RITES Limited, a Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Railways, invites online e-tender for the work of General Electrification and other associated works for Railway Electrification of Mysore- Hassan- Mangalore including Hassan-Arsikere and Kadur Chikmagaluru section Project of Mysuru Division of South Western Railway.
- Tender Reference Number: RITES/RPO/BLR/TSS/OT-06/2022
- Name of Work: Design, Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of new 110kV/ 27kV (2 Nos.) and 66kV / 27kV (3 Nos.), 50 Hz, Single Phase, 02 Bay Traction Sub Station, ABT Meter at GSS and TSS, SCADA (05nos TSS, 7 Nos. SP & 18 Nos. SSP), TSS Building, General Electrification and other associated works for Railway Electrification of Mysore- Hassan- Mangalore including Hassan-Arsikere and Kadur Chikmagaluru section Project of Mysuru Division of South Western Railway (SWR) in the state of Karnataka, India.
- Estimated Cost of the Project: Rs. 54,58,51,982.22/-
- EMD: Rs. 25,00,000/-
- Completion Period: 12 Months
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 20-May-2022
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 31-May-2022
- Bid Submission Start Date: 01-June-2022
- Bid Submission End Date: 11-June-2022
- Bid Opening Date: 13-June-2022
Scope of Work:
- This tender for Railway Electrification works shall broadly include Railway Traction Substations, Remote Control Centre (RCC), SCADA, ABT meters and General Electrical related works in the sections MYS-HAS-MAQ, HAS-ASK & DRU-CMGR of Mysuru Division of South Western Railway as under:
Electrical Works:
- Design, Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of new 110kV/ 27kV (2 Nos.) and 66kV / 27kV ( 3 Nos.), 50 Hz, Single Phase, 02 Bay Traction Sub Station.
- ABT Meter at GSS and TSS, SCADA (05nos TSS, 7 Nos. SP & 18 Nos. SSP), TSS Building, General Electrification and other associated works for Railway.
- Electrification of Mysore- Hassan- Mangalore including HassanArsikere and Kadur Chikmagaluru section Project of Mysuru Division of South Western Railway (SWR) in the state of Karnataka, India.
- Provision of TSS Building Works and other Civil foundation works.
- Provision of Remote-Control Centre (RCC) at Mysuru Division with SCADA arrangements and interfacing to 7 Nos. SPs and 18 Nos. SSPs
- General Electrification of TSS building.
- Liaison with state Electricity Authorities / Board and other related Government Agency for Power supply arrangement from utility/State GSS to proposed TSS as per requirement.
- Maintenance of SCADA system as indicated in the BOQ.
- Preparation and supply of “As-Built” drawings as required by the Railways as per chapter-6, section-5 of this tender document.
- And all other allied works which are necessary for successful completion and commissioning of contract work including Maintenance & supervision of entire system during defect liability period of the project.
Civil Works:
- Establishment of survey control points for accurate survey using high end survey equipment such as DGPS and Total Station connected with nearest GTS Benchmark and establishment of pillars.
- Provision of Earth work in-formation for Traction Sub Station, Service Roads, approach road for TSS as per site conditions and approved drawings.
- Planning, design and construction of Traction Sub Station as per approved drawing and client’s requirements.
- Water supply arrangements for the TSS, Service buildings etc., as per approved drawing and client’s requirements.
- Transportation, handling, stacking, watching, protection etc., for the TSS construction materials from manufacturer’s works/place of purchase to the working sites.
- Testing of material, Quality of works, documentation as per ISO and RDSO/Railway specifications and ensuring precautionary measures and safety arrangements.
- Providing Ready Mix Concrete (RMC) from reputed supplier of RMC as per approved design mix, drawings, specifications and contract agreement.
- Provision of Cross Track for transportation of Traction Transformer as per Railways requirements. Preparation and supply of “As Built” drawings.
- The financial turnover will be taken as given under the head “Income” in audited Profit and Loss Account and excluding non-recurring income, income from other sources and stock.
- It is clarified that the Financial Turnover means relevant revenue as recorded in the Income side of Profit and Loss Account. It does not mean Profit.
- Closing stocks in whatsoever manner should not form part of turnover. Weightage of 7% (compounded annually) shall be given for equating the financial turnover of the previous years to the current year.
- For considering the Financial Years, for example for a work for which the last stipulated date for submission of the bids is in Financial Year 2014-15, the last three Financial Years will be 2013- 14, 2012-13 and 2011-12.
- For a work for which the last stipulated date for submission of the bids is on (say) 05.09.14 (F.Y. 2014- 15), with weightage of 7% compounded annually, the weightages to be applied on the Turnover of the previous three Financial Years will be: F.Y. 2013-14 = 1.070; F.Y. 2012-13 = 1.145; F.Y. 2011-12 = 1.225
- The Bidder Should furnish Annual Financial Turnover for each of the last 3 Financial Years in tabular form and give reference of the document (with page no.) relied upon in support of meeting the Qualification Criterion.
- The Bidder should submit self-attested copy of Auditor’s Report along with Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement along with Schedules for the relevant Financial Year in which the minimum criterion is met. Provisional Audit Reports or certified statements will not be accepted.
- If the Audited Balance Sheet for the immediately preceding year is not available in case of a work for which the last stipulated date for submission of the bids is before 30th September or in case, Government of India extends the date of conducting of AGM / Filing of Balance Sheet beyond 30th September, audited Balance Sheets, Profit and Loss Statements and other financial statements of the three Financial Years immediately preceding the previous Financial Year shall be adopted for evaluating the credentials of the Bidder.
- In case JV is permitted the following provisions will apply
Large Works – Applicable
- For each Partner, the highest Annual Turnover in any of the last three Financial Years will be considered and the weighted figure for the current Financial Year will be worked out as described in Para 1 (Note c).
- This should not be less than the figure arrived at bymultiplying the minimum Annual Turnover stipulated for the Bidder in Qualification Criterion multiplied by the percentage of Financial participation by that partner in the JV.
- Each partner should satisfy this requirement and thus automatically JV will satisfy the criterion of minimum Annual Turnover.
Source: RITES -Tender | Image Credit (representational): MoR
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