Kolkata Metro Update: RFP invited for providing PMC services for Joka-Esplanade metro project

After inviting bids for construction of viaduct & 2 stations (Majerhat and Mominpur), the Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (RVNL) has now invited proposals under single stage Two packet system, to provide Project Management Consultancy Services for the following works : –

  • Site development of Metro Car Depot at Joka
  • Setting up of Metro Car Depot at Joka
  • Construction of Metro viaduct & stations from Majerhat to Mominpur in connection with Joka-Esplanade Metro Railway Project in Kolkata, West Bengal.

Key Details:

  • Proposal Security: INR 36.00 Lakh
  • Deadline for Submission of Proposals: 11:00 hours on 10.08.2020
  • Opening of Technical Proposals: 11.30 hours on 10.08.02020
  • Expected date for commencement of consulting services: September 2020
  • Pre-Bid Meeting: A pre-bid meeting will be held on 07/07/2020 at 11:30 Hrs in the Corporate Office of Rail Vikas Nigam Limited, at 1st floor, August Kranti Bhavan, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi- 110 066 or through video conference to clarify any issues and answer any queries on any matter relating to the services to clarify any issues and answer any queries on any matter relating to the services.
  • Period of Completion: 30 Months
    • For Metro Car Depot works: 24 months plus 6 months Defect Liability Period for the work.
    • For Viaduct & Station work: 21 months plus 6 months Defect Liability Period for the work.

Scope of Work:

The work has been divided into three contract as under:-

1. Filling and Development of site, construction of boundary wall, RCC overhead tank, box culvert, approach road and other miscellaneous works in connection with rake maintenance depot at Joka.

The scope of works shall, inter-alia, include the following but not be limited to:

  • Detailed survey of the Depot to validate the survey report and feasibility of Depot building and ancillary structures locations provided at the tendering stage or later with GPS survey. Traverse computation and error adjustment will be in software Least Square method, Detailed Topographical survey, Levelling 1√K accuracy connected with Survey of India GTS bench mark considering the sensitivity of the work and fixing of permanent and temporary bench marks in order to accurately planning and execution of the Depot structure works taking into all compatible data for the Depot As Built. Fixing and maintaining permanent and temporary pillars along the alignment as per instruction of site in charge. Drawings will be prepared in AUTOCAD and submitted in soft and hard copies. Traverse and levelling stations will be revalidated once in three months. Method statement to be submitted and get approved before work.
  • Construction of the Depot including Roads, Boundary wall, Overhead water tank, RCC Box culvert, Public Health Engineering (PHE) and development of Depot area with filling materials & other related works.
  • The tree cutting shall be carried out only with the permission of Forest department, and cut trees to be deposited as directed by employer.

2. Construction of PEB sheds, structures, buildings, P-way and utilities, general electrical works and supply, installation and commissioning of machinery and plant for setting up of Metro Car Depot at Joka in connection with Joka- BBD Bag Metro Project in Kolkata, West Bengal

  • The factory will be setup in about 25 Hectare land. The scope covers construction of PEB sheds, structures, buildings etc as per layout drawing provided / referred in the Bid Document. In addition, the scope covers construction of roads, associated drainage, water supply, laying of railway track, general electric supply works etc. The scope covers provision of rail connectivity from Viaduct line to the workshop. The scope covers supply, installation and commissioning of various machinery and plants.

3. Construction of Metro Railway from P276 to P314 including Mominpore station and Majerhat station (excluding PD Building and OCC Building side) in connection with Joka-Esplanade Metro railway Project in Kolkata, West Bengal.

The scope of works shall, inter-alia, include the following but not be limited to:

  • Construction of viaduct between pier No 276 to 314, ramp of about 225 length at Joka depot end and station building at Majerhat & Mominpur. The station viaduct of Majerhat station is 180m length out of which 75 m is across the existing Majerhat yard over HT line. For viaduct portion, different span are mainly precast pre-stressed concrete I-girders connected with concrete deck except for special span with steel I-girder connected with concrete deck. However, there may be some change during detailed design
  • Detailed survey of the alignment corridor minimum 75 m either side from center line of alignment to validate the survey report and feasibility of pier/column locations provided at the tendering stage. Closed Traverse survey of 1 in 50000 accuracy connected with traverse pillars both sides of station established by the Viaduct construction contractor, Traverse computation and error adjustment will be in commercial software Least Square method compatible to the instrument used for traversing. The same commercial software shall be supplied to RVNL. Detailed Topographical survey, Levelling √K 1accuracyconnected with bench mark established by the viaduct construction contractor considering the sensitivity of the work and fixing of permanent and temporary bench marks in order to have accurate planning and execution of the stations works taking into account all compatible data for the viaduct & stations already under construction. As Built. Fixing and maintaining permanent and temporary pillars along the alignment as per instruction of site in charge. Drawings will be prepared in AUTOCAD and submitted in soft and hard copies. Traverse and leveling stations will be revalidated once in six months. Method statement to be submitted and get approved before work. Three permanent Traverse pillars (600mm x 600mm x 1000mm) shall be established triangle formed 100 m minimum distance with intervisible, photograph with x, y, z values after completion of construction for future work as instructed by Site in charge.
  • All the utilities and roadwork along the alignment shall be either diverted or supported and shall be restored back with the permission of the utility owning agency and to the requirement of the owner.
  • All works sites shall be barricaded and barricades shall be maintained till completion of the activities.

RFP document can be downloaded free of cost from RVNL website www.rvnl.org and RVNL e-tendering portal i.e. https://rvnl.euniwizarde.com and the Proposals have to be submitted on the downloaded document.

Source: RVNL-Tender

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