Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited (DMRC) has issued a Letter of Acceptance (LoA) to M/s Ayesa India Pvt. Ltd. in JV with Ayesa Ingenieria Y Arquitectura S.A.U for Engagement of Detail Design Consultant (DDC) for various works including underground and elevated stations, TBM tunnels and elevated viaduct for Phase-1C and 1D of Jaipur Metro project.
- Tender Reference Number: JCDD-01
- Name of Work: Engagement of Detail Design Consultant (DDC) for civil, architectural and building services including E&M works for one underground station (Ramganj Chaupar), 2 elevated stations (Transport nagar, Ajmer Chauraha) from Badi Chaupar (excluding) to Transport Nagar dead end and Mansarovar (excluding) to Ajmer Chauraha dead end, TBM tunnels, tunnel by cut and cover, underground ramp, elevated ramp and elevated viaduct of Jaipur Metro Phase-1C and Phase-1D.
- Accepted Contract Amount: INR 3,19,97,000/- (Including GST)
- Completion Period: 48 Months
In July 2023, the DMRC invited a tender for Tender Number: JCDD-01
Jaipur Metro Rail Corporation Limited has started the development of its Phase 1C and 1D which includes a range of 3.412 km and 1.352 Km of lines respectively. This phase has to be realised within the next 4 years.
Under Phase 1 C and Phase 1D, the existing line from Mansarovar to Badi Chaupar will be extended on either end as per details given under Clause 2.1 below. Existing line is approx. 11.566 km long, 8.777 km Elevated and 2.789 km Underground, with 8 Elevated and 3 Underground stations and one depot at Mansarovar.
It is proposed to engage a Detail Design Consultant (DDC) for Civil, Architectural and Building Services Works for the Phase 1C and 1D of Jaipur Metro Project. This document describes the General Scope of Services to be provided by the Detailed Design Consultant (DDC).
The emphasis is to explain the requirement of work, interfaces with other DDCs/Contractors/DMRC for achieving an efficient and safe system to the best International Standards and Practices. DDC shall follow acceptable standards and design procedures akin to best systems wherever not explicitly mentioned.
Scope of Works:
These Services generally include, but are not limited to:
- Review of Tender drawings of Civil works also including Entry Exit structures, Architectural finishing, water supply, Sanitary installations & Drainage works, PEB Structure and Roof Sheeting works) which are already floated, for value engineering process and proposing design alternatives or improvement of elevated, underground and interchange stations for DMRC’s review.
- The Civil Tenders are already floated and thus activities pertaining to DDC work for Civil tenders prior to floating, if mentioned in this document, are excluded from the scope of this work. All other activities post to the award of civil tenders are included in the scope of this work.
- Review of alignment in general and station locations in particular with a view of optimization of neighbourhood connectivity and MMI integration;
- Perform cost effective detailed designs of Architectural, Structure (including track supporting structure), Building Electrical and Mechanical services including Environmental Control (ECS), Tunnel Ventilation System and Building Management System (BMS) for the underground corridor based on approved designs and design criteria for underground and elevated stations including tunnels.
- Manage the design task for cost, schedule and performance compliance;
- Preliminary design for stations, viaduct, underground station and any intermediate ventilation shaft or exit Staircase etc. as per project requirement.
- Proof checking of structural design and scheme of construction suggested by the Contractor for Tunnels, elevated & underground stations, ventilation, other shafts, ramps etc. and sub-structure and viaduct.
- Perform detailed designs for building works, the fitting out of stations with architecture finishes and services including illuminations, lifts, escalators, water supply, drainage, power supply and other passenger amenities;
- Perform detailed designs for multi-modal transfer facilities for road and pedestrian traffic, landscaping, traffic management and road and station interfaces for the surrounding roads and neighbourhood;
- Review and suggest change as necessary in the detailed designs done by Design Build Contracts for viaduct & tunnel works to the plan made by contractor for temporary and permanent diversion works for all utilities affected by the station works/viaducts/tunnels.
- Take into account utilities identified by contractors during execution and design structures accordingly. Provide items in the Construct Contract BOQ for diversion of these utilities. Review of alignment plan duly marked with utilities identified by concerned agencies which will be given to DDC in hard/ soft copies by DMRC.
- Coordinate and integrate designs and details with contractors and consultants employed by DMRC working on contracts pertaining/relevant to the site of works for this contract regarding DDC’s drawings;
- Integration of Building Services with the existing M&E systems at interchange stations including fire compartmentation.
- Prepare and update during construction Combined Services Drawings (CSD), Structural-Electrical-Mechanical Opening Drawings (SEM) and identify embedded items/openings indicating system wide information for the purpose of E & M coordination and civil construction interfaces;
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Analysis, if required by DMRC.
- Prepare BOQs, special specifications, construction cost estimates for the associated construction contract for tendering and modify the cost estimate as necessary before the contract is awarded.
- The BOQs, special specifications, construction cost estimate is to be prepared separately for stations (Excluding the BOQ of all structural elements) and for BOQ of chartered utilities in a number of packages as decided by DMRC so as to facilitate DMRC to call construct only tenders in different contract packages.
- Incorporate and coordinate changes in design due to system wide interfacing with other DDCs/Contractors/DMRC;
- Incorporate changes in design resulting from DMRC’s design reviews;
- Consult and coordinate with various City and Government authorities that interface with the DMRC project. DMRC will assist with the coordination;
- Prepare necessary documentation and obtain necessary planning and other required approvals for the integrated complex consisting of Station designs, Station layouts, track supporting structures including E&M facilities and fire detection/ suppression system, conceptual layouts and drawings for property development, if any, from the relevant approving authority;
- Plan, design, detail, control, co-ordinate, and execute the design phase of the Works for production of drawings, documents and reports to meet the key schedule dates included in the Agreement and as directed by DMRC;
- Maintain a Quality Control activity and an effective internal procedure for checking the accuracy of Work and assuring compliance with contract requirements;
- Attend meetings connected with the Work whenever required; and
- Make available their services as and when required during the construction contract: to modify existing designs or drawings as necessary to incorporate site conditions and unforeseen conditions; to assist DMRC’s site supervision staff in clarification of queries resulting from the design; to review and confirm Contractor prepared “As-Built” drawings.
- DDC is required to establish and maintain a coordination centre at Jaipur, throughout the contract duration. One architect and one design engineer is to be posted at this office for direct exchange of information under this design consultancy contract.
- Space for this coordination centre will be provided by DMRC within the Engineer’s Office. DDC’s representatives stationed at the coordination centre will be responsible for seamless coordination and exchange of information between DMRC, JMRC, various contractors and other agencies involved in the project.
- DMRC shall be the Employer for this contract. Bidding/tendering for Construction contracts shall be done by JMRC and JMRC shall be the Employer in contracts so awarded. Bid documents and cost estimates for construction contracts shall be prepared by DDC under this contract for DMRC for further submission to JMRC in the capacity of General Consultants to JMRC.
Elevated packages – Civil Works:
The Detail Design Consultant will prepare the Preliminary design for elevated stations and viaduct superstructure. The Cost of these shall be deemed to be included in the lump sum price. For the viaducts, the detailed design of the substructures and superstructure spans would be done by the Civil Contractors based on the preliminary designs prepared by Detail Design Consultant.
Following the award of the construction contracts, the detailed design of elevated stations and viaduct superstructure will be performed by the Civil Contractor. The Detail Design Consultant will have to perform the Proof Checking of structural design of elevated station and viaduct substructures and superstructure done by civil contractors.
Post award of civil contracts The Detail Design Consultant will have to perform: Proof checking of Stations and viaduct Spans Detailed design of Architecture for stations; For detailed Scope of work, section 3.9 of this volume shall be referred.
Underground packages– Civil Works:
The Detail Design Consultant will prepare the Preliminary design for an underground station and any intermediate ventilation shaft or exit staircase etc. as per the project requirement. The cost of these shall be deemed to be included in the lump sum price.
Preliminary design of the stations shall finalise the station sizing and its space dimensions to meet the functional requirement of the station passages area and technical requirement of technical rooms civil contractor therefore need only to perform detailed civil structural design of stations only and shall not change the station space sizes and dimension.
The civil contractor shall also have to perform detail design & drawing for tunnel and cross passage etc. Post award of civil contracts. The Detail Design Consultant will have to perform: Proof checking of Station’s, Tunnel including cross-passages, entry/exit structure, shaft and other underground structures, construction methodology for temporary and permanent structures; Detailed design of Architecture for stations; For detailed scope of work, section 3.9 of this volume shall be referred.
Elevated and Underground packages – Building Services:
The DDC shall prepare the preliminary/definitive design for the U/G and Elevated Stations. Based on the design, tender documents for U/G and Elevated stations will be prepared and the tenders will be floated accordingly. The design shall finalise the major equipment capacities and the quantities of the miscellaneous items.
Post award of civil contracts, the detail design consultant will however to perform: Detailed design of ECS, TVS, BMS, TVS SCADA and E&M for all stations as well as incorporate requirements of Signalling, Telecom, AFC, Traction, Rolling Stock, Track, Lift, Escalator, PSG and all other system wide contractors in design and drawings.
Duties and Responsibilities of the DDC:
- The DDC shall initiate, and actively pursue and involve itself in all investigations and enquiries, consultations, studies, collection and compliance with pertinent information and data, convening of and attendance at meetings, and in any other activities as are or may be necessary for producing the detailed design, drawings and documents to the specified requirements.
- The DDC shall carry out the Services in accordance with its own methods, in compliance with the provisions of the Agreement. Any and all changes necessary to ensure that the DDC’s design, drawings and documents conform to the intent and purpose set out in the Agreement, shall be made at the DDC’s own expense.
- The DDC represents that it is a professional and experienced consultant providing full consultancy services, and hereby agrees to bear full responsibility for the correctness and technical merit of the services performed.
- The DDC shall obtain the necessary design and regulatory approvals from the appropriate authorities for the stations, station areas, and any associated joint developments. DMRC will provide coordination for this process.
Source: DMRC- Tender Update | Image Credit (representational): Unsplash
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