Mumbai Railway Vikas Corporation Ltd. (MRVC), a Public Sector Undertaking of Government of India under Ministry of Railways (MOR) incorporated under Companies Act 1956, invites E- bids for Construction of station buildings, service buildings, platforms, COP, FOBs, staff quarters and subway including associated general electrification works and dismantling of existing structures at Panvel station in connection with Panvel-Karjat double line suburban corridor project under MUTP-III.
- Tender Reference Number: MRVC/W/108A
- Name of Work: Construction of station buildings, service buildings, platforms, COP, FOBs, staff quarters and subway including associated general electrification works and dismantling of existing structures at Panvel station in connection with Panvel-Karjat double line suburban corridor project under MUTP-III.
- Completion Period: 36 Months
- EMD: INR 78,52,000 Lakh
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 09th August, 2022
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 28th September, 2022
- Pre Bid Meeting Date: 23rd August, 2022
- Bid Submission Start Date: 09th August, 2022
- Bid Submission End Date: 28th September, 2022
- Bid Opening Date: 28th September, 2022
Source of Fund:
- The Government of India has received financing from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) toward the cost of the Mumbai Urban Transport Project–III (MUTP-III), and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for “Construction of Station Buildings, Service Buildings, Platforms, COP, FOBs, Staff Quarters and Subway including associated General Electrification works and dismantling of existing structures at Panvel Station in connection with Panvel-Karjat double line suburban corridor Project under MUTP-III”.
- The Mumbai Railway Vikas Corporation Ltd. now invites online Tenders from eligible Tenderers for Construction of Station Buildings, Service Buildings, Platforms, COP, FOBs, Staff Quarters and Subway including associated General Electrification works; and dismantling of existing structures at Panvel Station as detailed in below.
- The tenderers may submit tenders for any or all of the Works indicated therein. Tenderers are advised to note the clauses on eligibility (Section I Clause 4) and minimum qualification criteria (Section III – Evaluation and Qualification Criteria), to qualify for the award of the Contract.
- In addition, please refer to paragraphs 5.9 of the “Procurement Policy of January 2016” and paragraph 4.4 of “interim Operational Directive on Procurement Instructions for Receipts, June 2016” setting forth the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.
- Other details can be seen in the tender document. The Employer shall not be held liable for any delays due to system failure beyond its control.
- Even though the system will attempt to notify the tenderers of any tender updates, the Employer shall not be liable for any information not received by the tenderer. It is the tenderers’ responsibility to verify the website for the latest information related to this tender.
- Tendering will be conducted through National open competitive tendering using Request for Tenders (RFT) as specified in the Bank’s Procurement Instructions for Recipients” (PIR), and is open to all eligible Tenderers as defined in the PIR.
- All Tenders must be accompanied by a Tender Security of the amount specified for the Work in the table below, drawn in favour of Mumbai Railway Vikas Corporation Limited, Payable at Mumbai.
- Tender security will have to be in any one of the forms as specified in the tender document and shall have to be valid for 45 days beyond the validity of the tender. (The original tender security documents in approved form shall be submitted as per the procedure described in paragraph 9 below).
- The tenderers are required to submit (a) original payment documents towards the cost of tender document and registration on e-procurement website (if applicable); (b) original tender security in approved form; and (c) original affidavit regarding correctness of information furnished with tender document, with Chief Project Manager-I, Mumbai, Railway Vikas Corporation Ltd. 2nd Floor, Churchgate Station Building, Churchgate, Mumbai-400020 before the Tender Opening deadline given above, either by registered post/ speed post/ courier or by hand, failing which such tenders will be declared non-responsive, and will not be opened.
- The employer, MRVC, is not responsible for any delay in submission of original documents.
The draft Terms of Reference (Draft ToR) is available at MRVC website
Source: MRVC -Tender | Image Credit (representation): MoR
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