In a significant move to enhance rail connectivity over the zone, Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (RVNL) has floated a tender for proposed doubling of track between Madurai and Tuticorin in Madurai Division of Southern Railway.
Brief about Tender Submission:
Name of the Work: Proposed doubling of track between Madurai and Tuticorin – Execution of Permanent way works in connection with re-modelling of Milavittan (MVN) and Tuticorin (TN) Yards and Kumarapuram (KPM) Yard track dismantling in Madurai Division of Southern Railway.
Tender Reference Number | RVNL/CPM/MAS/MDU – TN DL/P. Way Works @ MVN & TN/OT – 03 |
Estimated Cost (in Rs.) | 2.26 Crores |
EMD (in Rs.) | 4,52,000/- |
Contract Period | 4 Months |
Document Download/Sale Start Date | 10th Feb, 2024 |
Bid Submission Start Date | 10th Feb, 2024 |
Bid Submission End Date | 04th Mar, 2024 |
Bid Opening Date | 05th Mar, 2024 |
The tendered work is part of the project for doubling the existing railway line between Madurai and Tuticorin of Southern Railway. The works are located on the alignment parallel to the existing track alignment between Madurai and Tuticorin. It is proposed to take up the work of this section as it is equally important from the point of view of both passenger and freight traffic.
Scope of Works:
- Milavittan – Yard Remodelling (Crossing Station)
- Tuticorin – Yard Remodelling (Terminal Station)
- Dismantling of Track at KPM yard
The works connected to the yard remodelling are as follows:
Dismantling of Exg track, points & crossing, linking of track, assembling of points & crossings, insertion of points by T-28 & manual under line block, SEJ insertion of glued joints, AT welding and dumping of ballast, machine packing, dismantling of KPM Existing loop line, leading, stacking and handing over the released material to open line and other incidental works.
The proposed work is in connection with the doubling of track between Sattur and Tuticorin. 1 Number of level crossings existing on the project section which is to be extended. These level crossings have to be extended so as to accommodate the 2nd line and MVN and TN Yard lines by shifting the lifting barriers/gate posts on the side of the 1st line on the left hand/right hand side.
Brief Description of the Important Activities for the Proposed Double Line is Given Below:
- Remodelling of station yards, including construction of Platforms, Foot Over Bridges, etc., along with installation of turnouts, derailing switches, Glued Insulated Rail Joints etc.
- Alterations and extensions to the existing station yards including dismantling, removal & stacking of released material of track, turnouts, glued joints, Insulated Rail Joints etc.
- Alteration to level crossings falling in the length of the proposed Yard remodelling to suit the provision of the double line including relaying of some of the level crossings as required.
- The spreaded ballast to the top of formation and compacting of ballast with mechanical means.
- Rails and Sleepers required for turnouts and Track, LC Sleepers, Bridge Sleepers, SEJ Sleepers and P&C sleepers, will be issued free of cost by the Employer. Normal track sleepers will be issued free of cost by the employer.
- All transportation, handling, stacking materials required for the above works including Rails, issued by the employer free of cost, along with watching, protection, re- handling & restacking etc., of material.
- Assembling and laying of new track, turnouts, and switch expansion joints, glued joints, derailing switches etc., on newly made up formation with/without traffic blocks.
- Dismantling/replacing existing turnouts where necessary with plain track on running lines at stations under block.
- Insertion of new turnouts on main line and running lines where necessary under block.
- Slewing and lifting/lowering of track as required with/without blocks.
- Packing of PSC sleepers including lifting and lining of track, turnouts, etc., with two rounds of manual packing to the required cushion before 1st machine packing including aligning so as to make the track fit for maximum allowable speed as per the specified track tolerances with contractor labour, Tools & Plants and as directed by the Engineer.
- Welding of rail joints by SKV process for conversion of free rails to LWR/CWR/SWR/10-Rail panels.
- Installation of P. Way components for all level crossings including shifting of existing gates posts, fencing etc for the new line.
- Installation of P. Way components for shifting of level crossings in yards for both the lines including provision of gate posts, fencing etc.,
- Laying of guard rails on bridges including at bridge approaches
Track Laying & Linking:
60 Kg/90UTS rails on PSC sleepers with density of 1660 sleepers per km with 350 mm ballast cushion shall be provided for the main line. In station yards, for the loop lines, 60 Kg rails on PSC sleepers with density of 1660 sleepers/Km with 250 mm ballast cushion have been proposed. The main line is proposed to be provided with LWR / CWR. Loop lines shall be provided with LWR.
Yards will be tracked. Glued joints shall be provided wherever required. 60 Kg points and crossings on PSC fan shaped layouts have been proposed. Hard stone ballast of 50 mm size with 350 mm cushion on the main line and the turnouts and 300 mm cushion on loops and sidings shall be provided.
The work also involves slewing / regarding existing tracks and relaying /dismantling of P-way and Points & crossings, wherever necessary. After the formation is ready and cleared by the Engineer, a joint statement has to be signed by engineers including OHE and RVNL. Once the statement is sent to the contractor, the rails (Single Rails/3 Rail Panels) for track linking shall be unloaded on the formation.
Minimum total construction turnover equivalent to INR 3.39 crores. Calculated as total certified payments received for contracts in progress or completed, within the last three financial years.
Construction Experience:
Execution as contractor, or subcontractor, at least one contract with a value of 0.791 crores that has been successfully or is substantially completed within the last seven years before the deadline for submission of the bids, and that is similar to the proposed work. The similar work here shall be permanent work on Indian Railways.
The tender for doubling of track, released by RVNL, signalling a futuristic push for enhanced rail connectivity. The competitive price Rs. 2.26 Crores for yard remodelling, assembling and dismantling of tracks aims to accommodate the growing needs of the population and freight traffic.
Source: RVNL- Tender | Image Credit (representational): MoR