The InnoRail series was called into being by Hungarian professionals committed to rail transport in 2013, with the objective of thinking together about the present of rail transport, in order to foster its future development.
The 2015 Conference rallied a total of 423 participants from 29 countries. Excellent speakers – 60 from other countries and 41 from Hungary – have offered presentations and contributed to the creation of a level of quality unknown in Hungary before. In summary, we can state that this tradition-creating event achieved its objective and created a veritable forum for an exchange of views between different professional fields of railway infrastructure, for the discussion of practical issues and for presenting novel innovative developments, tools and methods.
Creation of a safe, modern and integrated railway network that can make rail transport more competitive remains one of the highest priorities of the European Union. These objectives are served by the Fourth Railway Package that, as per the legislator’s intention, focuses on getting rid of the last obstacles in the path of the creation of a single European railway area. The legal measures aimed at reforming the railway sector motivate the market of domestic rail passenger transport with an eye to competition and innovation and provide for the implementation of different structural and technical reforms. As a result of the Package, the European railway network may really become safer, more reliable and more interoperable.
We intend to contribute to this work through organizing a European international rail conference.
Official languages of the conference are English, Hungarian and Russian.
The first day of the conference will feature plenary sessions while the other two days will be organized into parallel section meetings in the topics of RAILWAY INFRASTRUCTURE and RAILWAY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. The section on RAILWAY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY will be organized in cooperation with and under the auspices of Rolling-NET Congress. Rolling-NET focuses, first of all, on rolling stock related IT, telecommunications, safety technology and automation systems and developments, with special emphasis on the gaining ground of Internet of Things (IoT) in rail applications.
Another novelty is that, following Rolling-NET’s well-proven practice, we will put a greater emphasis on networking – participants will be offered the opportunity of organizing discussions with each other by way of the homepage of the Conference, already prior to the event. This invention also facilitates the creation of ever more useful business discussions among actors of the European railway scene.
Abstracts are most welcome in all three languages, in the following topics:
- Infrastructure construction and management
- Railway IT, telecommunications and safety technology systems NEW!
- Rolling stock development, production, operation and maintenance
Operators, industrial partners, researchers, designers, all theoretical and practical experts of international and Hungarian railway infrastructure, rail IT and communication and vehicle operation are most welcome at the conference.
InnoRail 2017
Venue: Budapest, Hungary
Date: 12-13 OCT 2017
Registration Link: Click here
Show website: innorail2017.hu
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