Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Limited (MMRCL) has invited tenders for Detailed Design Consultancy Services for 3 (Three) elevated stations viz. Chinchwad, Akurdi, and Nigdi, excluding viaduct in station portions on PCMC to Nigdi corridor of Pune Metro Rail Project.
- Tender Reference Number: P1A/DDC-01/2023
- Name of Work: Detailed Design Consultancy Services for 3 (Three) elevated stations viz. Chinchwad, Akurdi, and Nigdi, excluding viaduct in station portions on PCMC to Nigdi corridor of Pune Metro Rail Project.
- EMD: INR 1,57,000/-
- Completion Period: 30 Months
- Document Download Start Date: 22nd Sep, 2023
- Document Download End Date: 27th Oct, 2023
- Pre-bid Meeting: 03rd Oct, 2023
- Bid Submission Start Date: 22nd Sep, 2023
- Bid Submission End Date: 27th Oct, 2023
- Bid Opening Date: 27th Oct, 2023
General Terms of References of Detailed Design Consultancy – Stations (DDC) Contract: The DDC will function as a part of the team for the Project. The DDC shall prepare General Arrangement Drawings, Interface drawings, and Detailed Design & Drawings keeping in view the economy and aesthetic consideration. DDC will be required to prepare alternative Concepts, schemes with cost associated with each alternative and suggest the most economical and aesthetically appreciable alternative to Maha-Metro.
DDC is not required to carry out any Geotechnical Investigation and Utility investigation/shifting. The stations are to be planned for 6 cars/coaches.
Purpose of this Document:
This document describes the General Scope of Services to be provided by the Tenderer hereafter referred to as “Detailed Design Consultant – Stations (DDC)”.
Consultancy services for Preparation of Detailed design for Stations including Architecture, Civil and Structure, E&M services, Fire Fighting/Suppression and Protection, Plumbing, Sewerage, Water supply services, Building management services (BMS), Acoustics, Solar panel, and any other service/item required for completion of the work of Metro Rail Stations exclusive of Viaduct portions and guideway for the Metro system, and may also include certification of green building IGBC, for the following station Buildings for Phase-2.
Corridor | Stations |
Corridor 1A: PCMC-,NIGDI 4.5 Km | 3 (Three) Elevated Stations viz. Chinchwad , Akurdi ,and Nigdi |
Construction sequencing of work envisages construction of viaduct prior to construction of stations. DDC shall consider this sequencing in the designs and incorporate proposed construction methodology for stations with viaducts already in place.
Scope of Work:
DDC shall prepare Conceptual & Preliminary designs of each station and submit drawing/design Alternatives. DDC shall prepare schematic design based drawings/design alternatives.
DDC will closely interact with viaduct designer and promptly provide him details of loads transferred from station structure to viaduct and any other input that may be required by viaduct designer for designing the viaduct in station portion.
DDC needs to design the Station building as per the parameters of the Detailed Project Report. Approved Design Basis Report (Elevated Stations) and Schedule of Dimensions (SOD) shall also be taken into consideration. Any changes in the design parameters will be conveyed to the DDC and no extra payment will be charged for the revision due to change in design parameters. Maha-Metro
DDC will perform cost effective detailed designs of civil, structural including PEB roof structures, architectural, E&M, Firefighting & Protection, Plumbing, Water, Sewer, and interface with other services based on conceptual designs and criteria issued with the tender documents for the stations.
DDC will prepare General Arrangement Drawings and detailed drawings of various items of work as per guidelines laid down by Maha-Metro. DDC will carry out detailed designs for building works, the fitting out of stations with architectural finishes, Plumbing System, Sanitary System, E&M, HVAC, Firefighting, IBMS, Signages, Rainwater harvesting, Multi-Modal integration and interface with services (including illuminations, lifts, escalators, water supply, drainage, power supply and public telephones), landscaping, advertisement boards within station limits, etc.
DDC will consider temporary and permanent diversion works for all utilities affected by the station works and accommodate the Public Utilities in the detailed design with changes as necessary to accommodate. Data to be given by Maha-Metro. DDC will also provide coordination for this purpose.
DDC will coordinate and integrate designs and details with contractors and consultants employed by Maha-Metro working on contracts adjacent to the site of works for this contract.
DDC to attend every interface meeting with various civil, E&M and System contractors and consultants and the MOM / reports to be submitted to Maha Metro. DDC will prepare and update the design stage Combined Services Drawings (CSD), Structural Opening Drawings (SOD) and Structural-Electrical- Mechanical Drawings (SEM) and MEP drawings and Interface/Coordination Drawings. DDC will give all deliverables in a format compatible with BIM, and it will be the responsibility of DDC to ensure no ambiguity.
DDC will incorporate and co-ordinate changes in design due to System & E&M interfacing. DDC will incorporate changes in design resulting from the reviews carried out by Maha-Metro and/or Maha-Metro appointed GC who will be acting as the Engineer-in-charge (in case of appointment of GC) for the project.
DDC will consult and co-ordinate with the various City and Government authorities who interface with the project. Maha-Metro will assist in the coordination. Design & drawing will take care of fire stipulations as per codal requirement. In case of any approvals from Archaeological Survey of India, the same will be taken up by Maha-Metro however consultants shall assist for the same.
- DDC will incorporate emergency evacuation considering NFPA 130, NFPA 101, National Building Code and all relevant bylaws etc.
- All the station buildings have been envisaged as fully compliant of requirements of solar energy utilisation. Solar Energy utilisation compliant design is a specialised job.
- DDC may engage a sub-consultant of requisite expertise with the approval of Maha-Metro at own cost for making all designs compliant of solar energy utilisation needs.
- DDC will plan, design, detail out, control, co-ordinate, and execute the design phase of the Works for production of drawings, documents, and reports to meet the key schedule dates indicated and as directed by Maha-Metro.
DDC would be required to prepare notes regarding quality of construction work observed by them during their periodical joint site visits and make necessary suggestions to Maha-Metro. Generally rendering to Maha-Metro every assistance, guidance or advice on any matter concerning the technical aspect of the project.
DDC will be fully responsible in their capacity as Detailed Design Consultants for the soundness of the design and shall be fully responsible for the Design. DDC to submit the BOQ (Station wise) as per the GFC drawings. Also, the revision in the GFC drawing should be submitted along with the consequent quantity variation reports.
DDC to ensure that all E&M & Solar service installation and routing requirement/ dependency with civil and structural drawing like wall, cutouts, shafts, fabricated supports in PEB, link bridge, entry/exit structures, foundations, sleeves etc. are incorporated in relevant civil and structural drawings and are updated as and when required.
If any changes in any systems, civil and architectural plan or drawings which impact other system works including material change, scope change etc. Then DDC should immediately interface and make other system stakeholders aware of the changes to avoid any wastage, rework, or delay. Also, the revised drawings (CSD, GFC etc.) incorporating the changes should be submitted within 7 days.
Time is the essence of the contract . DDC agreed to perform their duties as consultants and ensure that no delay would take place on account of supply of drawings to contractor/ Maha-Metro. In case of delays without valid reasons the DDC shall be liable to pay liquidated damages as described in the conditions of Tender-Documents.
DDC agrees to perform the duties as consultants under these presents and will advise Maha-Metro about the measures required to complete the construction of the works as entrusted to contractors according to the specifications and the schedule of time given to them and that no unnecessary delay is caused by reason of the DDC not furnishing any detail, as regards to designs, drawings or scrutiny thereon, etc. to the contractor.
DDC shall take a considered review of progress of construction-works within time and cost parameters and suggest improvements from time to time. During the contract period if the work of the contractor is delayed due to non-availability of deliverable from the DDC then DDC shall assist the contractor, strategy for match up schedule.
DDC agree that they will not without the written sanction of the Maha-Metro make any deviations in the plans or order any variation to the Contractor and such sanction of the Maha-Metro normally be communicated within 21 days of receipt of acceptable reasoning for such deviation from the DDC.
The copyright of all designs and drawings prepared in connection with this project in the executed form shall vest with Maha-Metro and shall become the property of Maha-Metro. The DDCs engaged on behalf of Maha-Metro, will during the period of their assignment, and thereafter, till the satisfactory completion of the construction of the work, act as consultants and give any advice regarding the construction of this work, in particular, to intending contractors who would tender and undertake the construction of this work.
DDC should submit 6 copies of BoQ, Reports, Documents and all drawings, design calculation and should also submit one set of soft copy in DVD/Pendrive. DDC professional fees/payments are inclusive of all responsibilities for carrying out the complete services as specified in the Scope of the Works, which include carrying out all mentioned services including all modifications, variation/addition in the design and drawings required during execution of work due to site requirement of Maha-Metro. Nothing extra shall be paid on any account till completion of this project in all respects beyond the fees/payments specified in the contract.
DDC is required to review the scheme for construction and erection of structural members in respect of the design proposed by them. If it is found that the design is not feasible to be adopted due to site condition or due to any other reason the DDC would give his remarks to Maha-Metro and shall change/modify the design as per feasibility of execution/site conditions. Nothing extra shall be payable in this account.
DDC will make available their services as and when required during the stage up to contract award: to modify existing designs or drawings as necessary to incorporate site conditions and unforeseen conditions; to assist MAHA-METRO staff in clarification of queries resulting from the design. DDC will provide support during construction on design related issues till commissioning.
Chinchwad Metro Station is proposed to be integrated with Chinchwad Station of Indian Railways through pedestrian foot over bridge (FOB). Detailed design of this FOB is in the scope of this contract. DDC shall propose different alternatives for approval of Maha-Metro and proceed with Detail design subsequently.
Scope of work includes design of all types of signages inside and outside station premises such as platform, concourse, street & surrounding street levels etc. DDC shall explore the provision for property development integrated with stations where there is possibility of introduction of one additional floor below/above platform level at all stations. If such provision is feasible detail design of same shall be in scope of this contract
DDC shall incorporate in their design the requirements of passenger access points, parking access, public transport access & drop off-pickup points, provisioning of other modes of transport per Multi ModaI transport Integration requirements. All costs associated with this shall be included in the Lump Sum price.
Alignment drawing of site prepared in 2018 is attached for reference purpose only and is subject to change. DDC is advised to send representatives at site to assess the current developments (New flyover, Transmission line etc.) and site conditions and bid accordingly. Latest alignment survey is under process and drawing will be shared subsequently once available.
Duties and Responsibilities of the DDC:
- The DDC shall initiate, and actively pursue and involve itself in all investigations and enquiries, consultations, studies, collection and compliance with pertinent information and data, convening of and attendance at meetings, and in any other activities as are or may be necessary for producing the detailed design, drawings and documents to the specified requirements. DDC to prepare the interface matrix / dependability chart between various contractors.
- The DDC shall carry out the Services in accordance with its own methods, in compliance with the provisions contained herein. Any and all changes necessary to ensure that the DDC’s design, drawings and documents conform to the intent and purpose set out in the Agreement, shall be made at the DDC’s own expense.
- The DDC represents that it is a professional and experienced consultant providing full consultancy services, and hereby agrees to bear full responsibility for the correctness and technical merit of the services performed.
- A JV member/partner having experience of Structural Design shall be allowed to work only as Detailed Structural Expert Design for this contract, or
- A JV member/partner having experience of Architectural Design shall be allowed to work only as Architectural Expert for this contract, or
- A JV member/partner having experience of MEP Design shall be allowed to work only as MEP contract.
Similar Works:
Similar works would mean the works as per the scope of work of the subject tender. Consortium must collectively satisfy 100 per cent of the criteria of clauses mentioned above, for which purpose the client vetted/certified figures for each of the members shall be added together to arrive at the consortium’s total number of stations for Technical Eligibility. Full (100%) experience for previous works of the consortium shall be considered, only if the claiming member of the consortium has at least 65% share in that consortium for the relevant referred Work, else proportionate quantum of experience of previous works up to the percentage share of participation in the subject Consortium/JV shall be considered. However, if any member has less than 20% share in that consortium, he cannot claim any experience.
Details such as brief description of the project, type of station (elevated / underground), capacity of the station designed, scope of services rendered need to be submitted as per formats provided in Form-20 & Form-21 on the basis of duly vetted/certified credential certificate of the Client/Owner/Employer.
Documentary proof to be provided for the eligibility criteria must have been vetted/certified by the Client/Owner/Employer. Existing JV/Consortium already worked/working in any department & meeting the eligibility criteria of *Similar work, mentioned in Section-III of Bid Document, can bid with the same JV configuration as a Single Entity.
The JV/Consortium member having maximum % contribution in the proposed JV should be treated as Lead Member. The mentioned experience must be supported by duly signed and stamped certificate from the employer. Bidder shall submit the contact details of issuing authority of the certificates for verification.
Credential certificates issued by Government Organizations / Semi Government Organizations of Central or State Government; or by Public Sector Undertakings / Autonomous Bodies or Central or State Government; or by Public Ltd. Companies listed in Stock Exchange in India or Abroad shall only be accepted for assessing the eligibility of Tenderer.
In case the work is executed for Public Ltd. Company listed in Stock Exchange in India or Abroad, copy of work order, bill of quantities, bill wise details of payment received certified by C.A., T.D.S. certificate for all payments received and copy of final/last bill paid by client shall also be submitted.
It may please be noted that the facilities for Station layout, Structural design and Architectural design services must be available in-house. Whereas for E&M services, Signages, Multi Modal Integration and Rainwater harvesting compliant design, either the facilities should be available in-house, or the Tenderer will be required to engage suitable experienced sub- consultants.
For Solar Energy utilisation compliant design Consultant may engage a sub-consultant with requisite experience, if required, with approval of MAHA-METRO. Documentary evidence in this regard will be required to be submitted in the offer or at a later stage, which will be subject to due approval/acceptance of MAHA-METRO/MAHA-METRO’s GC.
MAHA-Metro (Nagpur) E- tender portal under section in e- tenders. https://mahametrorail.etenders.in
Source: Pune Metro- Tender | Image Credit (representational): Pune Metro
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