Kolkata Metro to start commercial services on Kavi Subhash-Hemanta Mukhopadhyay stretch very soon as the fare structure has been finalised

Kolkata Metro is gearing up to launch commercial services on the Kavi Subhash-Hemanta Mukhopadhyay stretch, marking a significant milestone as the fare structure has been finalised. In line with this, an integrated ticketing system is to be introduced between Blue Line and Orange Line.

More Details:

The Commercial services o­n Kavi Subhash-Hemanta Mukhopadhyay stretch of Kavi Subhas-Jai Hind (Airport) Metro Corridor (Orange Line) is going to start very soon. The Railway Board has approved the fare structure o­n this route. Minimum fare for travelling o­n this route will be ₹. 5/- and the maximum fare will be ₹. 20/-.

The fare chart o­n this line is given below:

  Kavi Subhash Satyajit Ray Jyotirindra Nandi Kavi Sukanta Hemanta Mukhopadhyay
Kavi Subhash 0 ₹ 5/-  10/-  10/-  20/-
Satyajit Ray ₹ 5/- 0 ₹ 5/- ₹ 10/- ₹ 10/-
Jyotirindra Nandi ₹ 10/- ₹ 5/- 0 ₹ 5/- ₹ 10/-
Kavi Sukanta ₹ 10/- ₹ 10/- ₹ 5/- 0 ₹ 5/-
Hemanta Mukhopadhyay ₹ 20/- ₹ 10/- ₹ 10/- ₹ 5/- 0
  • Breaking new ground, an Integrated Ticketing System is poised to debut between the Blue Line and Orange Line of Kolkata Metro, once the stretch from Kavi Subhash to Hemanta station is commissioned.

  • As a result, any passenger will be able to travel seamlessly from Dakshineswar or any other station of Blue line to Hemanta Mukhopadhyay or any other station of Orange Line and vice versa with the help of a single token or Smart Card.

This innovative ticketing approach aims to redefine convenience, offering passengers a hassle-free and efficient mode of travel.

The fares from different stations of North – South Metro (Blue Line) to Hemanta Mukhopadhyay (Orange Line) and vice versa are given below:

Originating station Terminating station Fare (₹)
Dakshineswar or any station upto Sovabazar- Sutanuti Hemanta Mukhopadhyay 45/-
Girish Park or any station up to Rabindra Sarovar -DO- 40/-
Mahanayak Uttam Kumar or any station upto Masterda Surya Sen -DO- 35/-
Gitanjali or Kavi Nazrul -DO-  30/-
Sahid Khudiram -DO- 25/- 

Source: Kolkata Metro- Press Release | Images Credit (representational): Kolkata Metro

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