N. F. Railway has been taking several initiatives to improve the freight transportation and provide better customer interface. Among such initiatives, few more stations have been opened for handling of both outward & inward goods traffic during the month of July, 2022. Moreover, nine goods sheds have received offers for development under Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode during the month of July, 2022.
More Details:
- To improve customer interface and further augment freight transportation, Mohitnagar station under Katihar division has been opened for handling of both outward and inward goods traffic from 09th July, 2022 except coal, POL, livestock, explosive & crane consignment. Moreover, Mohitnagar station has been developed as green field goods station under PPP mode.
- Further, Harmuti station under Rangiya division has been opened for handling of inward Steel Pipe Consignment (Crane consignment) on temporary basis for a period of six months from 27thJuly, 2022. Earlier it was opened for handling of both outward and inward goods traffic from 22nd July, 2014 except coal, POL, livestock, explosive & crane consignment.
- Moreover, first Gati Shakti Multi-Modal Cargo Terminal (GCT) has been commissioned at Moinarbandh under Lumding Division on 29th March, 2022. Another GCT at Cinnamara station under Tinsukia Division has also been commissioned.
- N. F. Railway is planning to develop about 36 goods shed through PPP mode over five divisions in states of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura, Nagaland, Sikkim apart from parts of Bihar and West Bengal within its jurisdiction. PPP model for goods shed over N. F. Railway is expected to increase its freight business.
- As a result of the various initiatives record 1176 freight rakes have been unloaded at various freight terminals of NFR during July, 2022 as against 989 during the same month of last year. This is an improvement of about 18.90%.
Source: Northeast Frontier Railway-Press release | Image Credit (representational): NFR
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