Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation (UPMRC) Ltd. has invited open e-tenders for Outsourcing of manpower for O&M work for preventive and corrective maintenance of 25 KV OHE and Power Supply Installations (ASSs & RSSs), (excluding SCADA) of Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. at Lucknow for 03 years.
- Tender Reference Number: UPMC CTR-02
- Name of Work: Outsourcing of manpower for O&M work for preventive and corrective maintenance of 25 KV OHE and Power Supply Installations (ASSs & RSSs), (excluding SCADA) of Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. at Lucknow for 03 years.
- Approximate Cost of Work: INR 2,55,88,159 Crore
- EMD: INR 5,11,763 Lakh
- Completion Period: 36 Months
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 12th May, 2023
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 12th June, 2023
- Pre Bid Meeting Date: 02nd June, 2023
- Bid Submission Start Date: 12th May, 2023
- Bid Submission End Date: 12th June, 2023
- Bid Opening Date: 13th June, 2023
Scope of Work:
- The deputed manpower shall perform following maintenance activities as per schedule:
- Special Checks as per UPMRC ACTM as well as SMIs issued.
- FOCS & ROCS Maintenance.
- Indicative guidelines regarding Contractor’s Maintenance Organization:
- Nights Maintenance/Breakdown Attending Gang
- Engineer-1
- High skilled Fitters / Fitters- 3
- Helper -4
- As preventive maintenance shall be done in the night during ‘OHE off/ Power block’ hrs. If any breakdown happens during these hours, the same gang shall attend it.
- Daytime Maintenance/Breakdown Attending Gang
- Supervisor -1
- High skilled Fitters / Fitters -3
- Helpers – 4
- In day time they will do maintenance of ASS/RSS/33 kV network/Depot OHE etc. They will also attend any breakdown of OHE/ASS/RSS/33 kV network etc.
- Remaining staffs will be deployed as per Engineer’s instruction and requirement in OHE staff round the clock. Payment will be done on actual deployment of staff. Additional manpower requirements may be accorded by the contractor if required.
- More manpower may be deployed on instruction of UPMRC and the wages for the extra manpower will be paid at the same rate as mentioned in BOQ on the same terms and conditions as agreed in LOA.
- All staff shall report to the UPMRC’s Representative for duty at the TPNR depot. Whenever there is requirement of Tower wagon for normal maintenance schedules or for attending OHE breakdowns, the same to be provided by UPMRC with competent Driver and Fuel etc.
- UPMRC deputed their Authorised Competent Supervisor to take Power Block from the TPC & issue PTW to the contractor’s team in charge. Routine and Preventive OHE maintenance shall be carried out by the contractor’s team as per laid down schedules in the UPMRC’s Maintenance Manual or as directed by their representatives.
- In the event of any break down/accident, TPC or any other UPMRC staff shall inform the contractor‘s working Engineer / Supervisor, who is the gang in-charge about the nature of breakdown and guide them to proceed to the site with necessary Tools/tackles and OHE materials within 30 minutes along with UPMRC’s representative by road vehicle or TW etc.
Traction maintenance Works:
- All maintenance activities to be carried out as per ACTM & SMIs issued and as per the Schedule of work given in ‘Bill of Quantity’, ‘Special conditions of contracts’ and “Technical Specification & Scope of Work (Traction (OHE & PSI) installation Maintenance)” of tender documents at Depots as well as Main Line (CCS airport to Munshipulia) as per requirement.
Maintenance of OHE at Main Line & Depot:
- All maintenance (Preventive and corrective) activity should be carried out as per LMRC (UPMRC) ACTM & as per the technical specification & Scope of work.
- In addition to this, any other maintenance activities which are not covered here and pertains to Traction, will also be done as per UPMRC’s engineer instruction.
- The minimum description for the manpower contract for preventive and corrective maintenance of 25 KV OHE and power supply installations (ASSs & RSSs) (excluding SCADA) shall be as under mentioned in the scope of the work.
25 KV Interrupters (Main line):
Maintenance Frequency:
- Quarterly, Half-yearly and Yearly Checklist:
- Obtain Power Block and provide earthing rod.
- Open the cover of the control box. Clean the accumulated vacuum cleaner. Also clean the sight glass.
- Check the operation in local and remote mode, keeping the front door open, observe whether the mechanism functions smoothly without any rubbing or obstruction.
- Check the working of the counter and record the counter reading.
- Check and measure the resistance of the closing and opening coil.
- Check the moisture entry inside the box. If found, examine the door handle/gasket for any damage, replace if required.
- Verify from SCADA status, the change of position of local remote switch & open/close status.
- Remove the castle key and switch off DC supply.
- Check the working of the heater.
- Check all electrical connections of the control panel for tightness.
- Check the bushing insulator for any chipping and flash mark and clean with the cotton
- cloth, anti-track paint should be applied on the chipping/flash marks.
- Check the bimetallic strip between CB flange and busbar connector.
- Check the incoming and outgoing HV connections for tightness.
- Check spring stroke adjustment (Gap should be 4mm-5 mm in BM closed condition).
- Check all nuts & bolts inside the mechanism for tightness.
- Apply touch up paint in case of rusting found inside or outside of the control box.
- Check the earth strip connections for tightness.
- Check the nut & bolt of the support structure for tightness.
- Check remote operation by TPC before cancelling the power block.
Site Visits:
- The Tenderer is advised to visit and examine the Site of Works and its surroundings and obtain for himself on his own responsibility all information that may be necessary for preparing the Tender and entering into a contract for the proposed work.
- The cost of visiting the Site shall be borne by the Tenderer. It shall be deemed that the Contractor has undertaken a visit to the Site of Works and is aware of the site conditions prior to the submission of the tender documents.
- The Tenderer and any of his personnel will be granted permission by the Employer to enter upon his premises and lands for the purpose of such inspection, but only upon the express condition that the Tenderer, and his personnel, will release and indemnify the Employer and his personnel from and against all liability in respect thereof and will be responsible for death or personal injury, loss of or damage to property and any other loss, damage, costs and expenses incurred as a result of the inspection.
- The Tenderer shall note General Conditions of Contract (GCC) Sub – Clause 4.9 in which it is deemed that the Tenderer has taken into account all the factors that may affect his Tender in preparing his offer.
- The tenders for this contract will be considered only from those tenderers (proprietorship firms, partnerships firms, companies, corporations) who meet requisite eligibility criteria prescribed in the sub-clauses of clause 1.1.3 of NIT. Joint Ventures or Consortium are not allowed to participate in the tender.
- A tenderer shall submit only one bid in the same tendering process. A tenderer who submits or participates in more than one bid will cause all of the proposals in which the tenderer has participated to be disqualified. No tenderer can be a subcontractor while submitting a bid in the same bidding process.
- Tenderers shall not have a conflict of interest. All Tenderers found to have a conflict of interest shall be disqualified. Tenderers shall be considered to have a conflict of interest with one or more parties in this bidding process, if:
- Tenderer has been engaged by the Employer to provide consulting services for the preparation related to procurement for on implementation of the project;
- Tenderer is any associates/affiliates (inclusive of parent firms) mentioned in subparagraph (a) above; or
- Tenderer lends, or temporarily seconds its personnel to firms or organisations which are engaged in consulting services for the preparation related to procurement for on implementation of the project, if the personnel would be involved in any capacity on the same project.
- The Tenderer/applicant must not have been blacklisted or debarred as on the due date of submission of bid by Government of India/ State Government / Government undertaking from participating in the tenders.
- The tenderer should submit an undertaking to this effect in the Form of Tender. The tenderer shall also submit a “Verification Statement” to this effect as per proforma placed at Annexure 1 of ITT.
Technical experience:
- Successfully completed or substantially completed similar work during last seven years ending last day of the month previous to the one in which bid are invited should be either of the following:
- Three (03) nos. of work each not less than 40% of yearly estimated cost i.e. Three similar works of value of Rs. 38 lakhs or more, or
- Two (02) nos. of work each not less than 50% of yearly estimated cost i.e. Two similar works of value of Rs. 48 lakhs or more, or
- One (1) no. work not less than 80% of yearly estimated cost i.e. One similar work of value of Rs. 76 lakhs or more.
Specific Experience OHE & PSI:
- Experience of installation or maintenance of at least 5 TKM of OHE or installation / maintenance of electrical equipment (25 KV or above) in any substation).
Tender documents can only be obtained online on the website https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app
Source: UPMRC- Tender | Image Credit (representational): UPMRC
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