The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) Ltd. has invited open e-bids on Local Competitive Basis (LCB) from eligible applicants, who fulfill qualification criteria as stipulated in section III of bid documents, for the work:
Contract PT- 4: “Design, Manufacturing & Supply of UIC-60 Turnouts & Scissor Crossover for Patna Metro Rail Project of PMRCL.
Key details:
- Contract: PT- 4
- Approximate cost of work: INR 19.82 Crore
- Completion period of the Work: 24 months
- Pre-bid Meeting: 28.01.2021
- Bid submission start date: 10.02.2021
- Bid submission end date: 17.02.2021
- Date & time of opening of Bid online: 18.02.2021
- This is a PMRCL Non JICA funded work. This is a PMRCL funded work. As per the MOU signed between DMRC and PMRCL, this work is being executed by DMRC on deposit work basis wherein there is provision of Closure of Contracts and Taking Over which is reproduced as below, “Accordingly, Bidder shall ensure due closure of this Contract for execution of works with DMRC.
- Bidder shall ensure that all risks, rewards and claims associated with this contract are settled before closure of this contract. Bidder to note above while submitting bid with DMRC.
- However, if this closure is not possible within one year of Revenue Operation Date (ROD) due to arbitration etc, the further management of this contract will be handled by PMRCL”.
Scope of work:
Turnouts, scissors cross-overs & derailing switch (ballasted):
The supplier shall be responsible for submission of detailed design & drawings of turnouts, derailing switches & scissors x-over as per Clauses 1 to 8 of Technical Specifications of Turnouts, Scissors X-overs and Derailing Switches stated above including all fittings, fastenings, fixtures, various blocks, base plates/special base plates, brackets, stretcher bars (other than leading stretcher bar) & their connections, check rails, rail pads, intermediate pads, pads for providing 1 in 20 slope on PSC Sleeper, washers, insulating bushes, bolts & nuts, switches, crossings etc. complete duly interfacing with designated signalling and rolling stock contractors.
- The supplier shall be responsible for developing, designing of Monoblock PSC sleepers for Standard Gauge 1 in 7 turnouts, scissors cross-over and derailing switches as per technical specifications including submission of detailed drawings, inspection & test plan, documents with all details etc as per clause no. 7.0 (7 to 13) of Technical Specification.
- The supplier shall furnish 4 sets of drawings/plans of the assemblies and parts duly interfaced with the designated contractors and also the same in PDF. The supplier shall also furnish the details of standard components, fixtures & parts in a set of Turnout, Scissor Crossover and Derailing Switch. The payments will be made on approval of design & drawings by purchaser.
Scope of supply:
- The supplier shall be responsible for manufacturing & supply of switches (stock rail & tongue rail), CMS crossings with welded leg extensions, check rails, slide chairs, base plates, special base plates, brackets, all fixings & fastenings, fixtures., rail pads, intermediate pads, insulating bushes, washers, pads for providing 1 in 20 Rail Cant, all stretchers bars (except leading stretcher bar) with its fixtures, various blocks, bolts & nuts, any special fitting, etc. complete as per the Technical Specifications and Purchaser‟s approved drawings except the following.
- The supplier shall not be required to supply rails other than those required for welded leg extensions of CMS crossings & Switches.
- The supplier shall not be required to supply ERC MK III Clips, GFN Liners and all plate screws but Pads for providing can’t for the entire Turnout will be supplied by supplier.
- All the fixtures of PSC Sleepers, which are embedded in the PSC Sleepers at the time of PSC sleepers casting such as SGCI Inserts and dowels etc. shall not be supplied by the supplier.
- Except as mentioned as a), b) & c), all fittings, fastenings, pads etc as per approved drawing will be under scope of supply.
- The Supplier shall be responsible for deployment of requisite track expatriate to guide and witness installation of at least 5% of each type of ballasted turnouts, scissors cross over etc. or minimum one number of each type whichever is higher. Information regarding schedule date of installation of turnouts, scissors cross over etc. shall be provided by the Purchaser at least 15 days in advance to the Supplier.
Bid document can only be obtained online after registration of Bidder on the website app.
Source: DMRC-Tender
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