Delhi-Gurugram-SNB RRTS update: Bids invited for engagement of General Consultant

In continuation to the tender for Architectural Finishing works at 11 elevated stations of the Delhi – Ghaziabad – Meerut RRTS corridor, the National Capital Region Transport Corporation Ltd. (NCRTC) has now invited open e-bids for the Engagement of General Consultant for Delhi-Gurugram-SNB Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) Corridor .

  • Name of Services: DA/GC/COR-OF/023: Engagement of General Consultant for Delhi-Gurugram-SNB Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) Corridor .
  • Amount of Bid Security:INR 3.88 Crores
  • Completion period of Services: 60 Months
  • Date of Pre-bid Meeting: 17.11.2020
  • Bid submission start date: 07.12.2020
  • Bid submission end date: 15.12.2020
  • Date of opening of Bid: 16.12.2020

Scope of work:

Objectives of the Assignment:

  • The objective of this contract is to select a General Consultant (“GC”) to provide expert consultancy services in relation to General Consultancy including but not limited to successful planning, design and procurement. The works which shall be in the scope of General Consultancy include but not limited to; all Civil Engineering works (Elevated viaducts & stations, Depot and underground stations & tunnels, ramps and other works such as cross passages, ventilation shafts etc. including ancillary works), tracks, signals, telecom facilities Power Supply, Traction & SCADA system , Maintenance Vehicles, air conditioning & ventilation, rolling stock, maintenance depot, operation control center (OCC), Backup Control Centre (BCC), Transit-Oriented Development (TOD), Property Development, Multi-modal integration and any other infrastructures/ planning required for the works such as O&M buildings /offices and other facilities such as staff quarters etc., station integration with Metros/ISBT’s etc. preparation of land plans and review and recommendation of various reports prepared/ being prepared/ will be prepared for the works, interface management, system integration, quality, safety, testing and commissioning and any other activities required for the works of the Delhi-Gurugram-SNB RRTS Corridor (the “Project”) and the supervision of all works except Civil works. The planning shall include O&M phase as well taking into consideration the services of Delhi-Meerut Corridor will be extended to this corridor. The interface requirements shall be planned in detail for the system being proposed for Delhi – SNB Corridor with respect to the system adopted for Delhi Meerut Corridor.
  • The route length, number of stations and other salient features of Delhi-Gurugram-SNB RRTS Corridor are given in Executive Summary of the DPR (Section 8, Scope of Work)

Objectives and Role of General Consultant:

The General Consultant (or GC) shall be a proactive partner of NCRTC in successful implementation of the Project. The GC is expected to have adequate experience of delivering similar type of rail infrastructure, knowledge of trends in industry. The key objectives and roles of the GC shall include but not be limited to the following:

  • To plan and assist NCRTC in implementation of the project while ensuring durability, maintainability and reliability of service, scalability of the RRTS network, seamless inter-operability among various RRTS corridors, RRTS/Metro services on RRTS infrastructure and smooth multi-modal integration between RRTS and other modes of transport such as Metros/ISBTs, other rail and road-based infrastructures.
  • To plan, design and implement systems along with seamless systems integration for the intra-corridor (SKK-SNB) and inter-corridor (with Delhi-Meerut and Delhi-Panipat corridors) to achieve optimal system and to ensure safety. This shall include but not be limited to preparation for testing, trials and obtaining all statutory approvals including safety certifications.
  • To critically review and supplement or add on to the work done so far / work under progress necessary for the successful implementation and efficient operation of the project.
  • To align global best practices and to adopt appropriate planning approaches and procurement strategies taking into considerations the decisions already taken for the corridor and for Delhi-Meerut corridor, to help minimize project life cycle cost, cost and time overruns, disputes and issues related to safety and quality for the part of work for which technology and system have already been frozen by the NCRTC.
  • For the areas and the parts of the work which are not covered to recommend technology solutions compatible with decisions already taken by NCTRC for the systems to be adopted and to adopt appropriate planning approaches and procurement strategies, to help minimize project life cycle cost, cost and time overruns, disputes and issues related to safety and quality keeping in view the aspects of durability, efficiency, issues of obsolesce, cost economy, etc. while maintaining compatibility with the part of work and system for which technology has already finalized and frozen by NCRTC.
  • To plan and implement/manage procurement/bid process, system integration and interface management, contract management, preparation of maintenance manual for the asset management including appropriate maintenance practices and all documents required for operational plan, etc.
  • To coordinate with DDC (appointed by NCRTC for Build only contracts or detail designer of the contractor for design and build contracts) for finalization of appropriate analysis, design and drawings for the structure and for the system and proof-checking.
  • To plan/implement and manage the construction supervision including undertaking contract management while ensuring Quality, Safety, Health and Environment, only the construction supervision of civil works is excluded. T0 monitor the statutory compliance requirements for environmental and social impact on account of commissioning of the project and interacting with any auditing agencies including funding agencies for the same and compliance of their observations/suggestions. The works shall be planned to keep in view the best practices of the industry for environmental and social aspects of the project during construction as well as operation of the services.
  • GC shall timely prepare the responses for the claims/disputes raised by the contractors and submit with all logical (technical and legal) recommendations along with backup documents within ambient of the contract as well as latest Arbitration and Reconciliation Act of India, 2019. Assist NCRTC in claims & dispute management.
  • To assist NCRTC in incorporating avenues for non-fare box revenue enhancement in design, planning, procurement, and implementation of various project components (like stations, depots, additional areas identified in the DPR and/or components as informed by NCRTC). These non-fare box revenue sources may include transit-oriented development, air space development, advertising, retail, parking, etc.
  • To adopt most appropriate Indian and/or International practices, codes, specifications, and standards in consultation with NCRTC and develop detailed flow chart for the process of analysis, design and drawing practices with respect to Design Basis Reports (DBR) and other design parameters finalized by NCRTC for the project after getting approval of statutory/technical bodies.
  • To plan environment-friendly practices taking into account environmental policies of NCRTC, Government of India guidelines and other international practices across the project life cycle including during execution from planning to operation and measures required to mitigate social impacts due to implementation of project. The report for EIA and SIA studies available with NCRTC/or being done by NCRTC shall be taken into account while recommending the requirements for the same.
  • To ensure smooth and effective transfer of knowledge to NCRTC including capacity building of institution and its personnel.
  • Assist NCRTC in obtaining 5-star GRIHA rating, highest possible rating in IGBC and certification of ISO 50001 for RSS/AMS/TSS, the stations, depot, OCC/BCC, buildings and other structures and assist NCRTC in achieving and obtaining certification for zero energy requirement buildings, wherever possible.

The complete bidding document in English, can be viewed / downloaded from the official website of NCRTC or e-procurement portal of NIC

Source: NCRTC-Tender | Image Credit: NCRTC

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