The North Central Railway has earned an exceptionally high amount through utilisation of its vacant land in Financial Year 2022-23.
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- North Central Railway has generated Rs 359.93 Crore by giving land to private parties, Govt. Departments and PSU companies on leasing/ licensing basis. Railway Board had fixed the annual target of land revenue i.e. Sundry earned in FY 2022-23 as Rs 80 Crore.
- Total earning through land in FY 2022-23 is almost 425% of the assigned target by the Railway Board. In last year i.e. FY 2021-22, North Central Railway had generated merely Rs. 42.78 Crore. against the set target of Rs. 91.23 Crore. The best ever Land earning of North Central Railway since inception of North Central Railway was Rs 111 Crore. in FY 2016-17.
- This exceptional performance of land revenue realisation was possible due to keen interest taken by General Manager/North Central Railway, Shri Satish Kumar and continuous pursuing and reviewing of the field units performance and timely processing of land cases by Shri Pradeep Kumar, Chief Engineer/General who is In-charge of the land matters in Zonal HQ office.
- DRMs of Prayagraj Division, Jhansi Division and Agra Division have also taken interest in implementing the guidelines and instructions of HQ office at field level to realise the land dues from the parties on time.
- Railway earns revenue through realisation of fees/leasing and licensing charges of vacant land by giving permission to cross Railway tracks, allowing construction of private sidings and permitting Metro Rails to construct Metro stations using Railway’s vacant land.
- The contribution of the PRYJ Division is Rs. 265.79 Cr., Jhansi division is Rs. 60.35 Cr. and Agra division is Rs.33.79 Cr. to achieve such a huge amount of Rs. 360 Cr. approx. Rs 235 Cr. has been earned by North Central Railway by giving permission to cross the Railway tracks by Kanpur Metro Rail project.
- The above exceptional performance has been achieved by North Central Railway even though the Central Govt. had reviewed the land charges in the month of Sept’ 22 and fixed the lower land charges to promote speedy infrastructure development by other Govt. Departments such as telecom, Metro Rail, Water resources Departments. MoRTH by utilising vacant Railway land.
Source: North Central Railway- Press Release | Image Credit (representational): MoR
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