Delhi-Gurugram-SNB RRTS update: Tender invited for carrying out Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

In continuation to supply of Environment Control System and Tunnel Ventilation System for Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS corridor, the National Capital Region Transport Corporation Ltd. (NCRTC) has now invited tender for Carrying out Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and submitting report for Delhi-Gurugram-SNB Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) Corridor.

  • Tender Reference Number: DA/GC/COR-OF/021
  • Pre Bid Meeting Date: 30-Jul-2020
  • Pre Bid Meeting Place: National Capital Region Transport Corporation Ltd. 
  • Bid Submission End Date: 20-Aug-2020
  • EMD Amount: INR 2 lakh 
  • Period Of Work: 180 days
  • Bid Opening Date: 21-Aug-2020

Objective of the assignment:

As per the proposed financing scheme for this project, part of the funds required for the implementation of this RRTS corridor shall be provided by World Bank. For the loan processing purpose, Environmental and Social assessments (ESA) of the project needs to be conducted required to be prepared as per World Bank Environmental & Social Framework 99 (applicable from October 1, 2018) and applicable legal and regulatory framework of GOI and respective states.

The objectives of this assignment are as follows:

  • Conduct an Environment and Social Impact Assessment in accordance to Environment and Social Standard ESS1: Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts, and will consider, in an integrated way, all relevant direct, indirect and cumulative environmental and social risks and impacts of the project i.e. Delhi (SKK)-SNB RRTS Corridor and its Associated facilities, including those specially identified according to the ESS 1 to 10.
  • Based on the assessment findings, prepare commensurate mitigation plans (ESMP including plans to meet the requirement of the relevant ESS; Resettlement Action Plan, Stakeholder Engagement Plan, etc.).
  • Provide inputs to preparation of the Environment and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP).

Scope of work:

In line with the requirements of the World Bank’s ESF, NCRTC now wishes to engage a Consulting Firm (hereafter named “the Consultant”) for the preparation of an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and preparation of management/mitigation instruments to address project’s E&S risks and impacts to help ensure that project is environmentally & socially sound and sustainable & contribute to the development of environmental & social development goals. It will include assessing and monitoring the environmental and social risks and impacts of the project throughout the project life cycle.

The assignment would be undertaken in broadly three stages:-

  • Inception Stage.
  • Conducting of ESIA.
  • Preparation of commensurate ESMP/Mitigation Plans.

Project Description:

This corridor Delhi (SKK)-SNB RRTS Corridor originates from Sarai Kale Khan in Delhi and ends at SNB in Rajasthan. Key salient features are as follows:

  • Route length: 106.5 Km.
  • States covered: 3 (Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan).
  • Length of corridor by state: 82.49 km (Haryana), 22.08 km (Delhi) and 1.93 km (Rajasthan).
  • Number of stations: 16.
  • Elevated/Underground sections: While almost entire route length in Delhi is Underground, the route length in Haryana is mostly elevated except 14.08 Km. underground. The route length in Rajasthan is completely elevated. Elevated portion of the RRTS corridor in Haryana state has been planned along median/left/right of old Delhi-Gurugram road, Sector-17 road in Gurugram area and along NH-48 up to SNB (Rajasthan State Border). In this corridor one maintenance depot at Dharuhera (at grade) and a stabling facility at Manesar have been planned.

More information useful for submitting online proposals on the CPP Portal may be obtained at e-procurement Portal

Source: National Capital Region Transport Corporation-Tender

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