RITES Limited, a Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Railways has issued a Letter of Acceptance (LoA) to M/s Ravindranath Constructions Pvt. Ltd. for Construction of platforms including platform fencing / wall for development of coaching depot at Koteganguru in Mysuru Division, South Western Railway on Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) mode.
- Tender Reference Number: RITES/BLR/LT/03/EPC-Koteganguru/2023
- Name of Work: Construction of platforms including platform fencing / wall for development of coaching depot at Koteganguru in Mysuru Division, South Western Railway on Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) mode.
- Accepted Contract Amount: INR 3,25,56,242.04/- (Including GST)
- Completion Period: 270 Days
In October 2023, the RITES invited a tender for Tender Number: RITES/BLR/LT/03/EPC-Koteganguru/2023
Scope of the Project:
- Geotechnical investigation, Topographical Survey
- Approval of GAD, design including proof checking,
- Preparation of preliminary designs, detailed designs, detailed drawings
- Construction of Platforms including platform fencing / wall (5) Complete in all respect all specified and incidental works
- Integrated testing and commissioning
- Handing over of the project
- Approval from authorities
The project comprises Development of Coaching Depot at Koteganguru in Mysuru Division including Civil, Electrical and Signal & Telecom works between Chainage 69170 & Chainage 71620 (2.45 km) in Shivamogga-Talaguppa section.
The proposed Coaching Depot is located at Koteganguru Halt Station falling between Shivamogga & Talaguppa stations of Mysore Division. It is intended to design & construct the formation, track & bridges with 25 tonne axle load, with maximum permissible speed of 130 km/h on main line and minimum 30 km/h for loop lines.
The scope of the works to be performed under the contract (hereinafter referred to as ‘the scope of work’) shall comprise of Design & Construction Civil, Building, Electrical, Signal & Telecommunication and Track works for the Project “Development of Coaching Depot at Koteganguru in Mysuru Division including Civil, Electrical and Signal & Telecom works between Chainage 69170 & Chainage 71620 (2.45 km) in Shivamogga-Talaguppa section”.
Scope of work shall also include any associated works relating to manufacturing, supply, installation, testing & commissioning for Development of Coaching Depot at Koteganguru in Mysuru Division including Civil, Electrical and Signal & Telecom works between Chainage 69170 & Chainage 71620 (2.45 km) in Shivamogga-Talaguppa section, capable of operating at a speed of 130 km/h involving design & construction of formation in embankments/cuttings, bridges, structures, buildings including station buildings, service buildings, etc, ballast on formation, track works, integration with Indian Railway system including testing & commissioning on design build lump sum price. The detailed description of scope of works is provided in the Schedule. All the chainages, length as indicated below are indicative & approximate.
The work areas, which are identified in terms of chainage, are from Chainage 69170 and Chainage 71620, which includes the following stations: Koteganguru, Centreline of Station 69817.
The following major facilities are planned in the proposed New Coaching Depot:
- Four running lines with CSL varying from minimum 760m to 1034m (Road 1-761m, Road 2-761m, Road 3-994m & Road 4-1034m)
- Two pit lines with CSL varying from minimum 718m to 857.8m having pit length of 625m suitable to pass the loco with speed of 30 km/h
- One spur line with CSL of 750m
- One tower wagon siding with CSL of 160m
- One track machine siding with CSL of 300m
- One shunting neck with CSL of 750m
- Stabling Line-1 with CSL 674m & Stabling Line-2 with CSL 169.55m
- Simultaneous reception facilities having overrun line length of 120m for the Roads identified in the yard plan
- One sick line with CSL of 150m
- One sick line shed of approximate area 100mx20m along with service building of area of 750 sqm
- One station building of approximate area of 468 sqm
- One end platform and 1 (one) island platform connected with 1 (one) subway and necessary passenger amenities
- Twenty four units of quarters
- Connected watering arrangement, drainage & sewerage facilities
The work includes without limitation the design, construction & removal of any temporary works and diversions of utility services both of Railways and Local Authorities as defined in the agreement. In addition, the contractor shall undertake the rectification of defects happening in the permanent works arising due to new line works to the standards.
The contractor is fully responsible for delivery a safe, sound, durable & satisfactorily functioning state of the track conforming to project requirements, applicable standards, codes & manuals as listed & retained in ‘Manual of Specification & Standards for Railway Projects’.
Certain works may require condonation of Commissioner of Railway Safety (CRS) or Railway Board before execution of such works, which have to be taken up by the contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible to prepare and submit applications to Authority Engineer for obtaining sanction of Commissioner of Railway Safety (CRS).
All Site investigations, Geo-technical surveys, setting of alignment, bridge planning, bore holes, communication, ancillary works, record keeping, material testing, inspection reports etc. shall form part of scope of Works for successful completion of Permanent Works.
Need for EPC contracts:
- Railways had hitherto been undertaking construction projects through the conventional item rate contracts where the Authority provides the detailed design as well as the estimates of quantities for different items of work (Bill of Quantities). Payments to the contractor are made on the basis of measurements of the work done in respect of each item.
- Experience in railway projects shows that item rate contracts are prone to excessive time and cost overruns due to delays in design and drawing, variation in items and quantities and inadequate fund provisions as allocation of construction risks are largely to the Authority. Considerable time of Project Engineers is consumed in dealing with variations in quantities, introduction of Non Schedule Items and variation in contract price.
- The growing requirements of the economy will necessitate faster expansion of the freight network through new capacity creation. Considering that improved and modernised project execution capabilities would be critical for speedy capacity creation, it has been decided to adopt the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) mode of contracting for construction of Railway projects.
- On Indian Railways, the EPC model has been used earlier in a limited way for constructing some bridges on the Jammu-Udhampur rail link. However, in the Railway sector, EPC model has been extensively & successfully used by Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) over the years. Accordingly, the processes for design approval, supervision and monitoring etc. have been suitably incorporated in the Model EPC Agreement as per the practices being followed in DMRC.
Model EPC Agreement:
The aforesaid drawbacks of item rate contracting can be addressed by adopting the EPC approach that relies on assigning the responsibility for investigations, design and construction to the contractor for a lump sum price determined through competitive bidding.
The objective is to ensure speedy implementation of the project to the specified standards and cost effective designs and least time overrun while assigning & balancing various risks judiciously between Contractor & Authority.
This Standard EPC Agreement provides a contractual framework that balances the allocation of risks & rewards, provides equity of obligations & penalties between Authority and the Contractor, minimises the ambiguities and uncertainties, thus improves the predictability of cost & time. It also follows the global best practices related to force majeure, termination and dispute resolution, apart from transparent and fair procedures.
The Contractor also has full freedom to plan the construction schedule for efficient use of its manpower, equipment and other resources while payments are linked to specified stages of construction (payment milestones) vis-à-vis the payment for individual items/units under the item rate contract. Awarding a contract for a lump sum price ensures value engineering, balancing of risks & financial discipline, both for the contractor and the Authority. The contract price is subject to adjustment on account of price variation during the contract period as per specified formula.
Source: RITES- Tender Update | Image Credit (representational): Southern Railway