NHSRCL organises stakeholders meeting for commercial utilisation of Sabarmati Multimodal Transport Hub

NHSRCL organised a stakeholders meeting to explore the commercial utilisation of Sabarmati Multimodal Transport Hub. Around 45 people from various sectors like retail, banks, MNC’s, commercial ventures, airport concessioners, hotel chains etc attended the meeting.

More Details:

  • Sabarmati Multi-Modal Transport Hub is a transit terminal building planned to provide seamless connectivity to under construction Sabarmati HSR station in Mumbai –Ahmedabad HSR corridor, WR Railway stations, Metro Station and BRT corridor.
  • The building nearing to its completion stage comprises of two blocks i.e. Block A and Block B. The total space available for lease in Block A & B is 22,668 sq. m and 13,599 sq. m respectively for office space, banks, hotels, retail etc. A parking space for 1300 vehicles (includes basement, ground, first and second floor) is available in the building.

  • The third floor of the building is common for both Block A & B, having a carpet area of 4,432 sq. m for leasing and will have facilities like food court, retail shopping and passenger waiting area.
  • A presentation on commercial utilisation of the building was given to all stakeholders followed by Q & A and feedback session.
  • The participants were also taken around the facility to explore the available opportunities in the building.

Sabarmati Multimodal Transport Hub:

  • The Sabarmati HSR Station is located in a railway yard between two Indian Railway stations of Sabarmati (SBI and SBT) and is in close vicinity to two Metro stations and a BRTS stop.
  • Sabarmati HSR being the terminal station of the Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail Corridor, NHSRCL has planned to develop it as a Multimodal Transport Hub in the region which will connect the HSR line to Indian Railways, Metro station and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system, all located within a short walk for easy transfers.

  • To provide seamless connectivity and integration between the various transport modes around the HSR station, a Multimodal Transport Hub building has been planned on the East side of Sabarmati HSR station along with three foot overbridges (FOBs), fitted with travelators. These FOBs will connect Hub building with Sabarmati HSR station, both the Sabarmati Railway stations, Metro station and the BRTS stand.
  • A Multi modal Integration plan for Sabarmati HSR station was developed in consultation with all stakeholders and necessary interventions were proposed such as road widening, redesigning of road geometry and junctions, Tabletop pedestrian crossings etc.

Special Features of Sabarmati Multimodal Transport Hub building:

  • The Hub building is being constructed as a twin structure with space earmarked for Offices, commercial development and retail outlets for passengers.
  • Proposed Hub building provides connectivity to HSR Station, both sides of Western Railway Stations, Metro Station and BRTS via FOBs. Details of FOBs are as follows:
    • FOB 1: connects the Hub building with the Sabarmati (Metre gauge) Railway station and HSR Stations. Travellators will be installed in the FOB for ease of passengers.
    • FOB 2: provides connectivity between Unpaid concourse of  Hub building and unpaid concourse of Metro Station and the BRTS stand.
    • FOB 3: connects the Unpaid concourse of HSR stations with Railway Platforms of Sabarmati broad gauge railway station.
  • For easy access to the Hub building, dedicated pick up and drop off bays along with ample parking space have been created for private cars, taxis, buses, autos, two wheelers. This shall ensure smooth movement of passengers and traffic in the influence area of HSR station.
  • The Hub building has a dedicated Concourse Floor (at third floor level) for passengers with other amenities such as waiting areas, retail and restaurants.

  • The building blocks above the concourse floor are segregated into two separate blocks A & B with interconnecting terraces at 2 levels. Block A has 6 floors above concourse reserved for future office space. Block B having 4 floors has been planned with a view to house a Hotel facility having rooms, banquet halls, conference rooms, swimming pool, Restaurant etc.
  • For passenger interchanging between Indian Railways and HSR a Ticket Counter facility for Indian Railways will be provided in the Hub concourse.
  • Dandi March Mural – To respect the historic context of Sabarmati, a Large Stainless Steel mural depicting the famous Dandi March movement has been made at the Southern façade of the building.
  • Green Building Features- The Hub has been designed with various Green building features. These include provision of Solar Panels on the terraces, extensive landscape terraces and gardens, efficient water fixtures, with energy efficient Air Conditioning and lighting fixtures. Most of the occupied areas in the entire building have ample natural light and views of the surroundings.

Source: NHSRCL- Press Release | Images Credit: NHSRCL

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