The Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation (GMRC) has invited sealed Bids from the eligible Bidders for Design, manufacture, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of fully automatic train wash plant & blow down plant for Surat Metro Rail Project and blow down plant for Ahmedabad Metro Rail Project, Phase-1.
- Tender Reference No: GMRC/DCD&BD/MP-L5/2023
- Name of Work: Design, manufacture, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of fully automatic train wash plant & blow down plant for Surat Metro Rail Project and blow down plant for Ahmedabad Metro Rail Project, Phase-1.
- Estimated cost of Work: INR 10.33 Crore
- EMD: INR 10,33,000/-
- Completion period of Work: 12 Months
- Document Download Start Date: 20th July, 2023
- Document Download End Date: 04th September, 2023
- Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 02nd August, 2023
- Bid Submission Start Date: 20th July, 2023
- Bid Submission End Date: 04th September, 2023
- Tender Opening Date: 04th September, 2023
- Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation (GMRC) Limited. is the Special Purpose Vehicle of Government of Gujarat and Government of India implementing the Phase-I & Phase-II of the Ahmedabad Metro Rail Project and Surat Metro Rail Project.
- The sanctioned Detailed Project Report (DPR) of Ahmedabad Metro Rail Project Phase-I, envisages two corridors viz. East-West corridor, of approximately 19.44 Km length with 17 stations and North-South corridor of approximately 18.49 Km length with 15 stations, comprising at-grade, elevated and underground sections.
- The mode of traction is 750V dc Third Rail. The track will be of Standard Gauge (1435 mm). On the East-West corridor a maintenance depot along with full workshop facilities is envisaged at Apparel Park.
- On the North-South corridor a maintenance depot along with full workshop facilities is envisaged at Gyaspur. An Integrated Operation Control Centre (OCC) for both the corridors is proposed at Apparel Park Depot and a Back-up Control Centre (BCC) at Gyaspur Depot.
- The complete work is proposed to be brought into operational use in various stages. The sanctioned Detailed Project Report (DPR) of Surat Metro envisages two corridors, Corridor I of approximately 21.61 Km length with 20 stations and corridor II of approximately 18.74 Km length with 18 stations, comprising at-grade, elevated and underground sections.
- The mode of traction is 750V dc Third Rail. The track will be of Standard Gauge (1435 mm). On the Corridor I a maintenance depot along with full workshop facilities is envisaged at Dream City Depot. On the Corridor II a maintenance depot along with full workshop facilities is envisaged at Bhesan Depot.
- An Integrated Operation Control Centre (OCC) for both the corridors is proposed at Dream City Depot and a Back-up Control Centre (BCC) at Bhesan Depot. The complete work is proposed to be brought into operational use in various stages.
Scope of Work:
- The work in this Tender document comprises Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation Testing and Commissioning of;
- Two Numbers of Fully Automatic Train Wash Plant for Surat Metro Rail Project at Dream City and Bhesan Depot &
- Two Numbers Blowdown Plant for Surat Metro Rail Project at Dream City and Bhesan Depot &
- Two Numbers of Blow Down Plant for Ahmedabad Metro Rail Project Phase-I at Apparel Park & Gyaspur Depot.
- And supply of spares and tools and the training of operation and maintenance personnel of the Purchaser.
Source of Funds:
- Ahmedabad Metro Rail Project Phase-I is financed partly through budgetary resources of Government of Gujarat (GoG) and Government of India (GoI) on equal equity basis (50:50) and partly through loans from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
- Surat Metro Rail Project is financed partly through budgetary resources of Government of Gujarat (GoG) and Government of India (GoI) on equal equity basis (50:50) and partly through loans from AFD and KFW.
- This work for Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation Testing and Commissioning of Fully Automatic Train Wash Plant & Blow Down Plant for Surat Metro Rail Project and Blow Down Plant for Ahmedabad Metro Rail Project Phase-I is funded by contribution of Government of Gujarat (GoG) and Government of India (GoI) and not through AFD and KFW loan or JICA loan.
- It will be Local Competitive Bidding. Tender will not require AFD and KFW or JICA concurrence at any time/stage.
- Lead partner must have a minimum of 26% participation in the JV/Consortium. Each other partner should have a minimum of 20% participation in the JV/Consortium. The lead partner in case of JV/Consortium, shall be one who has experience as mentioned in NIT 1.5.4.
- The Tenders for this Contract will be considered only from those Companies, Corporations, Consortiums and Joint Ventures, who meets the Eligibility Criteria based on the information and documents submitted with Appendix FT-3 to Form of Tender (i.e., Eligibility Criteria cum Qualification Requirement (ECcQR) of Volume – 1).
- Financial Evaluation shall be made only for the responsive Tenders. A responsive Tenderer is the one whose offer passes the Eligibility Criteria, Qualifying requirements and Technical requirements.
The complete documents can be downloaded from www.gujaratmetrorail.com/tenders/
Source: GMRC- Tender
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