Rail Infrastructure Development Company (Karnataka) Limited (K-RIDE) has invited Bids from eligible Bidders, for the construction of works detailed in the below under Single stage: Two Cover System (Technical Bid and Financial Bid) on EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) Mode.
- Tender No.: K-Ride/Bsrp/10/2021
- Name of Work: Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct of Length 8.027km (Ch: -0.675 Km To -0.050 Km & Ch: 11.137 Km to 18.350 Km) Including Ramps and Formation in Embankments/Cuttings Including Blanketing, Major Bridges, Minorbridges,RUB, ROB, ROR, Retaining Wall, Sacrificial Retaining Wall and Drains, Utility Diversions of At-Grade Section of Length 17.551 Km (Ch: -0.964 Km To Ch:-0.675 Km, Ch:-0.050 Km to Ch: 11.137 Km & Ch: 18.350 Km to 24.425 Km) And Other Related Infrastructural Works from Benniganahalli to Chikkabanavara, Excluding Station Buildings, of Corridor-2 of Bengaluru Suburban Railway Project (BSRP).
- Period of Completion: 27 Months
- Tender Document Downloaded From: 24/11/2021
- Date of Opening of Technical Bid: 10/01/2022
Scope of Work:
- Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct of length 8.027km (CH: -0.675 Km to -0.050 Km & CH: 11.137 km to 18.350 Km) including ramps and other related Infrastructural Works from Benniganahalli to Chikkabanavara, excluding station buildings, of Corridor–2.
- Design and Construction of Formation in Embankments /Cuttings including Blanketing, Major Bridges, Minor Bridges, RUB, ROB, ROR, Retaining Wall, Sacrificial Retaining Wall and Drains, Utility Diversions of At-Grade section of length 17.551 Km (CH: -0.964 Km to -0.675 Km, CH: -0.050 Km to CH: 11.137 Km & CH: 18.350 Km to 24.425 Km) and other related Infrastructural Works from Benniganahalli to Chikkabanavara, excluding station buildings, of Corridor –2.
- The elimination of level crossings works between Ch: 5.700 Km and 10.575 Km has involved raising of embankment, construction of minor bridges for full length, RUBs of full length for accommodating both BSRP and IR tracks and retaining walls, sacrificial walls and the work will have to be carried out in stages for continuing the IR traffic by diverting through the newly constructed formation.
- Minor bridges (53no’s). The details are in schedule of Employer’s requirement.
- Major bridges (1 no). The details are in schedule of Employer’s requirement. Major bridge with open web girder for two BSRP tracks and two IR tracks with pile and pile cap arrangements. The open web girder are four numbers for four tracks of this major bridge.
- RUB’s (12 nos) in at-grade section, one number RUB in Nagavara station and one number RUB in Kanaka nagar station. The details are in the schedule of the Employer’s requirement. One precast RCC box for accommodating one BSRP track at Ch: 20.590 Km below existing ROB (407 A) along with supporting the existing water pipe line including retaining wall.
- Two ROB’s (1X60m span cable stay/Suspension bridge, 1X30m span cable stay/Suspension bridge)
- Benniganahalli viaduct structure to support both corridor-2 and corridor-4 lines from CH:-0.675 Km to CH:-0.190Km. (Foundation, substructure, Portals, U-Girders/I-Girders up to formation are included).
- Earthwork, retaining wall, Drains for Corridor-4 along with corridor-2lines from CH: -0.964 Km to CH: -0.675 Km are included.
- Benniganahallli bridge special span for viaduct over Railway lines is 1X50m open web girder for double track with portal arrangements are included.
- The portal arrangements for crossing over the Railway track between Hebbal and Lottegollahalli station are included for traversing from RHS to LHS.
- The portal arrangement between Ch: 16.225 Km to 16.275 Km are included as per GAD
- The single line tracks structures in the approaches of Yeshwantpur station are included.
- Yeshwantpur station: The portal structure for Yeshwantpur station for supporting corridor-2 and corridor-1 tracks are included. The three-legged portal with beams at L1 and L2 level, track beds at L1 and L2 level along with foundation are included.
- Hebbal station and Lottegollahalli station: The foundation,pier,pier arm at concourse level, pier arm at track level, track bed slab and track bed supporting structures are included.
- The single-track structures for corridor-2 and Portal structure for Corridor-2 and corridor-1 up to ramp are included at Yeshvanthpur. The super structure is for corridor-2 only.
- The special spans of 44m over Lottegollahalli ROB for track supporting structure (double track) are included.
- The special spans in Yeshwantpur Yard for single track are shown in tender drawings and tentative. The approximate spans are 50m,42m, 35m, 50m, 40m, 44m, for single tracks composite girders. The Open web girders for 65m span and 67m span for single track are also included. The span length may vary during detail designing and the tender drawings are tentative.
- The portal legs are with 6 pile group / 8 pile group as per the span of the portal beam and the tender drawings are indicative.
- The RCC drains of 4.580Km (Approx.) is required in viaduct portion and 39.977Km is required in At-grade section
- One line of 17.551Km onBSRP toe side, one line of 17.551Km betweenIR and BSRP track and one line of 4.875Km on IR toe side where elimination of LC’s is involved. The minor variations in lengths may take place during construction.
- The retaining walls: The retaining walls of 12.450Km are required to be constructed and the approximate height is varying from 1m to 9m. for supporting the embankment/cutting slope and the details are in Tender drawing. The retaining wall of length approximately 7.2km has no surcharge (Slope) and the remaining retaining wall length of 5.25 Km has surcharge (slope).
- Road work: The road work is required for diversion of traffic during construction at viaduct location, earthwork/retaining wall locations, major and minor bridge locations, RUB locations and ROB locations. After completion of ROB and RUB structures, the permanent roads are required to be constructed on ramps and approaches of ROB/RUB and also on ROB/RUB structures. The approximate quantity is about 80,000Sqm road area for each layer (GSB, WMM, DBM and BC layers) and this may vary during execution
Tender Documents can be downloaded free of cost from e-procurement portal i.e. https://eproc.karnataka.gov.in.
Source: K-RIDE-Tender | Image Credit (representational): K-RIDE
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