In a significant move Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation (UPMRC) Limited has officially floated open e-tenders for Mechanised cleaning and housekeeping works of Rolling Stock (Metro Trains), Depot, staff quarter and 6 Nos. metro stations from Taj East Gate to Jama Masjid of Agra Metro Project.
Brief about Tender Submission:
Name of the Work: Mechanised cleaning and housekeeping works of Rolling Stock (Metro Trains), Depot, staff quarter and 6 Nos. metro stations from Taj East Gate to Jama Masjid of Uttar Pradesh Metro at Agra.
The Tender Number is (AGHK-02) for the above work. The Estimated Cost is INR 7,80,00,000/- whereas the EMD amount is INR 15,60,000/- and the Contract Period for the same is 36 Months.
Prospective bidders can download the tender document starting from 14th December, 2023 and submission are open from 06th January, 2024 and the Pre-bid Meeting is on 26th December, 2023 and the last date for the submission is 15th January, 2024 and the same will open on 16th January, 2024.
Scope of Works:
The comprehensive scope of work includes housekeeping services and Mechanised Cleaning of Rolling Stock (12 Metro trains having 3 coaches each), 1 No. Depot premises, 1 No. Staff Quarter, 1 No. RSS Building and 06 Nos. Metro Stations (as per the Schedule of work given in ‘Bill of Quantity’, ‘Special conditions of contracts’ and “Technical Specification & Scope of Work) provided in tender.
The contractor will execute Cleaning works with the suitable, uniformed and trained personnel with the use of modern equipment, machinery and eco-friendly chemicals. Tenderer is to carry out their self-assessment in respect of their capacity in terms of manpower, machine and finance.
The tenderer is to consider +ve or – ve in the annual value to the extent of 50% (rounded off to the next higher whole number) and should be able to take up additional similar work at short notice at the accepted rate for which he has to deploy additional resources.
Similarly, the scope of work may also be reduced on account of poor performance and the contractor shall have no right for any claims due to reduction in scope of work. Space for offices and centralised stores shall be arranged by Contractor at their own cost. The limited space for day to day usage of chemicals and T&P may be provided by UPMRC at site as per availability.
The following housekeeping activities to be carried out for the upkeep of the buildings with frequency as mentioned in Annexure-A.
- Floor sweeping and mopping.
- Cleaning of the common area of HOD, Dy. HOD, XEN, AEN, SSE, JE/SCTO
- Residences including reception, Stair case, Terrace, Common area Toilet, parking, road inside premises, pump room, shafts, STP and area around STP, site office, electrical and LV room etc.
- Cleaning of common area: windows, shaft doors etc.
- Cleaning of lift / cabin.
- Removal of all stains / spots from walls.
- Maintenance by cleaning the outside area of the buildings.
- Cleaning of floors / walls / ceilings of common area.
- Cleaning of terraces.
- The garbage shall be collected in bags during cleaning and from all residences and shall be disposed of by the contractor outside the colony area in the city’s municipal corporation disposal yard/ scrap yard. Necessary charges of municipal corporation (Nagar Nigam) levied (if any), shall be borne by the contractor and nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
- The Contractor shall supply Mobile waste bins at site as per sample approved and as directed by Engineer-in-charge with following specifications:
- Model: 240 litre capacity – 4 Nos. and 1000 litre capacity – 2 Nos. made with HDPE material with wheels.
Cleaning of Rolling Stock (Metro Train Coaches):
All Train cleaning activities to be carried out as per the Schedule of work given in ‘Bill of Quantity’, ‘Special conditions of contracts’ and “Technical Specification & Scope of Work (Train Cleaning)” of tender documents at Depots as per requirement.
Cleaning of Rolling Stock consists of the following activities:
Sr. No. | Activity | Frequency |
1 | Daily Internal/ External Light Cleaning | Before going for revenue service on daily basis |
2 | Internal Heavy Cleaning | Once in Three Months |
3 | Wax Polishing | Once in a year |
4 | Floor Polishing | Once in Six Months |
5 | External Heavy Cleaning including roof cleaning | Once in Two Month |
- Team Leader, Manager, Supervisor & Trained Cleaning Staff to be deployed as specified in the tender documents (Annexure 2 and 3 of ITT). All the staff to be deployed only after given the safety training and police verification.
- Eco-friendly Chemicals & Consumables are to be used as specified in the tender documents. (Chemicals that meet Green seal standards (GS-37)/ECO LOGO or other equivalent).
Machinery/ Equipment to be used as specified in the tender documents (Annexure 4 of ITT). Details of train availability at Depot for cleaning activities given below:
Train Type | Qty |
RS (3 Car Train) | 12 |
- One 03 Coaches trains consist of two Driving motor cars + One Trailer Car (DM+T+DM) Car. Up to 12 train rakes are expected to be operated during the currency of contract.
- UPMRC will offer 03 coaches trains for cleaning. UPMRC may increase or decrease the no. of trains during the execution of contract. The contract price may increase or decrease proportionately.
- The cleaning activities of the train will be carried out when the train is stabled in the Inspection Shed, Washing line or stabling line at Depot or Stabling line at the terminal stations or as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
- The garbage shall be collected in bags during cleaning and shall be disposed of by the contractor outside the depot area in the city’s municipal corporation disposal yard / scrap yard. Necessary charges of municipal corporation levied (if any), shall be borne by the contractor & nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
Cleaning and Housekeeping of Entire Depot premises & RSS Building:
All Cleaning and Housekeeping of Depot premises & RSS Building to be carried out as per the Schedule of work given in ‘Bill of Quantity’, as per ‘Special conditions of contracts’ & as per “Technical Specification & Scope of Work (Depot Housekeeping)” of tender documents.
Cleaning and Housekeeping of Depot premises & RSS building consist of all buildings and roads located at depots & RSS building area respectively. Manpower (Team Leader, Manager, Supervisor & Trained Cleaning Staff) to be deployed as specified in the tender documents (Annexure 2 and 3 of ITT). All the staff to be deployed after given the safety training and police verification.
Eco-friendly Chemicals & Consumables are to be used as specified in the tender documents. (Chemicals that meet Green seal standards (GS-37)/ECOLOGO or other equivalent). Machinery/ Equipment to be used as specified in the tender documents (Annexure 4 of ITT).
Cleaning of dustbins and Removal/ disposal of collected garbage/ debris and disposal at the municipal corporation’s approved locations shall be done by Contractor. Cleaning and washing of Track plinths within the depot area.
Cleaning of all pipes, all pipe fittings, Valves, joints pertaining to water supply & distribution, Fire-fighting system etc. Sanitation of bathrooms and Toilets. Cleaning & Attention of all the drains available in the abovementioned buildings & depot area.
Cleaning and Housekeeping of 06 Nos. Metro Stations:
Cleaning of Floor areas, Vertical finishes, Roof arches, Roof ceilings, Glass areas, Doors, windows, Rollingshutters, Railings, False ceilings, False floorings, Bitumen surfaces, Pavements, Kerb stones, walls, Pillars, Handrails, Mirrors, Ceramic/ concrete Jali, etc. of the following areas:
- Concourse,
- Platform,
- Passages
- Circulating area
- Pavement Roads (Under UPMRC)
- All rooms and other areas including corridors.
- Stair cases
- Bath rooms and Toilets
- Parking Area
Cleaning and washing of Track plinths within the station Boundary of Up and Down Tracks (Only during Block Period and Prior Permission of Competent Authority). Cleaning of the overhead water tank. Sanitation of bathrooms and Toilets including supply of necessary items if available.
Minor plumbing in the entire station area. Cleaning & Attention of all the Drains available in the station area. Cleaning of Traction, E&M, and Signalling, Telecommunication and AFC equipment as permitted by the concerned department as & when required.
The tenderers will be qualified only if they have successfully completed work(s), completion date(s) of which falling during last seven years ending last day of the month previous to the month of tender submission end date as given below:
- At least One “similar work” of value of Rs. 6.24 Crores or more, or
- Two “similar work” each of value of Rs. 3.90 Crores or more, or
- Three “similar work” each of value of Rs. 3.12 Crores or more.
Works similar to this contract involve Mechanised Cleaning and housekeeping works in Railways/ Metros/ Airports/ shopping malls utilising machinery, chemicals and manpower.
The initiation of this tender marks a crucial step forward in the development of the Agra Metro Project, ensuring not only the efficiency of operations but also the adherence to modern cleaning standards. UPMRCL invites qualified bidders to contribute to the success of this transformative project.
Tender documents can only be obtained online on the website https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app
Source: UPMRCL- Tender | Image Credit (representational): UPMRC
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