RLDA invites tender for DPR preparation for redevelopment of Delhi Sarai Rohilla railway station

Rail Land Development Authority (RLDA) has invited Proposal through e-tendering mode for Consultancy contract for techno- economic feasibility study, detailed master planning, urban designing, engineering and preparation of detailed project report (DPR) for integrated redevelopment of Delhi Sarai Rohilla Railway Station of Delhi Division, Northern Railway.

  • Tender Reference Number: RLDA/RFP/CT-51 of 2022
  • Name of Work: Consultancy contract for techno- economic feasibility study, detailed master planning, urban designing, engineering and preparation of detailed project report (DPR) for integrated redevelopment of Delhi Sarai Rohilla Railway Station of Delhi Division, Northern Railway.
  • Estimated Cost: INR 49 Lakh
  • EMD: INR 98 Thousand
  • Completion of work: 6.5 Months
  • Document Download Start Date: 04th January, 2023
  • Document Download End Date: 19th January, 2023
  • Bid Submission Start Date: 04th January, 2023
  • Bid Submission End Date: 19th January, 2023
  • Bid Opening Date: 19th January, 2023


  • Indian Railways is one of the biggest landowners in the country. While majority of the land of around 4.3 lakh hectares is under use for Railway operations including tracks, station and yard structures, around 43,000 hectares lie vacant and unutilized.
  • For development of the surplus land for commercial development, RLDA (a statutory authority) was constituted in November 2006 by an amendment to the Railway Act 1989 as a separate entity under the Ministry of Railways to undertake all tasks related to property development on railway land under the control of the Ministry of Railways.
  • The project brief and background is provided in Section I of the RFP document. Applicants are encouraged to inform themselves fully about the site, assignments and the conditions before submitting the Application by visiting the Station Area and RLDA office. Please note that no cost of any such visit is reimbursable by RLDA.
  • The Limited tender is called from the Empaneled Architectural Firms as mentioned in Annexure A for providing Architectural Consultancy for Re-development of Railway Stations.
  • This empanelment of Architectural Firms has been done under Category A for stations of category NSG 01 and 02 and Important Railway Stations.
  • The selection of consultants shall be based on QCBS (Quality-Cum-Cost Based System) system of selection from empaneled consultants. Tender documents shall specify the Evaluation criteria only (there shall be no eligibility criteria as the tenders are to be invited from empaneled consultants only) and single stage – two packet systems shall be followed.

Scope of Services:

  • The first part of Scope of Services pertains to preparing Technical Feasibility Report, Concept Plans and Master Plan for the development/redevelopment of Project Railway Station including its surroundings on the entire Railway land for preparation of station development plan along with plan for commercial exploitation of land parcels (colony redevelopment plan also to be included if required) and bid management. The scope for this part shall be as follows:
  • The Consultant shall undertake this consultancy in order to achieve the objective specified in Clause 2 above. The detailed scope of services specified below is based on Authority’s understanding of the scope of service.
  • However, it should be noted that the scope of work specified below is not exhaustive. The Consultant may be required to carry out additional works, if any, to meet the objectives stated above.
  • While preparing the Technical Feasibility Report and Master Plan of the Project, the Consultant shall follow the standards and specifications laid down in the Manual. The basic objective underlying the Master Plan is to develop a schematic plan for efficient handling of passenger operations besides providing facilities for maintenance and operations.
  • It shall also include optimal plans for real estate development and allied facilities such as parking, inter-modal transfer and in-coming/outgoing road traffic at the Station.
  • The Technical Feasibility Report and Master Plan to be prepared by the Consultant shall contain preliminary designs and sufficient details to judge the constructability and feasibility of various layouts as well as the estimated cost related to such development. The phasing of the Mandatory Works / Commercial Development shall be done on the basis of costs thus worked out and the revenue realization strategy prepared by Authority.
  • During actual execution, alternate layouts may be proposed based on the vision of the real estate developer, but the Consultant has to ensure that the master plan is not challengeable on architectural, technical or practical considerations.
  • It will be the Consultant’s responsibility to fully defend the solutions proposed by him should these be questioned by MOR, Authority or the Contractor/Developer at any stage of the planning of Mandatory Works and/or bidding process for award of contract for Mandatory Works and Commercial Development.
  • Once the bid documents are released, the Consultant shall prepare replies to the written queries made by the bidders on the technical aspects of the bid documents. The Consultant shall take part in the pre-bid conference for award of tender/concession and furnish such technical clarifications as may be called for.
  • The Consultant shall give a modular cost assessment of various infrastructure facilities proposed for station redevelopment.
  • The second part of Scope of Services pertains to Financial Viability assessment of the project proposal. The Financial viability assessment/Valuation shall include assessment of the viability of alternatives.
  • The Consultant shall also assist the other consultants like Transaction Advisor, Legal Adviser etc. engaged by Authority by furnishing technical schedules and such clarifications as may be required for contractual, legal and financial issues for 1st phase of Mandatory Works and Commercial Development.
  • The outline scope of services to be performed by the Consultant shall include but not limited to the following:
    • Review of previous reports (if any)/ available plans / drawings /data and verify the available drawings details at the site;
    • Traffic study and development of integrated traffic plans;
    • Studies, Surveys and Investigations;

Engineering Survey;

  • Collection of land plans and master plan of station if any
  • Ascertaining condition, ownership and usage of structures;
  • Exiting utilities mapping, assess and plan permanent and temporary diversion utilities;
  • Land due diligence (ascertaining land title in favour of Railways from the concerned Authorities) ascertaining land title in favour of Railway.
  • Building condition survey; and
  • Study of identification of sensitive structures;
  • Overlapping of survey and development plan on Google maps, revenue maps etc.
  • Soil exploration for preliminary design of structures.
  • Applicable Development control norms;
  • Assessment of additional requirement of utility infrastructure such as power, water, solid waste management, sewage treatment etc. as well as their availability for the Project;
  • Relocation plan of buildings and structures;
  • Development of Concept Plans & Master Plan of the project: The Consultant shall follow the applicable laws, bylaws and Master Plan of the city with a view to enabling an ‘in principle’ approval of municipal authorities.
  • Construction methodology, sequencing, scheduling and time frame;
  • Social impact assessment including Resettlement & Rehabilitation Plan (R&R), if any;
  • Environment Impact Assessment and to actively work with Authority and obtain environment clearance of entire Project, if required;
  • Heritage Impact Assessment, if required
  • Preliminary designs and review / update of design criteria/outline specifications for the Mandatory Works and Architectural Controls for the Project including areas identified for commercial and/or other development identified in the Master Plan
  • Project Cost and Cost Estimates; (facility wise)
  • Market assessment/Demand assessment of the alternative project proposals.
  • Financial Viability assessment of the alternative project proposal.
  • The Financial viability assessment/Valuation shall include assessment of the viability of alternatives as discussed with RLDA/Railway Authority. The relevant parameters and guidelines such as IRR, Equity IRR etc. may be provided by RLDA.
  • Prepare submissions (if required, its revision also), for the purpose of obtaining in principle statutory approval/clearances for the Master Plan and obtain such clearances;
  • Preparation of various Technical Schedules for the tenders for complete Mandatory Works.
  • Management of technical aspects of Bid Management for the first phase of Mandatory Works and Commercial Development. The phasing of Mandatory Works and Commercial Development shall be as decided by Authority in consultation with the Consultant and other consultants taking an overall view of railways’ operational requirements, Authority’s requirements, market conditions and overall interest of the Project and various stakeholders. 

Development of Master Plan:

  • The Consultant shall prepare a Master Plan for development of the entire Project Railway Station site. The development should include adjoining railway land to present an integrated development around the site.
  • Also, to achieve the objective of harmonious development with surrounding city and adequately meeting the need for transport linkages, the Consultant shall plan works on surrounding roads adjoining the land boundary of the site.
  • Segregation of suburban services from the long distance traffic and their integration with long distance platforms would need to be planned and provided for. Consultant shall integrate the passenger and train movement with the other existing / proposed public transport modes, like High Speed Railway, Metro LRT, and Metro rail System etc. Feasibility of such construction shall be carefully examined.
  • Master plan shall be fit for modular / phased construction. The Technical Feasibility Report to be prepared by the Consultant will contain the drawings and sufficient details to judge the feasibility and constructability of various layouts.
  • After receiving the observations of Authority on the Master Plan and draft Feasibility Report, the Consultant shall further amplify the major elements of design of the Project, and prepare Preliminary Design for the Project such that these could be used as reference documents for inviting technical Bid and normalizing the parameters for the RFP.
  • Preliminary design shall be adequately detailed so that interest of Authority and users of the Project are fully safeguarded by clear planning and design parameters. Preliminary Design shall be submitted at the time of submission of the final Feasibility Report.
  • In subsequent stages of this consultancy assignment, the Mandatory Works may be further detailed by the consultant to provide drawings and documents for on-site construction works.
  • Authority envisages that the Station may have a separate contractor/developer responsible for Operation and Maintenance of services related to passenger operations such as platforms and services related to commercial operations such as any real estate development.
  • The master plan prepared by the Consultant shall ensure that there is clear segregation in the operational area of the two services, to the extent possible.
  • The Mandatory Works shall be identified in the Master Plan. Looking at the conditions of each project, including railway operational requirements, Authority’s requirements, market conditions and overall interests of Project and various stakeholders etc, It may be desirable to take up the work in Phases. In such a situation, the Master Plan shall indicate the phases of Mandatory Works.
  • With reference to the Mandatory Works, the consultant shall prepare Tender Drawings and documents. Tender Drawings and Documents shall contain all necessary details, information specifications, etc required for selection of contractors/ developers.
  • The drawings shall indicate the various phases distinctly to allow the contractor / Developer to easily identify the scope of work and plan interface of work in subsequent phases. The drawings shall contain all necessary details pertaining to architectural, interior, conceptual Landscaping and other service designs.
  • Consultant shall prepare dimensioned floor plans (all floors), elevation (all sides), Sections (Minimum 2 per structure), details of circulation cores, service layouts, capacity of facilities, schedule of finishes, other details, etc.

The complete document can be downloaded from www.tenderwizard.in/RLDA

Source: RLDA- Tender | Image Credit (representational): MoR

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