During October, 2020, Southern Railway loaded 2.09 million tonnes of freight, which fetched us earnings of Rs 162.42 Crores. For the financial year, April to October, 2020, Southern Railway loaded 14.78 M.T with the earning of Rs 1,167.57 Crores.
- While several different commodities were loaded, there were some exceptions during this month.
- The first was the ever highest loading of rice and paddy in a single month, for Tamilnadu Civil Supplies Corporation(TNCSC), totalling a volume of 2.61 lakh tonnes in the month of October, 2020 .
- Similarly, during October, 2020 Southern Railway loaded 56 trains of Automobiles, which is best ever loading of automobiles in any month so far.
- More importantly these included 4 train loads of Harvesters from Chinnasalem to various destinations in Andhra and Karnataka.
- This improved performance was a result of functioning of Business Development Groups at Head Quarters and in all Divisions of SR.
- Southern Railway is the destination Railway for several essential commodities such as Fertilisers, food grain, cement, Iron and Steel and Coal.
- The combined effect of higher speeds of freight trains and quick and efficient unloading at Southern Railways terminals, has improved the availability of wagons for loading not only for Southern Railway, but also for Indian Railways.
Recent Achievement:
Southern Railway takes numerous efforts to ensure unhindered movement of a variety of essential commodities and various other goods and materials. Overcoming all odds caused by the covid pandemic, Southern Railway transports raw materials and finished products which help the traders, businessmen and farmers. These activities aid the growth of the economy, too.
- The Business Development Unit of Salem Division of Southern Railway is always on the look out to sustain and improve the commercial activities of the division.
- In yet another initiative, which will be very beneficial to farmers, Salem division is transporting harvester machines from Chinna Salem in Salem division to Nalgonda (Telangana) in Guntur division of South Central Railway.
- Over 80 harvester machines, loaded on 32 wagons, are being moved from Chinna Salem in Salem Division to Nalgonda in Telangana.
- Transportation of the harvester machines from Chinna Salem to Nalgonda will fetch a revenue of Rs.11.40 lakhs.
Shri A. Annadurai, Additional Divisional Railway Manager, Salem Division flagged off the train carrying the harvester machines at Chinna Salem. Shri S. Mukundan, Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer, Shri Vasudevan, Divisional Operations Manager, Shri P.V. Manoj, Divisional Commercial Manager and other officials and staff were present on the occasion.
Source: Southern Railway-Press Release | Image Credit (representational): MOR
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