NCRTC Tender Update: M/s LEA Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. bags contract for consultancy services for preparation of zonal development plans at Meerut for RRTS Corridor

National Capital Region Transport Corporation Ltd. (NCRTC) has issued a Letter of Acceptance (LoA) to M/s LEA Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. for Consultancy services for preparation of zonal development plans for the TOD Zones falling in Meerut development area for Delhi – Ghaziabad – Meerut RRTS Corridor.

  • Tender Reference Number: DM/GC/COR-OF/216
  • Name of Work: Consultancy services for preparation of zonal development plans for the TOD Zones falling in Meerut development area for Delhi – Ghaziabad – Meerut RRTS Corridor.
  • Accepted Contract Amount: INR 7,65,00,000/-
  • Work Completion Period: 294 Days

In April 2023, the NCRTC invited a tender for Tender Number: DM/GC/COR-OF/216

Scope of Work:

In order to enhance connectivity, improve access to citizens, reduce pollution and congestion  and promote balanced sustainable growth in National Capital Region (NCR), NCRPB had  recommended development of multi-modal transport system with special emphasis on rail based high-speed, high-frequency Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) for connecting major regional centres in Functional Plan on Transport for National Capital Region-2032.

National Capital Region Transport Corporation (NCRTC), a Joint Venture of Government of  India and four State Governments; Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Rajasthan, is mandated for designing, developing, implementing, financing, operating and maintaining Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) projects in the National Capital Region of India. RRTS is a rail based high-speed transit system with a design speed of 180 kmph and with all  stoppages average speed close to 100 kmph.

Once operational, it will be the fastest, most comfortable and safest mode of commuter transport in NCR. Such high-speed seamless connectivity will not only reduce pollution and congestion in Delhi-NCR but will also drive balanced and sustainable urban development in the region.

RRTS aims to improve the quality of life of people by providing equitable, fast, reliable, safe, comfortable, efficient & sustainable mobility solutions enabling economic development of NCR. Of the 8 corridors identified RRTS corridors in the Functional Plan, 3 have been taken up for  implementation in phase 01 viz. the Delhi – Ghaziabad – Meerut RRTS Corridor, the Delhi – Gurugram – SNB RRTS Corridor and the Delhi – Panipat RRTS Corridor. The 82-kilometres long Delhi – Ghaziabad – Meerut Corridor is in advanced stage of implementation and the priority stretch is scheduled to be operational by March 2023.

In order to promote sustainable and integrated urbanisation along mass transit corridors such the RRTS, the Government of India has mandated the implementation of Transit Oriented Development (TOD) along such corridors.

Guidelines in this regard have been provided in the National TOD Policy, 2017 basis which State governments are to formulate their respective TOD Policies. Government of Uttar Pradesh, in August 2022 notified the Uttar Pradesh TOD Policy, which mandates TOD based planning and development along identified mass transit corridors, the Delhi – Ghaziabad – Meerut RRTS Corridor being one of them.

Accordingly, in line with the guidelines stipulated under the National TOD Policy, 2017  (Government of India) and the UP TOD Policy, 2022, The TOD Zones of the Delhi – Ghaziabad – Meerut Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) are in the process of being delineated in the Masterplan (2031) of Meerut Development Authority. These Zones include:

  • Influence Zones encompassing an area of 1.5 km radius from the RRTS Stations
  • Identified non-urbanized ‘Special Development Areas’, and
  • Metro Influence Zone of 500m either side of the alignment

As per the UP TOD Policy, 2022 – Zonal Development Plans under Section 8 of the Uttar  Pradesh Planning & Development Act, 1973 are to be prepared. The Uttar Pradesh TOD Policy, 2022 provides for Development Authorities to delegate the responsibility of preparation of Zonal Development Plans for the TOD Zones to the concerned Transit Agency.

Accordingly, vide letter dt. 17.02.2023, Meerut Development Authority has delegated the responsibility of preparation of Zonal Development Plans to NCRTC. In this regard, NCRTC invites bids from Master planning consultants, with prior experience in preparation of Zonal Development Plans and TOD based planning to submit bids for the preparation of TOD based Zonal Development Plans for the TOD Zones of the Delhi – Ghaziabad – Meerut RRTS Corridor, falling within the jurisdiction of the Meerut Development Authority.

Schedule II provides the list of TOD Zones falling within the jurisdiction of Meerut Development Authority, along with the area of each such zone to be taken up for preparation of TOD based Zonal Development Planning.

The format for the contents of the final Zonal Development Plan shall be broadly in line with the guidelines mandated in the Urban and Regional Plan Formulation and Implementation (URDPFI) Guidelines of Government of India, and specifically tailored to the requirement on TOD based planning.

The format for the deliverables including all reports and maps, including representation and scale, shall be as mutually agreed between the State Government, Development Authorities, Transit Agency and Consultant, in the interest of clarity and legibility of the final document / plan Accordingly, the following activities are to be undertaken by the consultant.

Compilation of existing studies and data:

The consultant shall review the provisions of the Master Plan 2031 for the Development Area  of Meerut (existing and proposed) and collate the following data on GIS format for the purposes of preparation of Zonal Development Plans:

  • Land Use Distribution and Analysis within the TOD Zones
  • Applicable Building Bye-laws and Development Control Norms
  • Population and density
  • Built up area, character, extent and delineation

Transportation: circulation network, traffic flow (people and goods), public transit, non motorised transport, para-transit, multi-modal integration and terminal facilities. Physical and social infrastructure (including agency responsible for implementation and maintenance of the infrastructure thereof):

  • Proposed key developments of public and private stakeholders
  • Land ownership (including mapping of government owned land)
  • Slope analysis
  • Green cover, parks / open spaces, forests, orchards, green belts, etc.
  • Any potentials and constraints identified in the Masterplan
  • Security mapping: specifying relatively safe and unsafe areas, streets, etc.
  • Types of housing sub-systems, including low-cost affordable housing

The consultant shall:

Undertake site visits and prepare an inventory of as-is physical characteristics of the study area, mapping existing features within the TOD Zones on the GIS data as collated from the Masterplan review. Carry out a mapping and documentation of existing activity profile within the TOD Zones, identifying areas of special interest such as commercial or institutional districts, areas of tangible and intangible heritage, weekly bazaars and informal vending areas, etc.

Analysis of existing regulatory and institutional framework in the context of TOD based planning for the study area – identifying current roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders including State Government, Development Authorities, Municipal Bodies, Industrial Development Authority, Housing Board, Transit Agency, etc.

The TOD Zones which have been delineated in the draft Master Plan of Meerut, shall be rationalized based on the specific ground features (including physical and natural barriers,  like roads, drains, etc.). In consultation with the Development Authority and the Transit Agency, the Consultant shall prepare a detailed base map (superimposed on Sajra/ Khasra) of the TOD Zones, in such format and scale as may be mutually agreed.

The Base Maps prepared thus shall be used for all representation of all analyses and final proposals mentioned in the subsequent sections. Consultant shall also prepare a compendium of applicable Policies such as the:

  • National Transit Oriented Development Policy, 
  • Uttar Pradesh Transit Oriented Development Policy, 
  • Regional Plan (2021 / 2041) for the National Capital Region, 
  • The Sub-Regional Plan for UP Sub-Region (2021 / 2041),

Other State Government Policies such as the UP Integrated Township Policy, Hi-Tech  Township Policy, Affordable Housing Policy, Industrial Development Policy, Logistics Policy, etc. highlighting relevant provisions of each of the policies which shall be applicable in the context of TOD based development of the TOD Zones.

Objectives of TOD:

  • To promote the use of public transport by developing high density zones in the TOD Zones, which would increase the share of transit and walk trips made by the residents/ workers to meet the daily needs and also result in reduction in pollution and congestion in the TOD Zone;
  • To provide all the basic needs of work/ job, shopping, public amenities, entertainment in the TOD zone with mixed land-use development which would reduce the need for travel;
  • To establish a dense road network within the development area for safe and easy movement and connectivity of Non-Motorized Transport (NMT) and pedestrians between various uses as well as to Transit Nodes;
  • To achieve reduction in the private vehicle ownership, traffic, and associated parking demand;
  • To develop inclusive habitat in the TOD Zone so that the people dependent on public transport can live in the liveable communities within the walkable distance of Transit Nodes;
  • To integrate the Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) and affordable housing in the TOD zone by allocating a prescribed proportion of built-up area for them in the total housing supply;
  • To provide all kinds of recreational/entertainment/ open spaces, required for a good quality of life in the TOD Zone;
  • To ensure development of safe society with special attention to safety of women, children, senior citizen and differently abled by making necessary amendments to the building bye laws;
  • To prevent urban sprawl by accommodating the growing population in a compact area with access to the transit corridor, which would also consolidate investments and bring down the infrastructure cost for development; and
  • To reduce carbon footprints by shifting towards environmentally friendly travel options for the  line haul as well as for access and egress trips.
  • Guiding and Supporting principles for TOD based planning shall be as detailed in the National TOD Policy, 2017. These principles shall be adhered to in the Zonal Development Plans and shall serve as guides in the preparation of the TOD byelaws and development control norms.
  • Proposals for realisation of TOD objectives and adherence to TOD principles shall also be clearly brought out in the technical presentations to be made by prospective bidders.

Source: NCRTC- Tender Update | Image Credit (representational): NCRTC

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