MMRC invites bids for preparation of detailed project report for southern extension of Mumbai metro line-3 from Cuffe Parade to Navy Nagar

Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation (MMRC) has invited Bids (through e-tendering process)  from eligible Bidder(s) for Preparation of detailed project report (DPR), environment impact assessment (EIA) & social impact assessment (SIA) report for southern extension of Mumbai metro line-3 from Cuffe Parade to Navy Nagar.

  • Tender Reference Number: MMRC/Planning/PLN/38/RFP/01/2022
  • Name of Work: Preparation of detailed project report (DPR), environment impact assessment (EIA) & social impact assessment (SIA) report for southern extension of Mumbai metro line-3 from Cuffe Parade to Navy Nagar.
  • Completion Period: 08 Months
  • Document Download / Sale Start Date: 02nd August, 2022
  • Document Download / Sale End Date: 01st September, 2022
  • Pre-Bid Meeting: 10th August, 2022
  • Bid Submission Start Date: 02nd August, 2022
  • Bid Submission End Date: 01st September, 2022
  • Bid Opening Date: 01st September, 2022

Scope of Services:

Collection of Primary & Secondary Data:

  • To collect and evaluate existing baseline data, reports, plans, studies, and other relevant information available with MMRC and in the public domain related to the extension works.
  • This will assemble and catalogue existing reports and documents comprising previous studies, on-going projects and other documents containing information covering the study area relevant for the project.

Collection of Relevant Documents and Maps:

  • All relevant documents prepared for areas adjacent to Navy Nagar that relate to existing land use and transport characteristics, as well as future growth strategy plans to be reviewed.
  • The uses would include key drivers of transit:
    • Employment centers (commercial office hubs/retail centers/high-tech industrial);
    • High density residential areas;
    • Universities and colleges;
    • Health campuses;
    • Civic, sporting, entertainment and tourist hubs and locations;
    • Existing major transport hubs including bus stations, etc.
  • These uses are to be mapped and relevant Census 2011 information on population and employment to be obtained to assist with the assessment of current and future characteristics. The strategic plans for the growth and expansion, including the development of new areas to be reviewed in terms of their ability to influence the demand for the future metro route.
  • Based on this initial review, key data gaps to be identified with recommendations on additional data necessary for the project.

Review of Other Studies:

  • Planning of a high-capacity Mass Transit system needs access to information related to:
    • The essential characteristics of existing travel demand, i.e., travel patterns within the immediate project influence the area and its interaction with the area outside.
    • The supply, i.e., operational characteristics, costs, performance, regulation, and utilization of the existing transport services.
    • Population and socio-economic characteristics (employment by zone, residential workers, vehicle ownership, etc.).
    • Current and likely land use patterns.
    • Planned transport investments, policy changes and other government actions, their implementation status and expected investment or implementation costs.
    • Funding sources and expected amounts available for transport improvements.
  • Review of all available studies related to the proposed study area including Comprehensive Mobility Plan for Greater Mumbai, Comprehensive Transport Study for MMR, connectivity proposed to Shiv Smarak, proposed Backbay reclamation for City Park, proposed Ro-Ro services, Coastal Road project, etc. to be examined to understand the issues and possible solutions for transportation.

Topographic Survey:

  • To carry out the required physical and topographical survey for finalized alignment. Topographic survey to map all key features including buildings and properties along the selected alignment.
  • Details like roads, streams, culverts, pipeline, electric cables, etc. to be captured in this survey. The results of the topographic survey are to be presented in a digital format so that they can be used by GIS and CAD systems such as AutoCAD or MX-Rail.
  • The survey maps to be prepared for laying out the alignment for the system. Details regarding the identification of utilities to fill in the data gaps in the survey information to be collected from respective departments.
  • The survey plans to be prepared at appropriate scale and the alignment to be marked. The same to be used for assessing land reservation requirements for project implementation.

Geo-technical Investigations:

  • The objective of geotechnical investigation is to have sufficient data on the sub-soil, covering sufficient depth below ground level so that data is readily available for the detailed design of the structures/facilities and also to adopt proper and safe methodology for construction and to ensure least possible damage to existing structures and dislocation of existing services. Bore holes to be carried out for the finalized alignment including station and stabling facilities.
    • To supervise the field investigations and laboratory tests to be carried out by the agency.
    • To prepare the specifications for conducting sub soil investigations for the alignment & station.
    • To specify the extent of boring/drilling required; size of the boring; frequency of sampling/ core recovery and the tests to be conducted on the samples.
    • To prepare the reporting guidelines for the compilation of the test results.

Station Design:

  • Architecture of the station is important as it has a significant effect in encouraging ridership. Design of the station should be such that it provides adequate space for the safe movement of passengers from street level to the trains, in the most direct and logical way. Designs and layouts need to be designed keeping in mind the following guiding principles:
    • Circulation, user defined and clear;
    • Safety, intrinsic and emergency;
    • Security, actual and perceived;
    • Comfort, amenities and environment;
    • Material, robust and low maintenance;
    • Adaptability, variation to station type;
    • Concession, to maximize station revenue;
    • Compatibility with other MML-3 stations;
    • Multi Modal Integration;
    • Facilities for the Persons with Disabilities.

Construction Methodology:

  • To recommend appropriate methodology for tunnel & station construction as NATM or Cut-andCover box using the bottom-up or top-down cast in situ concrete structure method.
  • Preparation of alternative options for stabling & maintenance facilities in consultation with MMRC. To locate stabling facilities at suitable location and prepare preliminary engineering design and layout with required maintenance facilities as per recommended schedules of rolling stock maintenance, ensuring reasonable cost estimates including outline of construction methodology.
  • Facilities for maintenance of Track, OHE Signalling & Communication, AFC, Station Services, Ventilation and Air conditioning, Lighting, Firefighting, Evacuation system, Operation Control Centre, etc. to be provided.
  • It is essential to revisit the earlier layout of MML-3 Depot (planned earlier in 25 ha land) to cater upto 42 trains required till the year 2031. However, stabling lines to be optimized for 55 trains required till the year 2053 for existing MML-3 operations in addition to the requirements for extension works.
  • Systems works and technology selection that are finalized for MML-3 to be adopted for extension works. To this extent, amendments to be made in the ongoing (civil and systems) works of MML3 shall be advised, if any. Any compatibility issues to be clearly identified.
  • Preparation of station location and general layout plans, covering all facilities including stabling & maintenance facilities.


  • The eligibility criteria are detailed out in the Data Sheet. The bidder must fulfil project experience undertaken as below;
  • Minimum 15 years’ experience in consultancy services.
  • Minimum 2 nos. of DPR with depot/stabling facilities prepared for metros in India.
  • Out of the aforementioned projects, minimum 1 no. of DPR to be prepared for underground metro (minimum 2.0 km stretch).
  • Minimum 1 no. of EIA & SIA Report prepared for metros in India. Report may be a part of the aforementioned projects or otherwise.
  • Minimum Average Annual turnover of INR 10 Cr. for at least 3 Financial Years (FY) in the last 5 FY (FY 2016-17, 2018-18, 2018-19, 19-20, 20-21).


  • JV/Consortium is not permitted.
  • All assignments shall be supported by a valid client completion/appreciation certificate as stated in Form TECH-2.
  • In the absence of such documentary proof, the assignment shall not be considered eligible for evaluation.
  • The above information shall be submitted as part of Technical Proposal (e-envelope B-Form TECH-2).

The RFP document is available for download from website

Source: MMRC -Tender | Image Credit (representational): MMRC

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