In continuation to the tender for construction of Depot at Poonamallee, the Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) has now invited online tenders for Package C5-ECV-02: “Construction of Elevated Viaduct of Approx. 12.431 km length from ((Ch: 16178 m to 19296 m, Ch:22962 m to 30199 m, Ch: 31178m to 31241 m & Ch: 31657 m to 33710 m)) between CMBT Metro station (excluding station) and Puzhuthivakkam Metro Station including special spans and Construction of 12 no. of Elevated Stations at Grain Market, Sai Nagar Bus Stop, Elango Nagar Bus Stop, Mugalivakkam, DLF IT SEZ, Sathya Nagar, CTC, BUTT Road, Alandur, Adambakkam, Vanuvampet and Puzhuthivakkam and Integrated highway grade separator from Mugalivakkam to MIOT Hospital ,Vehicular underpass at Vanuvampet and all associated works in Corridor-5 of Chennai Metro Rail Project- Phase-2”.
- Package No: C5-ECV 02
- Tender Security: INR 23 Crores
- Cost of Document: INR 40,000/-
- Period of Completion: 36 Months
- Pre-tender meeting: 12.03.2021
The Government of India has applied for financing from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) toward the cost of construction of Chennai Metro Rail Limited Corridor 5, and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for :“Construction of Elevated Viaduct of Approx. 12.431 km length from ((Ch: 16178 m to 19296 m, Ch:22962 m to 30199 m, Ch: 31178m to 31241 m & Ch: 31657 m to 33710 m)) between CMBT Metro station (excluding station) and Puzhuthivakkam Metro Station including special spans and Construction of 12 no. of Elevated Stations at Grain Market, Sai Nagar Bus Stop, ElangoNagar Bus Stop, Mugalivakkam, DLF IT SEZ, Sathya Nagar, CTC, BUTT Road, Alandur, Adambakkam, Vanuvampet and Puzhuthivakkam and Integrated highway grade separator from Mugalivakkam to MIOT Hospital ,Vehicular underpass at Vanuvampet and all associated works in Corridor-5 of Chennai Metro Rail Project Phase-2”.”. (hereinafter called as “Package C5ECV-02”)
The duration of the contract (completion period of work) is 36 Months.
Procurement process:
- Procurement will be conducted through International open Competitive Tendering (IoCT) method as specified in the AIIB’s “Procurement Instructions for Recipient, June 2016, and is open to all eligible Tenderers.
- Tenderers from India should, however, be registered with the Government of India or other State Governments/ Government of India, or State/ Central Government Undertakings.
- Tenderers who are not registered as above, on the date of tendering, can also participate provided they get themselves registered by the time of contract signing, if they become successful Tenderers.
The tender document in English will be available online on CPP portal on 01.02.2021 at 18:00 hrs in the e-procurement website (https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app).
Source: CMRL-Tender | Image Credit (representational): CMRL
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