activities:

  • Laying of main cables from ESS to either end of the station yard with provision of feeder pillars, junction box, MCBs/MCCBs as required.
  • Laying cable for individual circuit/high mast light with provision of MCB/MCCBs as required from the feeder pillar / junction box.
  • Earthing of the system as required by connecting equipment/ armours to BEC/ earth pit as required. 8 SWG GI wire shall be used for connecting equipment to the BEC/Earth pit.
  • The contractor shall submit a list of material to be procured with relevant specification, make and details of supplier before making procurement to purchaser’s, Engineer and get it approved to avoid any dispute.
  • Purchaser’s, authorised engineer will carry out inspection of material before acceptance for erection. No erection work shall be undertaken till the material is accepted by the purchaser’s authorised engineer. The acceptable marks of major items are given in the reference list at page-104.
  • The work shall involve erection as per laid down procedure. No sub-standard method/unsafe practice shall be used during erection. Contractor shall ensure that manpower deployed by him is having required technical qualification & skill for undertaking electrical work.
  • Contractor shall ensure that no damage is caused to DFCCIL/Railway premises/buildings/tracks etc.
  • In case of cable laying under track, the contractor shall prepare a drawing and get it approved from railway/DFCCIL as required.
  • For any digging work, prior approval of the purchaser’s engineer shall be obtained.
  • Contractor shall provide all safety gadgets/tools to his workmen as required for subject work in the electrified area. Contractor shall counsel his staff for safety rules to be followed while working near tracks in the electrified area.
  • The contractor shall have a valid electrical contractor licence during execution of work. It may be noted that the subject work will be carried out near the 2x25KV OHE system.
  • Contractors shall ensure that the staff deployed by him is well aware of the safety precautions to be undertaken while working in electrified sections. He will provide necessary safety gadgets to his staff like hand gloves, safety shoes, PPE, helmets, safety belts etc. as required.
  • The specific erection work like erection of HML etc. may require power block of OHE. Contractor shall identify such locations before undertaking erection work in consultation with the executive/sr. executive/ elect./DFCCIL.
  • The concerned JPM/Sr.executive/ executive shall take power block/ traffic block as per requirement and issue permit to work to contractor after providing discharge rod on OHE.
  • Permission for digging/excavation shall be obtained from DFCCIL in prescribed format. In case of any damage of any surface, wall, formation etc. due to excavation of trench, casting of foundation etc., the same shall be repaired & restored to original condition by the contractor.
  • During excavation / digging, utmost care shall be taken to protect underground cable of S&T and the electrical department. Buried earth conductor (BEC) has been laid 60 cm below ground level and due care shall be taken to avoid any damage to BEC.
  • Contractor shall maintain the work in good working order for a maintenance period of 12 Months.
  • The contractor shall ensure that his staff wears identity cards issued by JPM/Sr.Exe./executive/ elect. Or DPM /Elect. The staff deployed by the contractor shall behave with courtesy and shall not have any criminal case pending. Contractor shall ensure police verification before engaging any staff.

Work Locations:

S. No.

Work Location

Number of High Mast



New Karchana Junction Station




New Unchdih Crossing Station




New Mirzapur Crossing Station




New Dagmagpur Crossing Station




New Ahraura Road Crossing Station




New Deen Dayal Upadhyay Junction Station




  • The tenderer must have successfully or substantially completed any of the following during last 07 (seven) years, ending last day of month previous to the one in which tender is invited;
    • Three similar works, each costing not less than the amount equal to30% of advertised value of the tender, or
    • Two similar works, each costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of advertised value of the tender, or
    • One similar work, each costing not less than the amount equal to 60%of advertised value of the tender.
  • The similar nature of work is defined as-“Satisfactory execution of any electrical work related to Services Building/Staff quarters/ office buildings/ Road & colony lighting/ circulating area lighting / Yard Lighting/ washing Pit, Shed & workshop /HT or LT installations.

The Tender document can be downloaded from IREPS website www.ireps.gov.in and DFCCIL’s website www.dfccil.com 

Source: DFCCIL- Tender | Image Credit (representational): DFCCIL

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