Madhya Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation Limited (MPMRCL) has floated e-tenders for Independent Safety Assessors (ISA) for independent safety assessment and audit of safety aspects of the signalling & train control, platform screen door and Rolling Stock sub-systems for Bhopal and Indore Metro Rail Projects.
- Tender Reference Number: 2119/MPMRCL/2023/ BH&IN-11
- Name of Work: Independent Safety Assessors (ISA) for independent safety assessment and audit of safety aspects of the signalling & train control, platform screen door and Rolling Stock sub-systems for Bhopal and Indore Metro Rail Projects.
- EMD: INR 16,50,000/-
- Completion Period: 1274 Days
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 19th Sep, 2023
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 15th Nov, 2023
- Pre Bid Meeting Date: 10th Oct, 2023
- Bid Submission Start Date: 07th Nov, 2023
- Bid Submission End Date: 15th Nov, 2023
- Bid Opening Date: 16th Nov, 2023
Overview of the Project:
Madhya Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation Ltd, hereinafter also called the Client, is a 50:50 Joint Venture (JV) of the Union Govt of India and the State Govt of Madhya Pradesh. The JV is tasked with the construction and subsequent operation of the Bhopal and Indore Metro Rail projects.
This document describes the scope of the services intended to be delivered by the Independent Safety Assessor (ISA) for Bhopal and Indore Metro Rail Projects. In brief, the ISA shall primarily carry out an independent safety assessment and audit of the Signalling & Train Control System including the interfaces with the Platform Screen Doors System, and Rolling Stock. However, such assessment shall also include the interfaces with any other systems as required.
Objective of the Metro Rail Projects:
The objective of the Bhopal and Indore Metro Rail Projects is to provide continuous availability of affordable, reliable, safe, secure, and seamless transport system in the urban agglomerations of Bhopal and Indore cities to reduce traffic related accidents, pollution, travel time, energy consumption and anti-social incidents as well as to control the urban development and land use for sustainability and regional development.
The public transport in the two cities is currently handled by city buses, mini buses; Tata magic, BRTS, three wheelers (autos) further supported by App cabs and private rent taxi services. To strengthen public transport, Government of India (GoI) has sanctioned a rail-based Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS) called “Bhopal Metro Rail Project” and Indore Metro Rail Project, the details of which are as per subsequent paragraphs.
Scope of Independent Safety Assessment Work:
- The ISA shall carry out safety assessment of the Signalling & Train Control, Platform Screen Door, and Rolling Stock and the interfaces with the other subsystems such as Track, 750 V Third Rail Traction System, Automatic Fare Collection, Civil Engineering works, Tunnel Ventilation System, Fire Safety provisions, Evacuation methodology etc.
- The basis for safety assessment and verification activities shall be EN 50126, EN 50128, EN 50129, IEC 61508, IEC 62267, IEC 62290-1,2 and any other applicable national/international standards, such as EN 50159-1,2 for Communication system. Guidance may also be obtained from “International Engineering safety Management – 2013” and Application Notes no 2, 4 & 9.
- Scope of ISA activities does not include construction safety or security. Scope of work also does not include civil engineering assets such as tunnel, viaduct or station buildings and related MEP (Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing).
- The ISA activities shall be carried out in design, manufacturing, testing & commissioning as well as O&M phases of system life cycle.
- The ISA’s Assessor’s safety activities shall follow at every stage of the S&TC Contractor’s development process. The ISA Assessor shall verify that the required level of safety/quality is achieved by S&TC system, and the interfaces with other systems, to ensure the safe operation of Metro as per the safety requirements.
- The ISA Assessor shall assess both the hardware and software components of the S&TC system included in its safety related interfaces with interfaced systems in an integrated manner.
- The ISA assessor shall discuss the draft safety Audit Report with the Engineer/Employer before the final version is completed and submitted. The ISA shall revise the draft report giving due consideration to the Engineer/Employer and also S&TC contractor’s comments if any. The revised report from Draft stage to Final stage shall be submitted within 14 calendar days after the comments are received by the ISA.
- After completion of the Safety Audit, the ISA assessor shall document all observations and record them in a tracking log. For each non-conformance item, the ISA assessor shall verify the implementation and effectiveness of the corrective action performed by the S&TC contractor.
- The key tasks that need to be undertaken by ISA to achieve the assessments leading to safety acceptance and safety certification of the Project are briefly outlined herein.
The primary activities of independent safety assessment are as follows:
- To establish an understanding of the process or system/subsystem and/or component within the defined environment;
- Assess the adequacy and completeness of the RAMS Validation Plan regarding safety;
- Evaluate the conformity of the process and the developed outcomes according to the requirements and activities defined in EN 50126-2017, considering also the verification and validation already undertaken;
- Identify and evaluate any deviations from the requirements given in the independent safety assessment remit;
- Give a judgement on the acceptability of the safety justification (including deviations) given in the Safety Case. This includes the checking that required constraints are captured in safety-related application conditions and are sufficient to control the risk;
- The ISA shall also assess (PSD and RS Sub-systems including interfaces) whether fundamental safety principles are appropriately addressed, system life cycle has been considered with respect to safety appropriately and specified functional and technical safety requirements including EMI/EMC requirements have been met.
Audit and Assessment:
Carry out Safety Audit: The safety audit shall include developing safety audit plan, conducting safety audit, recording discussion and observation and produce safety audit/assessment reports.
ISA should check and certify that necessary processes for achieving the SIL are being followed by the contractors. The SIL adopted in S&TC, PSD & RS are given at the end of this document as Annexure A.
Witness important safety validation tests. Carry out inspections on the overall system development process as appropriate at various phases of development and may ask for additional verification and validation work within the remit of the independent safety assessment;
The Minimum Safety Audits, as a minimum, audits shall be performed for each of the following sub-systems of S&TC:
- Computer Based Interlocking (CBI) along with lineside signalling equipment
- Wayside ATP and ATO equipment
- Train-borne ATP equipment and ATP system
- Automatic Train Supervision (ATS)
- Platform Screen Doors System as a whole and its interface with signalling.
- Safety related interface of Integrated systems with S&TC
- Data Communication System (for train control and on-board CCTV data transmission)
- Cyber Security for the CBTC system working in ISM band
Tender is open for Indian National entities. Tender for this Contract will be considered from Tenderers (proprietorship firms, partnership firms, companies, corporations) as per terms and conditions of RDSO letter number RDSO-SIG0MISC(ISA)/1/2020 dated 20.03.2023 or updated thereof up to the latest date of bid submission.
A Tenderer shall only submit one Tender in the same tendering process, either individually as a tenderer. A tenderer who submits or participates in more than one Tender will cause all of the proposals in which the tenderer has participated to be disqualified. No tenderer can be a subcontractor while submitting a Tender individually in the same tendering process.
Tenderers shall not have a conflict of interest. If tenderers found to have a conflict of interest shall be disqualified. Tenderers shall be considered to have a conflict of interest with one or more parties in this tendering process, if:
- A tenderer has been engaged by the contractor / Client to provide services for the implementation of the project;
- A tenderer has any associates/ affiliates (inclusive of parent firms) mentioned in subparagraph (a) above; or
- A tenderer lends, or temporarily seconds its personnel to firms or organisations which are engaged in consulting services for the preparation related to the procurement of or on the implementation of the project, if the personnel would be involved in any capacity on the same project.
If there is any misrepresentation of the facts with regards to the undertaking(s) and/or any other details submitted, the same will be considered as “Fraudulent practice” and such tenders will be rejected.
Tenderers may download the tender documents from the official e-portal
Source: MPMRCL- Tender | Image Credit (representational): Bhopal Metro
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