DFCCIL invites tender for various works including aerial topographical survey & drone videography for Andal to Sonnagar section

Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited (DFCCIL) has invited open e-tenders, in Single Stage Two Packet System for Aerial topographical survey, preparation of plan, L-Section, crosssection, land plans, drone videography etc. for Andal to Sonnagar section except Koderma Detour, geo referencing of DFCCIL land plans along with supply of DGPS coordinate and preparation of KML files in scattered location in Andal-Sonnagar section and topographical survey and preparation of ESP for DFC yards under GM/Co-Ordination/Kolkata jurisdiction.

  • Tender Reference Number: KKK-EN-AERIAL-SURVEY-PH-I
  • Name of Work: Aerial topographical survey, preparation of plan, L-Section, crosssection, land plans, drone videography etc. for Andal to Sonnagar section except Koderma Detour, geo referencing of DFCCIL land plans along with supply of DGPS coordinate and preparation of KML files in scattered location in Andal-Sonnagar section and topographical survey and preparation of ESP for DFC yards under GM/Co-Ordination/Kolkata jurisdiction.
  • Estimated Cost: INR 1,13,05,333 Crore
  • EMD: INR 2,26,100 Lakh
  • Period of Contract: 03 Months
  • Document Download / Sale Start Date: 02nd May, 2023
  • Document Download / Sale End Date: 24th May, 2023
  • Bid Submission Start Date: 02nd May, 2023
  • Bid Submission End Date: 24th May, 2023
  • Tender Opening Date: 24th May, 2023

Scope of Work:

  • The contractor shall undertake an Aerial Topographical survey with the help of photogrammetric techniques by using Drones as per the detailed specifications and methodology given below and the technical specification mentioned in the relevant chapter.
  • Works include validation of already approved alignment plan, L-section curvatures and other features and finalisation of longitudinal section/plan, index section/plan, preparation of topographical map on a scale of 1:100, identification and fixing of ground control points/GTS benchmarks pillars, preparation of statement of curves/ gradients/stations/tunnels/important/major/minor bridges, ROB’s/RUB’s/level crossings etc. within available Right of Way of DFCCIL/Indian Railway.
  • Drone Videography and geo-referencing of DFCCIL land plan using DGPS based ground control points are also in scope of work.

Geo referencing of DFCCIL land plan and preparation of KML/ KMZ file showing DFCCIL ROW:

  • Geo referencing of DFCCIL land plan shall be done using appropriate software & established Ground control points. Superimposition of DFCCIL proposed alignment shall also be made on the approved land plan.
  • The item includes submission of KML/KMZ file showing DFCCIL ROW and supply of DGPS Coordinates of ROW and centre line, at 50 m interval in straight portion and at 10m interval at curved portion and at all offset points.

Aerial Topographical Survey using DGPS based integrated Drone:

  • Conducting Aerial Topographical Survey using DGPS based integrated Drone to capture essential ground features and assets and delivering the topographical information for 100 m width corridor (50 m each side from the centerline of proposed DFCCIL alignment) within an accuracy of 5cm.
  • Survey work to be conducted in between Sonnagar to Andal section along DFCCIL proposed alignment except Koderma detour section and including connectivity lines with existing Indian Railway yard and DFCCIL junction and crossing stations.

Following activities are involved within the scope of work:

  • Establishment of Ground Control Points at every 2 km paint marked on the permanent structure and 1 hour DGPS observation of the same.
  • Establishment of TBM points at every 500 m on paint marked on permanent structures and RTK survey of the same using the 2 km points as the base.
  • Collection of High Resolution Aerial Imagery of minimum 3 cm GSD using survey grade DGPS integrated Drone i.e. PPK/RTK based Drone having on board dual GNSS system and calibrated camera of 20 MP UAV.
  • Aerial Photo Acquisition shall be done to cover the ROW. Suitable Overlapping- minimum 70% forward and 50% side overlap shall be maintained, ensuring Image Quality- Clear/sharp imagery with good light condition.
  • Images must have XYZ coordinates and rotational information, sensor size, focal length as meta data. This information must also be made available in a text file.
  • Aero triangulation using the professional photogrammetry software which supports Stereo Capability to measure control points with highest precision and rigorous bundle block adjustment for reliable mathematical calculation and final results.
  • This operation includes measuring and transferring all tie, check, and control points appearing on all photographs manually; and performing a least squares block adjustment.
  • 3D Topographical mapping- plan data Capture- All topographical information including natural & manmade features to be captured. All the topographical features including rail, track centre line, platform, signal, electrical mast, FOB, RUB, station building, other buildings, utilities, land use, roads, wall, hydro features shall have to be captured, (Extensive Layer list in CAD) The output shall be delivered in DWG format.

Submission of Longitudinal section & plan, cross sections, index section & plans:

  • Design of best-fit alignment within DFCCIL/IR available ROW using Bentley Power Rail Track or equivalent software and preparation of drawings in Micro station or Auto CAD and submission of the following in compliance to the Design Criteria located within ROW as per Indian Railway Engineering Code, Indian Railway Permanent Way Manual & DFCCIL SOD for approval:
  • Longitudinal Section & Plan drawings showing 2 km in each sheet at a scale of 1cm: 20m longitudinal and 1cm: 2 m laterally /vertical. It should have the Proposed/ Existing details of the permanent features such as stations, level crossings, all types of Bridges, FOBs, ROBs, RUBs, Subways, complete details of curves, overhead crossings, existing / proposed rail levels & formation levels of railway track, existing ground levels, proposed depth of cutting and height of bank, existing/proposed gradients.
  • The Plan shall show the alignment of DFCCIL as well as railway line, curve, curve details, magnetic bearing, details of existing/proposed bridges, platforms at station, DFCCIL/Railway land boundary, level crossings, all permanent/temporary/physical structures within the Railway boundary as required for L-section, locations of tangent points of curve, turnouts, centre line of station and its name, overhead crossing, underground crossings, approach roads, Road network parallel to DFCCIL corridor, configuration of Nallahs/ River/water streams etc.
  • Contractor should submit a detailed earthwork calculation for cutting and filling of DFCCIL proposed alignment.
  • Also It Should also include deliverables of Engineering reports as per Clause 2.1.20 of Chapter-I, Part-II.

High resolution drone videography and delivering the geo-tagged videos along with a player facility:

  • Videography survey to review progress of work/ intrusion (encroachment) into the corridor. Drone videography using UAV/ Drone by capturing High resolution videography and delivering the geo-tagged videos along with a player facility to load and link image/Drawings/other files etc., and linkage to GIS map like Google, Bhuvan etc., with overlay/Sync facility should be available & row, alignment, structure, chainage & other import details can be incorporated in it to actually check the progress of the work. (As per Railway Board letter No.2015/Track-1/24 (1)/18/1 dated: 09.10.2017 & no. 2015/Track/1/24(1)/18/1 Vol-I dated: 19.03.2019). Contractor should submit following deliverables:
    • Raw 4K quality geo-tagged videos.
    • Merged seamless Geo-tagged Video of at least 1920×1080 format (full HD) resolution with all annotations.
    • Low resolution video for on-line viewing in 640 x 480 format (SD).
  • A player facility to load & link image/ Drawings /other files etc. and linkage to GIS Map like Google, Bhuvan etc., with overlay/sync facility should be available & row, alignment, structure, chainage & other import details can be incorporated in it to actually check the progress of the work.

DGPS based Topographical Survey of DFC Station yards by using DGPS and Total Station and preparation of long section and cross section:

  • DGPS based Topographical Survey shall be conducted by using Total Station and preparation of long section and cross section as required and as advised by Engineering in Charge at site.
  • The survey should show all the permanent objects as available. Transferring of TBM and drawing proposed alignment of track on ground and conduction of detailed contour survey of the proposed area shall be done.
  • Preparation and submission of details survey drawing indicating grid line. Contour line as suitable interval as per provision in Engineering code of Indian Railways (Latest Version) and as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
  • Topographical survey data is required to finalise the connectivity at New DFC Yard with IR existing lanes/yard locations as decided by DFCCIL. Contractor should submit all survey details of existing IR yard, existing structures, L-section and cross section of proposed DFCCIL track, connectivity of DFC and IR line and Pandra siding.

Preparation of Yard ESPs for various stations on DFCCIL proposed alignment:

  • Preparation of Yard ESPs for various stations on DFCCIL proposed alignment as per instruction of EIC DFCCIL showing the details of proposed yard arrangements with proposed grades including regrading of existing yard and showing details like CSL lengths of various lines, centre to centre distances of tracks, gradients, curve details, type of turnouts, snag dead ends, derailing switches, platforms, Shelters, cross overs, Railway boundaries of entire yard with chainages and locations of station building, other service buildings, Electrical, OHE & S&T installations, FOB, Subway, RUB, ROBs etc., including details of infringing (condonation) grades & structures and preparing yard plans with the proposed additions & alterations to the existing stations duly suggesting improvements to existing alignment so as to ascertain the removal of infringements of structures & condonating grades in yards duly making phase yard plans as per the requirement of the DFCCIL/Railways with respect to approved master plan in separate plans like Phase-I, Phase-II & Final, duly incorporating complete detailed Modus operandi for execution of work in both Phase plans and Master plan.
  • Any alterations proposed in the approved plan to be incorporated in the master plan in a separate table. The consultant shall submit an advance copy of the ESPs on white paper for approval of DFCCIL/IR.
  • After the approval of DFCCIL/IR, the Consultant shall submit drawings in 3 (three) hard coloured copies on Polyester based tracing paper (100 to 150 Microns) and two soft copies on CD.
  • The scope includes required corrections and modifications as suggested by approving authorities of DFCCIL/Railways till its final approval.
  • Required follow up with various approving authorities including required explanations on various provisions/ facilities in the ESP shall be arranged by a consultant.

Preparation of revised land plans of DFCCIL acquired land:

  • Preparation of revised land plans (three sets in original) incorporating all the corrections over approved land plan for handing over of DFCCIL acquired land to IR, showing DFCCIL proposed alignment, existing IR lines, Toe lines, distance between adjacent IT track and DFCCIL track, Chainage, DGPS coordinates at desired interval on it. Approved land plan will be supplied by DFCCIL.
  • The relevant details such as survey nos. area, name of village/revenue maps also to be mentioned and submitting to revenue authorities with all details duly colouring the proposed land to be acquired etc complete as per the specification and as directed by engineering in charge.
  • Scanning of village/revenue maps/ Land plans shall be accurate. The soft copy so scanned will be the property of the department. No other copy to be kept with the contractor.


Technical Eligibility Criteria:

  • The tenderer must have satisfactorily completed or substantially completed any one of the following categories of work(s) during last 07 (seven) years, ending last day of month previous to the one in which tender is invited:
    • Three similar works each costing not less than the amount equal to 30% of advertised value of the tender, or
    • Two similar works each costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of advertised value of the tender, or
    • One similar work costing not less than the amount equal to 60% of advertised value of the tender
  • Similar work for this tender is defined as, “Final location survey (FLS) Preliminary Engineering cum traffic survey (PECT)/Reconnaissance Engineer-cum-Traffic survey (RECT) for projects like Railways, Highways, Irrigation canals project.”

The Tender document can be downloaded from IREPS website www.ireps.gov.in and DFCCIL’s website www.dfccil.com 

Source: DFCCIL- Tender | Image Credit (representational): DFCCIL

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