Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Limited (MMRCL) has invited tenders for Consultancy Services for carrying out Social Impact Assessment (SIA), preparation of social implementation management plan, Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF), Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) and Indigenous Peoples Plan (IPP) for North-South corridor of Pune Metro Rail Project, Phase-1 Extension (PCMC to Nigdi and Swargate to Katraj).
- Tender Reference Number: P1A-Consul-02/2023
- Name of Work: Consultancy Services for carrying out Social Impact Assessment (SIA), preparation of social implementation management plan, Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF), Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) and Indigenous Peoples Plan (IPP) for North-South corridor of Pune Metro Rail Project, Phase-1 Extension (PCMC to Nigdi and Swargate to Katraj).
- EMD: INR 26,500/-
- Completion Period: 05 Months
- Document Download Start Date: 20th Oct, 2023
- Document Download End Date: 20th Nov, 2023
- Pre-bid Meeting: 03rd Nov, 2023
- Bid Submission Start Date: 20th Oct, 2023
- Bid Submission End Date: 20th Nov, 2023
- Bid Opening Date: 20th Nov, 2023
Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. is a joint venture company of Govt. of India (GoI) and Government of Maharashtra (GoM) established under the companies act 2013 for the purpose of implementation of the project within Maharashtra excluding Mumbai metropolitan area.
Systra has carried out the investigation and studies for Pune Metro Rail Project (PCMC To NIGDI & Swargate to Katraj) (North – Southward Extension of Corridor-1 of Phase 1) and prepared a Detailed Project Report (DPR) in August 2021 & December 2021 respectively based on which the project is proposed to be implemented.
With a view of developing effective and efficient mass transit system towards improving the share of public transport trips, the Government of Maharashtra conceived and implemented Metro rail system covering 33.5 km in Phase 1, Corridor 1 (North-South corridor) of which covers 17.8 km, with an extension of 4.413 km as part of Phase-I in the north and further extension of 5.464 km in the south.
There is a need for extension of Phase 1 in order to meet the future traffic demand. Nationally and globally it is seen that the metro network expands progressively to serve the entire City.
- Salient Features of the Project:
- GAUGE – 1435 mm
- Corridor & Route Length
- Number of Stations
The Tender is for Appointment of Consultant for Carrying out Social Impact Assessment (SIA), Preparation of Social Implementation Management Plan, Preparation of Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF), Preparation of Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) and Indigenous Peoples Plan (IPP) for PCMC TO NIGDI (Extension of North South corridor of Phase -1) of Pune Metro Rail Project having route length of 4.413 Km and 03 stations and Swargate To Katraj of Pune Metro Rail Project having route length of 5.464 Km and 03 station.
The specific objectives of Social Analysis and Design are to improve decision making and to ensure that the Pune Metro Rail Project under consideration is socially sound, sustainable and contributes to the development of social and millennium development goals. The main objective of this Social Impact Assessment is to identify the affected families/persons due to proposed metro corridor development. In order to mitigate the adverse impacts by developing a Social Impact Management Plan (as per RTFCTLARR Act, 2013) or a Resettlement Action Plan (as per relevant Multilateral funding agency).
Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Limited (MMRCL) have decided to engage consultants for conducting study for realistic assessment of impacts, avoid if possible and if not, minimise adverse impacts as far as possible, accordingly plan to mitigate the adverse impacts.
- The study will involve the following:
- Carrying out social impact assessment (SIA)
- Social Implementation Management Plan
- Preparation of Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF)
- Preparation of Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)
- Preparation of Indigenous Peoples Plan (IPP), if required
The Social Impact Assessment (SIA) would be carried out based on a combination of secondary and primary survey (questionnaire survey & consultations) which would provide insight about the social, cultural, economic, vulnerability aspects of likely PAPs and help formulate management framework suitably keeping in view the cardinal principle of the EIB Environmental and Social Standards / Multilateral Funding Agencies i.e., persons affected by the project should be socially and economically better off than the pre-project level, if not pre project level must be maintained. Thus, social safeguard issues will be identified from the beginning of the project and suitably integrated into the social management framework which would become an integral part of the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP).
Scope of Works:
Social Impact Assessment (SIA):
- The Consultant shall undertake the detailed social impact assessment in accordance with the standard set by the Government of India / EIB / Multilateral Funding Agencies.
- Carry out a social screening in coordination with the environment and technical teams which would include desk review of the available reports, designs and information along with field visits of the Metro alignment, its other components to be developed like depot area, stations, yard, sub-station, parking, etc., or any other associated facilities to be established as part of the metro development to determine the magnitude of actual and potential envisaged impacts to ensure that social considerations are given adequate weight in the selection and design of proposed Metro project.
- The purpose of this screening shall be to minimise negative social impacts, both through the selection process and by providing inputs and guidance to the engineering designs.
- A census and inventory survey shall be undertaken to register and document the status of the potentially affected population within the likely project impact area, their assets, and sources of livelihood. This census shall cover 100% of those people who are potentially affected. Absence of legal title does not disqualify people from support; thus, people occupying private land as well as those currently occupying public lands for shelter, business purposes, or other sources of livelihood should be covered in a census. This information shall be documented and compared with available records of land ownership etc.
- The purpose of this census is to document and verify the existing population and their assets. A cut-off date shall be determined, to determine who may be entitled to relocation assistance or other benefits from the project. People moving into the project area after this cut-off date will not be entitled to support.
- Enumerate the magnitude of the impacts so that the field teams can be deployed accordingly to accomplish the surveys and field activities as per the time schedule defined.
- Collect information on the digitised revenue maps or urban area maps with the project alignment duly marked. Such revenue maps/urban areas maps shall be furnished by Client. This will enable us to enumerate the list of properties that will be affected due to the project development. The map should demarcate all the physical interventions proposed to be established along the alignment or in relation to the metro development.
- Identification of the different categories and extent of impacts envisaged under the project. This will include both titleholders and all non-titleholders within the impact zone. Identify cases of likely impact on local communities, to establish the applicability of GOI/State Government/Bank’s regulations as necessary.
- Carry out stakeholder analysis and public consultation with the likely affected groups, NGOs, implementing agencies, line agencies and district administration.
Resettlement and Rehabilitation Entitlement & Policy Framework/RPF:
- The Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R) Policy/RPF will be adopted to address any adverse social and economic impacts accrued to identified families or persons in the Affected Area. Compensation and assistance are to be based on the overall principle that people shall not suffer net losses as a result of the project, in accordance with Maharashtra Government Notification for Resettlement and Rehabilitation dated 27th August 2014 and thereafter framed rules on 12th May 2015 and September 2015.
- The policy provides for acquisition of land by direct purchase method from the owners of the land and structures required for the project and the EIB/Multilateral Funding Agency policy guidelines.
- This will be the basis for calculating the compensation and assistances for the affected families/persons;
- The compensation for extent of losses for both titleholders and non title holders;
- Establish the likely types of economic and social impact on people including on private land, traditional and customary rights, lease land, common property resources, and different usage of legal right of way;
- Carry out meaningful public consultation with project affected people on the types of R&R measures to ensure that the livelihood of the affected people will be improved;
- Assess the capacity of Institutions to implement monitor and evaluate the R&R program; Prepare the draft R&R framework that is based on the following principles; Where it is not feasible to avoid resettlement, resettlement activities should be conceived and executed as sustainable development programs, providing sufficient investment resources to enable the persons affected/displaced by the project to share in project benefits;
- Identification of gaps between present Indian Law (Maharashtra Government Notification for Resettlement and Rehabilitation) and World Bank Policy.
- Proposed measures for bridging the gaps if any to meet the requirement of the World Bank guidelines.
Resettlement Action Plan (RAP):
- The work will be carried out in coordination with the technical team. Photograph the affected and displaced family and number each asset along with GPS location of the property identified;
- Carry out socio-economic baseline surveys of 100% affected people that will be inclusive of information on the various categories of total resource base (formal and informal) of the people and the losses and other adverse impacts likely under the project. The losses shall be categorised according to types and will vary based on the local context.
- The information collected shall include but not be limited to:
- Land (private, traditional and customary ownership, lease) and other productive resources such as trees, wells, cattle sheds etc. Structures, temporary or fixed; Public and common property resources such as religious, grazing land;
- Occupational pattern and income (formal and informal economic activities) of both men and women; Wage labour both men and women; Share-croppers both men and women (formal and informal); Skills of both men and women;
- Demographic characteristics such as caste, tribe; Identification of vulnerable people such as scheduled caste, other backward caste, tribe, landless, women, aged, below poverty line, disabled;
- Standard of living including health status; Establish the status of the affected people of both men and women within the Corridor of Impact;
- Legal framework of private land, customary and traditional laws governing land tenure, usufruct rights, leasehold and land acquisition, or transfer plans for the total project including for tree plantation, if any, according to the revenue records and acquisition for temporary purpose;
- Finalise estimate of land required for resettlement and for economic rehabilitation. Identify the land and prepare a plan for relocation in consultation with the project displaced people with different social groups including women and local administration;
- Prepare a plan to that ensures the host population will not be adversely impacted and plan for consultation on the impact on the resources, infrastructure with increase in population of the affected;
- Provide an appropriate action plan for additional support for the vulnerable and prepare an Indigenous People’s Development Plan, if necessary; Impact on cultural property and prepare a plan for relocation and restoration in consultation with local groups;
- Gender action plan providing a plan for involving the issues related to women for effective use of the metro and providing strategies for providing equal opportunities to women for employment under the metro project.
- Rapid field assessment and consultation with users and inhabitants including women on the awareness of sexually transmitted diseases, sensitive locations, desk review of national and state programs and develop a feasible action plan for prevention of spread of HIV/AIDS;
- Carry out public consultation with different project affected social groups about their options and rights pertaining to resettlement and consulted on, offered choices among, and provided with technically and economically feasible resettlement alternatives and at various administrative level, NGOs, District Administration such as revenue department welfare ministry, etc., and provide a plan for continuous public consultation during implementations;
- Preparation of Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP). Identification of various formal and informal institutions that may provide support for the implementation of RAP; Propose the institutional arrangement for implementation of RAP, addressing grievances, ensure gender sensitiveness and the roles and responsibilities;
- Prepare implementation schedule that synchronises with time frame of civil work; Develop terms of reference for NGOs/Resettlement Implementation Support Agency (RISA), external evaluation consultants, and for any other study identified for impact evaluation;
- Prepare Social Management Plan as part of ESMP for implementation during construction and the operation phase of the project. Develop a detailed budget based on the outcomes of the study; and, Carry out follow-up consultation to share the final report of the project prepared.
- Consultant must be available in Pune whenever required by the Metro Management and also during visits of funding agencies experts for discussion, meetings and presentation.
The bidder must have carried out at-least one comprehensive SIA Study for Metro Rail Project/Highways project funded by International Funding Agencies.
Bidder shall submit the copy of the Performance Certificate issued by the Employer as proof of completion of comprehensive SIA Study for Metro Rail Project/Highways project funded by International Funding Agencies” or “Comprehensive SIA study for Railways, Highways or MRTS under Central Government/ State Government / PSU/Urban Local Bodies/ Companies listed in stock exchanges of India (BSE and/or NSE only).”
The bidders will be qualified only if their Average Annual Turnover for last three (03) audited financial years (FY 2022-23, FY 2021-22, FY 2020-21) is not less than Rs. 1.26 Crore (Summary of annual turnover & balance Sheets Certified by CA with UDIN to be enclosed).
Bidder must have Similar work experience during last 10 years’ period (ending the last day of the month previous to which the bids are invited i.e. last date of online bid submission) and should be either of the following:
- The Bidder must have received not less than Rs. 21.14 Lakhs from 1 (One) Contract towards the comprehensive SIA Study for Metro Rail Project/Highways project funded by International Funding Agencies, or
- The Bidder must have received not less than Rs. 13.21 Lakhs each from 2 (Two) Contracts towards the *Similar work. Out of these Two Contracts, at least 1 (one) must be a comprehensive SIA Study for Metro Rail Project/Highways project funded by International Funding Agencies, or
- The Bidder must have received not less than Rs. 10.57 Lakhs each from 3 (Three) Contracts towards the *Similar work. Out of these Three Contracts at least 1 (one) must be a comprehensive SIA Study for Metro Rail Project/Highways project funded by International Funding Agencies.
The Bidder must have received not less than Rs. 10.57 Lakhs each from 3 (Three) Contracts towards the *Similar work. Out of these Three Contracts at least 1 (one) must be a comprehensive SIA Study for Metro Rail Project/Highways project funded by International Funding Agencies.
Similar work means “Comprehensive SIA Study for Metro Rail Project / Highways project funded by International Funding Agencies” or “Comprehensive SIA study for Railways, Highways or MRTS under Central Government/ State Government / PSU/ Urban Local Bodies/ Companies listed in stock exchanges of India (BSE and/or NSE only).”
Experience certificate submitted by the bidder shall be signed & stamped by Client/Employer with address & contact no’s /email ID, briefly describing the nature of the work done and amount certified towards this work done.
The enclosed experience certificate shall be exclusively for above said services. Any fraudulent/ fabricated/ forged document related to experience if submitted shall result in rejection of the bidder along with the action of penalising bidder through debarment or forfeiture of bid security or both.
The fee received from contracts as detailed above shall be escalated by 5% per year for Indian contracts and by 2% per year for foreign contracts up till 31st Dec’2022 to arrive at present value.
MAHA-Metro (Nagpur) E- tender portal under section in e- tenders. https://mahametrorail.etenders.in
Source: Pune Metro- Tender | Image Credit (representational): Unsplash
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