HMRTC invites E-Tenders from suitable Bidders who may be a sole proprietorship firm, a partnership firm or a company having registered office in India & incorporated under the companies act 1956/2013 or a combination of above in the form of Joint Venture (JV) or Consortium for selection of a Licensee to grant Licensing of bare office spaces utilization at Rapid Metro depot-2 of HMRTC in two separate schedules.
- Tender Reference Number: HMRTC/PB/2022/07
- Name of Work: Licensing of bare office spaces at rapid metro Gurugram depot-2 of HMRTC network in two separate schedules.
- Document Download Start Date: 08th August, 2022
- Document Download End Date: 08th September, 2022
- Bid Submission Start Date: 08th August, 2022
- Bid Submission End Date: 08th September, 2022
- Bid Opening Date: 09th September, 2022
- The bidder may be any entity which is a sole proprietorship firm, a partnership firm or a company having registered office in India & incorporated under the companies act 1956/2013 or a combination of above in the form of Joint Venture (JV) or Consortium.
- Bid by a JV/Consortium of firms: In case of a bid by a JV/Consortium of firms, following shall be abided by the participant/s.
- For the purpose of evaluation of the consortium, each member’s contribution towards the turnover shall be considered in the same ratio of their equity participation in the consortium.
- Illustration: Say if ‘A’ and ‘B’ are two members of JV/Consortium, ‘A’ is having 70% equity holding in JV and ‘B’ is having 30% equity holding in JV. In such a condition, 70% of A’s turnover and 30% of B’s turnover will be taken for the calculation of eligibility of the JV.
- The Lead Member of the JV/Consortium shall maintain a minimum equity stake of 51% of the aggregate shareholding of the JV/Consortium during full tenure of License Agreement.
- Any change in percentage stake of JV/ Consortium members without prior written approval of HMRTC shall be treated as Material Breach of Contract and Successful Bidder/ Licensee’s event of default entitling HMRTC to encash the Interest Free Security Deposit/ Performance Security and or to terminate the License Agreement after 30 (thirty) days notice.
- Minimum percentage stake of any member in JV/ Consortium during license period (including lock-in period) shall not be less than 15%.
- Partners having less than 26% participation shall be considered as non substantial partners and shall not be considered for evaluation which means that their eligibility shall not be considered for evaluation of JV/Consortium.
- All members of such entities shall be jointly and severally liable for the due performance of license agreement.
S.No | Schedule | Location | Approximate Area (in sq.mtr.) | Bid Security/ Earnest Money (in Rs.) |
1 | | | Ground Floor | 256 | 480,632 |
2 | || | First Floor | 2000 | 16,88,735 |
- A bidder shall not have a conflict of interest that affects the bidding process. Any Bidder found to have conflict of interest shall be disqualified. A bidder shall be deemed to have a conflict of interest affecting the bidding process if a constituent of one Bidder is also a constituent of another bidder.
- Bidder shall undertake that they have not been banned from Business, as on date of Tender submission as per following.
- HMRTC/ any other Metro Organisation (100% owned by Govt.)/ Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs/ Order of Ministry of Commerce, applicable for all Ministries must not have banned/ debarred business with the bidder/s (including any member in case of JV/ Consortium) as on the date of tender submission. The tenderer shall submit an undertaking to this effect, as per Annexure-9 of tender document.
- Also no contract of bidder/s / tenderer executed in either individually or in a JV/ Consortium, should have been rescinded/ terminated by HMRTC after award during last 3 (three) years (from the last day of previous month of tender submission) due to non-performance of the bidder/s / tenderer or any of JV/ Consortium members. The bidder/s should submit undertaking to this effect as per Annexure -9 of this Tender Document.
- In case at a subsequent date the successful bidder/licensee is found to have been banned for business as given above, HMRTC shall be at liberty to and have full rights to cancel the allotment of built- up Office Spaces and forfeit the Interest Free Security Deposit after adjusting any dues payable by the successful bidder/ licensee. The bidder/s should submit undertaking to this effect, as per Annexure-9 of this Tender Document.
- The bidders shall enclose with their application an undertaking stating/providing that all the necessary supporting documents, including duly certified audited accounts and financial statements have been provided.
For further details and e-tendering schedule visit website https://etenders.hry.nic.in/nicgep/app
Source: HMRTC -Tender | Image Credit (representational): Gurugram Rapid Metro
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