IRCON International Limited has invited an online e-Tender for Design, supply, erection, testing & commissioning of HVAC Ventilation System (AHU Type) and Air Conditioning System (VRV/VRF type) for Shatabdi Nagar, Modipuram and Sarai Kale Khan RSS in connection with Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS Corridor of NCRTC (Package 19 – LOT 1 & LOT 2).
- Tender Reference Number: IRCON/ELECT/5037-5038/NCRTC/HVAC SYSTEM/OT/109
- Name of Work: Design, supply, erection, testing & commissioning of HVAC Ventilation System (AHU Type) and Air Conditioning System (VRV/VRF type) for Shatabdi Nagar, Modipuram and Sarai Kale Khan RSS in connection with Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS Corridor of NCRTC (Package 19 – LOT 1 & LOT 2).
- Estimated Cost of Work: INR 1,75,64,014/-
- EMD: INR 2,76,000/-
- Completion Period: 4-6 Months (Refer SCC Clause 12)
- Document Download/Sale Start Date: 13th Sep, 2023
- Document Download/Sale End Date: 27th Sep, 2023
- Bid Submission Start Date: 22nd Sep, 2023
- Bid Submission End Date: 27th Sep, 2023
- Bid Opening Date: 28th Sep, 2023
Scope of Work:
- Manufacture in line with technical specification, GTP, type test, inspection and delivery of the material as per requirement specified and in accordance with the national/international standards.
- All the material and accessories offered shall be in full technical conformity with the brief Particular Specifications enclosed at Annexure-A to SCC.
- Design for adequate Air Conditioning & Ventilation system (AHU type & VRV-VRF type) of GIS hall, AMS room, Cable Cellar room, Battery room, Toilet, Control and Relay Panel Room etc.
- Erection of complete system as per approved design/drawing given by IRCON/NCRTC.
- Testing & Commissioning of complete system.
- Factory Inspection of all Materials before dispatch.
- Training to authorised personnel of NCRTC.
- Liaisoning & coordination with other civil contractors for execution of subject work.
- The contractor will submit the As-built drawing after completion of works.
- The tender drawings are indicative and it may change as per final design drawings after approval from GC-NCRTC.
- All the holes/brick windows for installation of AHU system & VRV system shall be completely sealed from outdoor dust, water & air with proper repairing of walls/cutouts/holes/brick windows. Therefore, the contractor shall work in close coordination with RSS Civil contractors for required cutouts through the wall.
- The detailed design of subject work is to be approved by GC-NCRTC & work shall be carried out accordingly. All safety aspects of the system i.e., Fire Safety, Maintenance Safety, Electrical safety clearances as per norms are to be ensured by the contractor.
- AHU (Air handling Unit Main + Stand-by) type Ventilation system shall be provided in GIS hall. Other types of Ventilation system such as Tube Axial Fan with/without air ducts, or as per approved design shall be provided.
- A reputable fan shall be provided.
- Noise level (dB) of Fans shall be within permissible limit as per standard in switchgear room. Noise level to be tested during Testing & Commissioning.
- Cutouts requirements in Civil structures shall be coordinated with civil agencies.
- All damages to civil structures of buildings shall be rectified by the vendor.
- Site Electricity requirements during ETC work including final testing & commissioning of AHU, VRVVRF & other ventilation systems shall be arranged by the vendor.
- Method statement shall be submitted before start of the work.
- Unloading of materials at site, proper storage, Lifting/shifting to Terrace level/Roof to be done by the vendor itself and no extra cost is payable.
- After completion of work, As-Built Drawings to be provided in both Hard copies + Soft copies duly signed.
- ELCB/MCCB/MCBs required to be installed with Cover (Weatherproof) shall be provided and rates are inclusive in tender. Quantity as per design requirements.
- Power supply requirements from Main ACDB shall be coordinated at site. Suitable requirements of MCCB/MCBs are to be provided in case provisions are not available.
- Anti-rust coating for VRV-VRF Air-conditioner is to be provided & is inclusive in rates of materials.
- Cable Trays with covers, anchor fastener, stands for outdoor units, grouting etc works are in the scope.
- Individual Remote controllers for VRV/VRF AC indoor units with batteries, Centralised Remote Controller etc are to be provided.
- Temperature sensor (industrial)/Timers are to be provided for AHU/Ventilation system for Auto Operation at set value.
- Provisions for SCADA signal (operation/indication) are to be provided. Detailed to be designed at approval stage.
- VRV/VRF Outdoor-Indoor unit power, communication cable to be provided.
- Maintenance activity after ETC work shall be communicated & to be done up to DLP.
- The Contractor shall deploy experienced engineers, supervisors, fitters and skilled technicians/staff for execution of the contract. The list of staff is to be submitted by the contractor before execution of the work. Contractors shall ensure timely completion of the contract.
About Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS Corridor:
- The Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS corridor is approximately 82 km long corridor with 25 stations, which will cover the distance from Sarai Kale Khan in Delhi to Modipuram in Meerut in about 60 minutes (Currently, it takes around 3 hours to commute from Delhi to Meerut).
- Construction of Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) covering a distance of 82.15 kms. (68.03 kms. elevated and 14.12 km. underground) at a total completion cost of Rs. 30,274 crores.
- RRTS is a rail based high-speed transit system with a design speed of 180 kmph and an average speed of 100 kmph.
- The RRTS is a first-of-its-kind, rail-based, high-speed regional transit system to be implemented in India. The project involves integration with other urban transport systems in an efficient and effective manner which is possible only by adopting innovative methods of designing, technology and institutional management.
- Once operational, it will be the fastest, most comfortable and safest mode of commuter transport in NCR.
- Implementation of the RRTS would provide much-needed additional public transport infrastructure to the National Capital Region to address issues of congestion, air-pollution and catalyse balanced and sustainable regional development.
- The contractor should possess the experience of having successfully completed or substantially completed similar works during the last 7-years (ending last day of the month previous to the one in which tenders are invited) which should be anyone of the following:
- Three similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to Rs. 52,69,204/-, or
- Two similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to Rs. 70,25,606/-, or
- One similar completed work costing not less than the amount equal to Rs. 1,05,38,409/-
Similar Nature of works means:
- Work shall be considered similar, if executed work consists of Supply/Installation, Testing & Commissioning of AHU and/or HVAC Ventilation System in any RSS building, stations of RRTS/MRTS system.
- The average annual financial turnover during the last 3-years should be at least Rs. 52,69,204/-
- The financial turnover shall mean Revenue from Operations of standalone Financial Statements of the Bidder.
- Revenue from Operations shall be judged from Audited Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss A/c, relevant Notes to A/cs and Statutory Auditor Report/ relevant abstracts of Annual Reports covering above documents and the same shall be certified by statutory auditor with UDIN where the accounts are audited. In other cases, the same may be certified by a Chartered Accountant with UDIN.
- In case the financials of immediate prior Financial Year have not yet been audited till the time of submission of the tender, the bidder can submit an Affidavit to this effect stating that “the financial results of the immediate prior Financial Year has actually not been audited so far”.
- In such cases, the financials of preceding three audited financial years will be taken into consideration for evaluating the Annual Financial Turnover of the bidder.
- In the absence of such an Affidavit, the benefit of considering three preceding years would not be given and the bid would be evaluated considering turnover for two preceding years only.
The complete documents can be downloaded from https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app
Source: IRCON- Tender | Image Credit (representational): NCRTC
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