Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) has invited Request for Appointment of contractor for implementation of Multi Modal Integration Facilities at metro stations of Mumbai Metro Line-2B, Package-4 (Diamond Garden to Mandale.)
- Tender Reference No: MMRDA/TnC/MMI/2B/PACK 4/2023
- Name of Work: Appointment of contractor for implementation of Multi Modal Integration Facilities at metro stations of Mumbai Metro Line-2B, Package-4 (Diamond Garden to Mandale.)
- Estimated Cost: INR 54,47,43,155/-
- EMD: INR 54,47,432/-
- Contract Period: 1 Year Execution including Monsoon + 2 Years DLP
- Document Download Sale/Start Date: 09th Nov, 2023
- Document Download Sale/End Date: 22nd Dec, 2023
- Pre Bid Meeting Date: 21st Nov, 2023
- Bid Submission Start Date: 09th Nov, 2023
- Bid Submission End Date: 22nd Dec, 2023
- Opening Date: 26th Dec, 2023
- The work is to be carried out on Mumbai Metro Line 2B in Western suburbs of Mumbai. Following Metro Stations are part of Package-3:
- Diamond Garden;
- Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Chowk;
- Mankhurd;
- Mandale;
- The necessary locations are identified, quantified, and mentioned in the Schedule-B & relevant specifications to be followed are attached in the tender document.
Scope of Works:
The Scope of work includes mainly comprise of improvements/ widening of footpaths in the designated station influence area including Road works, Storm water drain works, development/extension of footpath in the Metro station influence area, providing dedicated drop‐off/ pick‐up bays for buses, feeders, auto/ taxies, private vehicles etc., providing cycle tracks and cycle parking areas, Geometric improvement to Junctions, providing property entry/ exits, providing handrails, lane marking, cat‐eyes etc, and providing traffic management measures along with the junction improvements such as central medians, signals and signage (cautionary & informatory), Tree guards, street furniture (like dust bin, benches, bus stop, Kiosks, bollards, etc), landscaping, street lights(relocation), wayfinding signage, etc. within the Metro station influence area.
The contractor shall have to coordinate with all utility agencies and other stakeholders for shifting of their junction/pillar boxes and for improvement of junctions. The said scope will be applicable for Implementation of Multi‐Modal Integration Facilities.
The works shall be carried out in due consultation with concerned agencies viz., MCGM, BEST undertaking, RTO, Traffic Police, Reliance Energy, Reliance Infrastructure Ltd, ADANI Energy, TATA Power, MGL, MTNL, and any other utility agencies.
General Requirements:
- The specifications to be adopted in the work shall be as per relevant latest specifications of PWD/MoRT&H / MCGM Specifications.
- For all items where no specific reference is provided in the specifications, MoRT&H / PWD / MCGM Specifications shall be followed to the extent applicable.
- All above items are deemed to include payment towards Royalty Charges, Toll, Octroi, applicable taxes etc. complete.
- All items of excavation / dismantling etc. deemed to include disposing off the surplus excavated material/debris with all leads and lifts to the nearest available dumping ground in Mumbai / Navi Mumbai / Thane area.
- As this is works to be carried out in Greater Mumbai, the scope of work stipulated is provisional and might undergo some change by way of its location & requirement of quantity etc. However, the overall work will be within the same area. There will be no changes in the rates quoted by the tenderer during the course of execution.
- All the items are subject to change in the quantity which can be executed against savings in the existing BOQ items with the approval of Engineer-in-charge. However overall tender cost of all the items executed in this tender shall not exceed cost put to the tender.
- If any additional items are to be executed the rates shall be as per recent PWD SSR /MCGM/CPWD DSR and the percentage quoted by bidder will be applicable to the unit rate if it is below.
- Each unit of every lot of material/items to be executed shall be sent for a third party test. The cost of the testing lab fees shall be considered while quoting for the said work & MMRDA will not reimburse any type of cost for quality testing. The labs for the testing of the material as given in the item description in each item.
- If MMRDA identifies that the contractor fails to implement the subject work while maintaining the quality standards, MMRDA reserves all the right to cancel the contract prior to completion of contract period.
- Maintenance of all hardscape elements including regular washing of all footpaths and cycling tracks, cleaning of street furniture, bollards, railings, bus shelters, signages etc once every 15 days. Monthly checking of all streetlights, ensuring that all streetlights are functioning properly.
- Regular maintenance of landscape areas: lawn/ herbs/ shrubs/ trees, climbers etc.; Watering, weeding, cleaning, mulching, cutting etc.; Applying compost and organic fertilisers; Applying pesticides and insecticides; Disposal of dry and fallen leaves etc.
- Maintenance cost shall be applicable at 0.1% per month for 24 months of the contract amount (including all taxes). All the items will be paid on actual basis and failure of maintenance work will lead to forfeit of 100% Security Deposit by MMRDA.
Defects Liability Period:
The Contractor shall be responsible for all the Defects and deficiencies, except usual wear and tear in the Project Highway or any Section thereof, till the expiry of a period of 2 (Two) years commencing from the date of Provisional Certificate (the “Defects Liability Period”).
Provided that the Defects Liability Period shall in no case be less than 24 months from the date of Completion Certificate for and in respect of works for which Time Extension was granted. Provided further that in the event no Provisional Certificate is issued, the Defects Liability Period shall commence from the date of the Completion Certificate.
For the avoidance of doubt, any repairs or restoration on account of usual wear or tear in the Project Highway or any Section thereof shall form a part of the Maintenance obligations of the Contractor as specified in Article 14.
Average Annual financial turnover during the last 3 years, ending at 31 st March of the previous financial year, should not be less than Rs. 40.86 Cr. i.e. 75% of Annual Equivalent of the estimated cost of the work put to tender based on time period. The Annual Turnover and Bid Capacity shall be certified by Chartered Accountant.
Experience of having successfully completed similar works during last 7 years ending last day of month previous to the one in which bids are to be received should be one of the following:
- Three (3) similar works costing not less than (21.79 Cr.) 40% of the estimated cost of work tendered for, or
- Two (2) similar works costing not less than (27.24 Cr.) 50% of the estimated cost of work tendered for, or
- One (1) similar work costing not less than (43.58 Cr) 80% of the estimated cost of work tendered for.
Tender documents can be obtained online from MMRDA e-Tendering Portal: https://mahatenders.gov.in/nicgep/app
Source: MMRDA- Tender | Image Credit (representational): MMRDA
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