DFCCIL invites tender for various works including track maintenance from Vaitarana to Bhestan in connection with Western Dedicated Freight Corridor

Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited (DFCCIL) has invited open e-tenders, in Single Stage Two Packet System for Track maintenance including miscellaneous P. Way & other ancillary works in the jurisdiction of CGM/Mumbai/North i.e. from Vaitarana to Bhestan in connection with Western Dedicated Freight Corridor (For 2 Years).

  • Tender Reference Number: MUM/N/EN/P-WAY/Vaitarna – Sachin Section
  • Name of Work: Track maintenance including miscellaneous P. Way & other ancillary works in the jurisdiction of CGM/Mumbai/North i.e. from Vaitarana to Bhestan in connection with Western Dedicated Freight Corridor (For 2 Years).
  • Estimated Cost of Work: INR 18,93,78,617.10 Crore
  • EMD: INR 30 Lakh
  • Period of Contract: 24 Months
  • Document Download / Sale Start Date: 02nd June, 2023
  • Document Download / Sale End Date: 03rd July, 2023
  • Bid Submission Start Date: 19th June, 2023
  • Bid Submission End Date: 03rd July, 2023
  • Tender Opening Date: 03rd July, 2023

Scope of Work:

  • The tender shall be governed by General Conditions of Contract (GCC), Preamble and General Instructions to Tenderers (ITT) and Special Conditions of Contract (SCC).
  • Wherever, there is a conflict in any condition between GCC and Special Conditions of Contract mentioned in the tender documents, the condition mentioned in Special Conditions of Contract will prevail.
  • However, the Engineer’s decision in this connection shall be final and binding. Part I, Chapter-IV and V of the tender document contains General Conditions of Contract and Special Conditions of Contract specific to this work and shall be applicable in the contract.


  • Works are to be executed in the jurisdiction of Chief General Manager /DFCCIL/Mumbai/North Unit. However, DFCCIL reserves the right to change the site of work anywhere in the adjacent / adjoining area of the work defined in Para 1.3.1 (iii) above in the jurisdiction and the contractor shall be bound to execute the work without any extra cost.

Details About Work:

  • The contractor shall at all times, execute the maintenance work on track under this contract work only in the presence of and under the superintendence of the Engineer’s Representative or a Railway/DFCCIL employee specifically appointed on his behalf.
  • No maintenance work on track under the contract shall therefore be commenced by the contractor without the express permission of the Engineer’s Representative.
  • The contractor shall always execute the work under this contract in strict compliance with the instructions /directives by the Engineer’s representative. Any act of non-compliance with the instructions/ directives issued by the Engineer’s representative shall be considered as a default of the Contractor where after DFCCIL shall be free to take further appropriate action as provided in the contract for dealing with such defaults of the contractors.
  • The decision of the Engineer’s representative where there has been an act of non-compliance with the instructions /directive of the Engineer’s Representative for the purpose of this clause shall be final and conclusive.
  • The instructions /directives by the Engineer’s Representative shall not however absolve the contractor or his representative or reduce his Responsibility in any manner whatsoever in regard to maintaining at all time the safe working conditions at the work site.

Protection of the Work Site:

  • On Railway/DFCCIL track where the train traffic will be operational during the execution of the contract work the protection of the works site as considered appropriate and adequate shall be arranged by the Contractor.
  • Notwithstanding the aforementioned protection at the works site, the contractor shall be responsible for providing an appropriate and adequate system for warning the contractor’s workmen about the train traffic on or in the vicinity of the site of work.
  • The decision of the Engineer’s Representative whether the facilities provided by the contractor in this regard are appropriate and adequate or not shall be final and conclusive.

Non-Compliance with the Instruction/Directive of the Engineer’s Representative:

  • The contractor shall always comply with the instructions/ directive issued by the Engineer’s representative from time to time.
  • In the event of any non compliance with such instructions/directives, apart from and in addition to other remedies available to DFCCIL as specified herein above, the Engineer’s representative may employ at the work site, DFCCIL workmen with necessary equipment as considered appropriate and adequate by him to provide the requisite conditions for the safe and unhampered movement of DFCCIL/Railway traffic.
  • The decision of the Engineer’s Representative in regard to the need, appropriateness and adequacy of the deployment of the Contractor/DFCCIL workmen with necessary equipment shall be final and conclusive.
  • When DFCCIL workmen with necessary equipment are deployed in the above manner, recovery at the following rate shall be made from the contractor’s due under this contract or any other amount of the contractor available with the DFCCIL under this contract or other contract.
  • The recovery for the total DFCCIL workman hours employed at the work site for the above purpose shall be made at the rate of Rs. 200/- (Rs Two hundred only) per workman hour irrespective of the type and grade of the railway employee actually employed.
  • The aggregate period from the time DFCCIL workmen are actually deployed at the work site till the work is completed to the satisfaction of the engineer’s representative whose decision in this regard shall be final and conclusive.


  • The tenderer /JV firm (as per clause no. of Preamble & general instructions to Tenderers) must have satisfactorily completed any of the following during last 7 years, ending last day of month previous to the one in which tender is invited:
    • Three similar works each costing not less than the amount equal to 30% of advertised value of the tender, or
    • Two similar works each costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of advertised value of the tender, or
    • One similar works each costing not less than the amount equal to 60% of advertised value of the tender.
  • Definition of Similar work means “Execution of Track Maintenance works including USFD testing of rails on running tracks”.
  • The Contractor should have completed minimum 400 TKM testing of rails on running tracks in all the works submitted in support of eligibility criteria as above.

About WDFC:

  • The Western Dedicated Freight Corridor covers a distance of 1504 km of double line electric (2 X 25 KV) track from JNPT to Dadri via Vadodara-Ahmedabad-Palanpur-Phulera-Rewari.
  • Alignment has been generally kept parallel to existing lines except provision of detour at Diva, Surat, Ankleshwar, Bharuch, Vadodara, Anand, Ahmedabad, Palanpur, Phulera and Rewari.
  • However, it is entirely on a new alignment from Rewari to Dadri. The Western DFC is proposed to join the Eastern Corridor at Dadri. Junction Stations between the existing railway system and the Western DFC have been provided at Vasai Road, Kosad/Gothangam, Makarpura (Vadodara), Amli Road (Sabarmati), Palanpur, Marwar Jn., Phulera, Rewari and Prithla Road.

The Tender document can be downloaded from IREPS website www.ireps.gov.in and DFCCIL’s website www.dfccil.com 

Source: DFCCIL- Tender | Image Credit (representational): MoR

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