Kolkata Metro update: RFP invited for Project Management Consultancy services for Newgaria-Bimanbandar Metro corridor

After inviting RFP for Project Management Consultancy for setting up of Metro Car Depot at Kavi Subhash, the Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (RVNL) has now invited proposals under single stage Two packet system to provide Project Management Consultancy Services for the following works : –

Package-1 (ANVS): Construction of viaduct, Ramp & Under ground RCC Box (Cut & Cover, Box Pushing) including related works for 3.520 km length from CH. 25891.527 to CH. 29410.989 between existing Pier CP-760 (Near City Centre-II) to merging point with Metro Railway at Biman Bandar station yard including two stations (Rabindra Tirtha & VIP Road) with all allied works (Architectural, Electrical, Mechanical, Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Fire Detection, Fire Suppression system & Public Health Engineering works) in Newgaria-Bimanbandar Metro corridor of Kolkata Metro Railway Line, West Bengal.

Package-2 (ANS-3/1): ” Construction of 7 stations from SUB-CBD1 to titumir including all related works ( Architectural, Electrical & Mechnical (E&M), Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC), Fire Detection & Fire Duppression system & Public Health Engineering (PHE) works) in Newgaria-Bimanbandar Metro corridor of Kolkata Metro Railway Line, West Bengal.

Period of Completion:

  • For Package-1 (ANVS): 36 Months plus 6 months Defect Liability Period for the work.
  • For Package-2 (ANS-3/1): 27 months plus 6 months Defect Liability Period for the work.

Key Details: 

  • Tender Reference Number: RVNL/KOL/METRO/New Garia-Airport/PMC/1
  • Pre Bid Meeting Date: 04-Aug-2020
  • Pre Bid Meeting Address: Through Video Conference 
  • Bid Opening Date: 31-Aug-2020
  • Tender Security: INR 50.00 Lakh

Scope of work for Package-1:

The scope of works shall, inter-alia, include the following but not be limited to:

  • Construction of General and Structural works is payable through Schedule-A1. The architectural finishing items and the plumbing works of station building shall be paid through Schedule-A3 & A4 respectively. Construction of Underground RCC Box (Cut & Cover method) including construction of Ramp and RCC Box pushing work shall be paid through Schedule-A6.
  • The reinforcement steel will be paid through Schedule-A5 and structural steel items, Prestressing steel & HTS bars will be paid through Schedule-A2. Supply of Cement for the relevant Items will be paid through Schedule A7.
  •  All site facilities to the Employer and the Engineer to be paid in schedule-B.
  • Detailed survey of the alignment corridor, minimum 50 m on either side from centre line of alignment to validate the survey report and feasibility of pier/column/Ramp/UG RCC Box locations provided at the tendering stage or later. GPS Survey, Closed Traverse survey of 1 in 50000 accuracy connected with GPS points. Traverse computation and error adjustment will be in commercial software Least Square method. The same commercial software shall be supplied to RVNL. Detailed Topographical survey, Levelling, 1√K accuracy connected with Survey of India GTS benchmark considering the sensitivity of the work and fixing of permanent and temporary bench marks in order to have accurate planning and execution of the Metro works. Fixing and maintaining permanent and temporary pillars along the alignment as per instruction of Engineer in charge. Drawings will be prepared in AUTOCAD and submitted in soft and hard copies. Traverse and levelling stations will be revalidated once in Three months. Method statement to be submitted and got approved before work. Three permanent Traverse pillars (600mm x 600mm x 1000mm) shall be established forming a triangle having 100 m minimum distance with inter-visible, Photograph with x, y, z values after completion of construction for future work as instructed by Engineer in charge. The payment of the same shall be made under Schedule “C1”.
  • Geotechnical Investigations and interpretation of the physical properties, strength, and elastic parameters of the ground required for the design of the structures for the Viaducts, Stations, Ramp Down, UG RCC Box, Embankments and for road diversions works etc. or as directed by the Engineer in Charge. The Geotechnical Investigation Report (GIR) shall be prepared and spatial variation of the parameters shall be addressed and recommendations shall be made zone wise to be adopted for the design of the foundations. The payment of the same shall be made under schedule “C1” and cost of preparation GIR is deemed to be included for the rates quoted against the Schedule-C1.
  • All works sites shall be barricaded and barricades shall be maintained till completion of the activities. The tree cutting shall be carried out only with the permission of Forest department, and cut trees to be deposited at the forest department in consultation with them. The payment of the same shall be made under Schedule-C2.
  • All utility works, Traffic Management and Road works along the alignment shall be either diverted or supported and shall be restored back with the permission of the utility owning agency and to the requirement of the owner. The payment of the same shall be made under schedule-C3 to C6.
  • Electrical & Mechanical (E&M), Heating ventilation and Air conditioning (HVAC), Fire Detection, fire suppression system shall be paid under relevant item of Schedule-D1, D2 & E respectively.

Scope of work for Package-2:

The scope of works shall, inter-alia, include the following but not be limited to:

  • Detailed survey of the alignment corridor minimum 75 m either side from center line of alignment to validate the survey report and feasibility of pier/column locations provided at the tendering stage. Closed Traverse survey of 1 in 50000 accuracy connected with traverse pillars both sides of station established by the Viaduct construction contractor, Traverse computation and error adjustment will be in commercial software Least Square method compatible to the instrument used for traversing. The same commercial software shall be supplied to RVNL. Detailed Topographical survey, Levelling √K 1accuracyconnectedwith bench mark established by the viaduct construction contractor considering the sensitivity of the work and fixing of permanent and temporary bench marks in order to have accurate planning and execution of the stations works taking into account all compatible data for the viaduct & stations already under construction. As Built, Fixing and maintaining permanent and temporary pillars along the alignment as per instruction of site in charge. Drawings will be prepared in AUTOCAD and submitted in soft and hard copies. Traverse and leveling stations will be revalidated once in six months. Method statement to be submitted and get approved before work. Three permanent Traverse pillars (600mm x 600mm x 1000mm) shall be established triangle formed 100 m minimum distance with intervisible, photograph with x,y,z values after completion of construction for future work as instructed by Site in charge. The payment of the same shall be made under Schedule A.
  • All Site facilities to the employer to be paid in schedule B.
  • Balance work of Construction of the 7 Stations including track supporting structures, architectural, finishes Electrical& Mechanical(.E&M),Heating ventilation and Air conditioning(HVAC).Fire Detection, fire suppression system, public health engineering(PHE) and development of station approaches and other related works at street level. The payment of the same shall be made under relevant item of schedule A, D &E. 
  • All the utilities and roadwork along the alignment shall be either diverted or supported and shall be restored back with the permission of the utility owning agency and to the requirement of the owner. The Charted Utilities are indicated on the alignment drawings. The payment of the same shall be made under schedule G.
  • All works sites shall be barricaded and barricades shall be maintained till completion of the activities.

Name and Address of the Employer where the Correspondence concerning this Request for Proposal is to be sent:

Chief Project Manager/KOL-II, Rail Vikas Nigam Limited, 24, Deshpran Shasmal Road (Beside Tollygunge Railway Station) Kolkata-700 033, Tel (033) 2424-7338, Fax (033) 2424-7332, E-mail: tenderkol2@gmail.com .

RFP document can be downloaded free of cost from RVNL website www.rvnl.org and RVNL e-tendering portal i.e. https://rvnl.euniwizarde.com and the Proposals have to be submitted on the downloaded document.

Source: RVNL-Tender | Image Credit (representational): Kolkata Metro

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