National Capital Region Transport Corporation Limited (NCRTC) has invited limited e-bids for Development works and miscellaneous works at NCRTC land around Duhai Depot of Delhi – Ghaziabad – Meerut RRTS Corridor.
- Tender Reference Number: DM/MS/CPM-GZ/232
- Name of Work: Development works and miscellaneous works at NCRTC land around Duhai Depot of Delhi – Ghaziabad – Meerut RRTS Corridor.
- EMD: INR 18,55,000/-
- Completion Period: 10 Months
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 10th Oct, 2023
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 31st Oct, 2023
- Pre-bid Meeting: 18th Oct, 2023
- Bid Submission Start Date: 24th Oct, 2023
- Bid Submission End Date: 31st Oct, 2023
- Bid Opening Date: 01st Nov, 2023
In order to enhance the connectivity within the National Capital Region, the National Capital Region Planning Board (NCRPB), proposed to connect the Urban, Industrial (SEZs/Industrial Parks), regional and sub-regional centres in the States of Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Haryana through a Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS).
The National Capital Region Transport Corporation (NCRTC) (the “Employer”) was incorporated in August, 2013 with a mandate to implement the RRTS project. NCRTC is a Joint Venture Company formed under the Companies Act 1956 comprising the Central Government (through the Ministry of Urban Development) and State Governments of Delhi, Rajasthan, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. NCRTC shall undertake design, construction, operation and maintenance of the RRTS project covering 4 states in the NCR region.
The Integrated Transportation Plan 2032 had identified eight rail based rapid transit corridors to enhance the efficacy of the transportation system in the NCR in addition to providing other facilities including road network enhancements.
The eight identified RRTS corridors are:
- Delhi – Ghaziabad – Meerut
- Delhi – Gurugram – Rewari – Alwar
- Delhi – Sonepat – Panipat
- Delhi – Faridabad – Ballabhgarh –Palwal
- Ghaziabad – Khurja
- Delhi – Bahadurgarh – Rohtak
- Ghaziabad – Hapur
- Delhi – Shahadra – Baraut
Out of the proposed eight (8) corridors, three corridors viz Delhi-Gurugram-Rewari-Alwar, Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut and Delhi-Sonepat-Panipat, have been prioritised for the implementation. However, during 36 th meeting of NCR Planning Board it was decided that Delhi-Alwar corridor will be implemented in three phases and in the first phase Delhi-SNB (Shahjahanpur – Neemrana-Behror) shall be implemented.
The Detailed Project Report (DPR) of Delhi-Meerut corridor has been approved by Govt of India. The DPR of Delhi-SNB corridor has been approved by Govt of Haryana following which it shall be put up for approval of Govt of India. The DPR for Delhi- Panipat corridor is in advance stage.
Delhi- Ghaziabad -Meerut RRTS corridor originates from Sarai Kale Khan (SKK) in Delhi and ends at Modipuram of Meerut city in Uttar Pradesh via Anand Vihar, Ghaziabad, and Modinagar. Total length of this RRTS corridor is 82.50 Km where underground length is 14 Km and rest is elevated. Two depots one at Duhai and another at Modipuram have been planned for this RRTS corridor.
In this regard, the Employer wishes to invite bids from the eligible contractors for civil & Enabling works required for Construction of various structures in priority section under CPM/Ghaziabad in Ghaziabad District for implementation of Delhi – Ghaziabad – Meerut RRTS Corridor.
Scope of Work:
The scope of work includes development works and miscellaneous works like construction of Roads, Utility facility, earthwork in filling, drainage works, RCC works, brick work, steel work in built up sections, flooring works, precast prestressed RCC boundary wall with columns and planks including all associated activities, or any other civil works under DSR 2021, horticulture & landscaping works under DSR 2020 and any E&M works under DSR 2022 (E&M works) at NCRTC land including Depot & Depot Station area or as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. The work may have to be done during the block periods as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
The scope of works shall, inter-alia, include the following but not be limited to:
- Site clearance and dismantling of obstructions, temporary, semi-permanent/permanent structures, bulk services including dismantling of road, footpath, drainage, sewerage, water supply services etc. as per requirement, before commencement of work as specified or as directed.
- True and proper setting out and layout/ alignment of the items of Works, bench marks and provision of all necessary labour (skilled/ unskilled/ semiskilled), instruments and appliances in connection therewith as specified or as directed.
- Provision of traffic marshal for smooth traffic during construction of work. Deployment of survey team with Total station of 1 sec accuracy along with required accessories.
- The barricading of the site shall be done before starting the work. Barricading shall be provided at all construction sites and maintained as per the drawing provided in the bid.
- Reinstatement of services (such as street lighting, signalling system, bus stand, footpath including kerb stone, boundary wall, horticulture work and any other work to bring the site to original position) within barricading area as per current standards with new materials {except electrical/signal post which may be reused).
Complete maintenance of the landscape area as per yard stick the garden area i.e. lawn trees, shrubs, hedge flower beds ,foliage ,creepers etc. including hoeing, weeding pruning replacement of plants gap ,filling ,watering mowing of lawn, grass cutting by lawn mower and brush cutter, removal of garden waste applying insecticide pesticide & fertiliser ( whenever required ) top dressing of lawn with good earth and manure and maintenance of the other garden related works as directed by office in charge (Cost of Good Earth ,Manure ,Fertilizer, Insecticide, Pesticide will be provided by the Department & lawn mower and brush cutter with fuel other T & P material shall be provided by the contractor.)
The contractor shall be responsible for obtaining relevant certificates or clearance from local civic authorities. Provision of isolated footings/ combined footings / strip footing/ machine block foundation for different structures to the minimum founding depths in accordance with the actual soil parameters as obtained from detailed subsurface exploration as specified or directed.
- Construction methodology is required to be submitted by the bidder and approved by Competent Authority of NCRTC before carrying out the works. Adequate arrangements will have to be made by the contractor to stabilise the edge of excavated earth for foundation.
- All disposable excavated material shall be collected and transported for disposal in specified areas or at any other land fill sites approved by relevant authorities & identified and arranged by contractor with approval of NCRTC. Provision of Initial & routine tests of materials.
- Execution of items of work shall be in accordance with drawings & specifications supplied/ approved by the Engineer-in- Charge. Drainage arrangements & other structures including laying of pipes, construction of manhole, sump etc.
- Masonry works (Cement Concrete blocks / Brick work), lintel, ties, etc. at various levels in the structure, Foundations for the system/ laboratory/ other equipment etc. as directed by Engineer- in-Charge. Plinth protection work.
- Clearing of site and handing over of all the Works, as specified or as directed; All aspects of quality assurance, including testing of materials and other components of the work, as specified or as directed.
Maintenance of the completed Work during the period as specified; Submission of completion (i.e., ‘as-built’) drawings and other related documents as specified or as directed; Internal & external Road works, internal & external water supply, sewerage and drainage system for all structures etc.
Day to day cleaning of the work site throughout the execution period. Any other item of work may be required to be carried out for completing the work under this Contract in all respects in accordance with the provisions of the Contract and/or to ensure the structural stability and safety during and after construction.
Other miscellaneous civil works not elaborated above may also be required. Those miscellaneous works shall be carried out as per BOQ / direction of Engineer-in- Charge along the RRTS corridor in Ghaziabad.
The work under this contract shall consist of, but not limited to, furnishing all labours, materials, equipment’s, tools, plants and necessary machinery as required to completely execute all the required works.
Work shall be executed with all precautions to prevent any damage to other structures and services, roads, paths, drainage etc. Obtaining statutory approvals as applicable. Interfacing with designated contractors/ departments, statutory authorities as per interface requirements.
Maintenance of the area during the implementation stage. Demobilization, clearing of all temporary works and facilities after completion of job. Maintenance of horticulture works for the period of at least six months. Construction of precast prestressed RCC boundary wall with columns and planks including all associated activities.
Miscellaneous civil works like road works, drainage works, external development works, concrete works, brick work, steel work in built up sections, flooring works, earthwork in filling. Any other item of work as per the BOQ and DSR 2021 for civil works as may be required to be carried out for completing the work under this Contract in all respects in accordance with the provisions of the Contract and/or to ensure the safety of installation during and after execution.
Any other item of work as per DSR 2020 for Horticulture & Landscaping works as may be required to be carried out for completing the work under this Contract in all respects in accordance with the provisions of the Contract and/or to ensure the safety of installation during and after execution.
Submission of audited financial Must meet data for the last 03 (Three) requirement financial years or from the date of incorporation, whichever is later, to demonstrate the current soundness of the Bidder’s financial position.
As a minimum, the Bidder’s net worth for the last year calculated as the difference between total assets and total liabilities should be positive.
Minimum Average Annual Must meet Construction Turnover of requirement INR 4.64 Crores calculated as total certified payments received for contracts in progress or completed, within the last 03 (Three) years or from the date of incorporation.
The Bidder must demonstrate that its financial resources defined in FIN – 3, less its financial obligations for its current contract commitments defined in FIN – 4, meet or exceed the total requirement for the Subject Contract of INR 3.71 Crores.
Construction Experience:
- Participation as a contractor or JV partner in One Single Contract, within the last Ten years ending last day of the month previous to the month of deadline for bid submission, that has been successfully or substantially completed where the total value of the Bidder’s participation is not less than INR 7.42 Crores in the similar nature work mentioned below, or
- Participation as a contractor or JV partner in Two Single Contracts, within the last Ten years ending last day of the month previous to the month of deadline for bid submission, that has been successfully or substantially completed where the total value of the Bidder’s participation is not less than INR 4.64 Crores in each Contract in the similar nature work mentioned below, or
- Participation in Three Single Contracts as a contractor or JV partner, within the last Ten years ending last day of the month previous to the month of deadline for bid submission, that has been successfully or substantially completed where the total value of the Bidder’s participation is not less than INR 3.71 Crores in each Contract in the similar nature work mentioned below.
Tender documents can only be obtained online on the website https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app
Source: NCRTC- Tender | Image Credit (representational): NCRTC
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