Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation (UPMRC) Initiates Tender Process for Topographical Survey Work in Agra Metro Rail Project

Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation (UPMRC) Limited has kickstarted the tender process  by releasing e-tenders for engaging a survey team to conduct Topographical Survey Work in the Agra Metro Rail Project to facilitate planning works and routine survey works.

Brief about Tender Submission:

Name of the Work: Engagement of survey team for Topographical Survey work to facilitate planning works and routine survey works in Agra Metro Rail Project of Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation Limited.

Tender Reference Number AGTS-01
Estimated Cost (in Rs.) 19 Lakh
EMD (in Rs.) 38 Thousand
Contract Period 12 Months
Document Download/Sale Start Date 12th January, 2024
Bid Submission Start Date 25th January, 2024
Bid Submission End Date 01st February, 2024
Bid Opening Date 02nd February, 2024

Scope of Works:

  • The scope of works includes Topographical Surveys, marking of coordinates, take levels from the site or any other survey related work as instructed by Engineer.
  • This also includes Topographical survey, marking of coordinates.
  • The Engineer-in–charge has the right to carry out any checks of already completed survey work.

General Supervision:

The Survey works shall be carried out under the general supervision of the Engineer- in – charge or his representative. The areas will be regularly or/ and surprisingly without any notice by the authorised staff of the department to check the work, survey instruments used and for general supervision. In any case, contractor staff shall be at site.

The instructions of departmental staff are to be carried out promptly. In case of difference of opinion/ interpretation of specifications and conditions, the matter is to be referred by the contractor to the Engineer- in – charge for his decision, which shall be final and binding.

Contractor’s Manpower and Management:

The contractor must engage labourers and other staff of specialised background with adequate experience for concerned Survey work. The numbers of field staff for different survey work and operation is based on actual requirements as experienced where yardstick is not prescribed.

The contractor should examine this strength and in case of disagreement on field staff strength, he should make submission with valid reasons well before the submission of tender documents or along with the tenders for consideration of the Engineer- in- charge whose decision shall be final.

The contractor shall maintain attendance and other records of the manpower engaged by him required under the rules and must observe all the formalities required under the labour act and required by the law of land.

The normal working hours will be sunrise to sunset subject to staggering of duty hours as per actual requirements. The work over viaduct shall be allowed mostly during block hours in night time for which necessary permissions shall be required from the concerned department of UPMRC.

The contractor shall also ensure to submit a police verification report along with a copy of the Aadhar Card of their staff/workman to be deployed for the work to UPMRC. The Contractor should quote their rates keeping in mind works in odd hours.

During Sunday & other holidays, the contractor must deploy essential staff to ensure and cater for emergency needs. In case of exigency, the contractor shall deploy the required number of staff beyond normal duty hours if directed so to carry out the works within the scope of agreement.

Survey Work:

  • The rates include all workmen, tools, water, electricity, safety, PPE, vehicle, safety net all around etc. complete in all aspects as per the direction of the engineer in charge.
  • The rates also include the cost of providing petrol operated two-wheeler vehicles to reach at the site used by surveyors.
  • The safety and security arrangements of all workmen, equipment/ machinery/ materials/ checking body temperature of work men/ sanitising for covid-19 will be the responsibility of the agency.

Survey of site and Investigations:

The datum used for the Contract shall be Mean Sea Level datum. The Contractor shall relate the maintenance of the Works to the Site Grid. To facilitate this, survey reference points have been established and the Engineer will provide benchmarks in the vicinity of the Site.

Before the Contractor commences the setting out of the Works, the Engineer will provide a drawing showing the position of each survey reference point and benchmark, together with the coordinates and/or level assigned to each point.

The Contractor shall satisfy itself that there are no conflicts between the data given and shall establish and provide all subsidiary setting out points, monuments, towers and the like which may be necessary for the proper and accurate setting out and checking of the Works.

The Contractor shall carefully protect all the survey reference points, bench marks, setting out points, monuments, towers and the like from any damages and shall maintain them and promptly repair or replace any points damaged from any causes whatsoever. The Contractor shall regularly recheck the position of all setting out points, benchmarks and the like to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

Upon handover to the Contractor, the survey reference points will become the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor shall, by annual or more frequent review, ensure that these survey points continue to remain consistent with the benchmarks. The Contractor shall provide all the materials such as paint, nail, pegs, flags, reference pillars establishment.


The tenderers will be qualified only if they have successfully completed similar work(s) during last three years ending last day of the month previous to the month of tender Publish Date as given below:

  • At least one “similar work” of value of INR 15 lakh or more, or
  • At least Two “similar works” each of value of INR 9.5 lakh or more, or
  • At least Three “similar works” each of value of INR 7.5 lakh or more.

Tenderer should have experience of similar work in metro rail projects having at least 3 years in total. Documentary Proof such as completion certificate should be provided by the tenderer. Similar work for this tender shall be work of Topographical survey for Metro Rail Projects.

This initiative underscores UPMRC’s commitment to advancing the Agra Metro Rail Project and highlights the importance of topographical surveys in the planning and execution of metro rail infrastructure.

Tender documents can only be obtained online on the website https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app

Source: UPMRCL- Tender | Image Credit (representational): UPMRC

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