Delhi Metro Update: Tender invited for supply of fastening systems for ballastless track for Line-8 extension of Janakpuri West-Majlis Park-R.K. Ashram

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited (DMRC) has invited open e-tenders from eligible applicants, who fulfil qualification criteria for Supply of fastening system (69000 Sets 04 Anchor System & 144150 Sets 02 Anchor System) for Ballastless Track for Line-8 Extension (Janakpuri West-Majlis Park-R.K. Ashram).

  • Tender Reference Number: DT-04
  • Name of Work: Supply of fastening system (69000 Sets 04 Anchor System & 144150 Sets 02 Anchor System) for Ballastless Track for Line-8 Extension (Janakpuri West-Majlis Park-R.K. Ashram).
  • EMD: INR 65,40,000/-
  • Completion Period: 24 Months
  • Document Download / Sale Start Date: 09th June, 2023
  • Document Download / Sale End Date: 09th August, 2023
  • Pre Bid Meeting Date: 23rd June, 2023
  • Bid Submission Start Date: 02nd August, 2023
  • Bid Submission End Date: 09th August, 2023
  • Tender Opening Date: 10th August, 2023

Scope of Supply:

  • The Proposed Fastening System for ballastless track should comply with performance criteria issued by the Ministry of Railways under Annexure C II of Procedure of safety certification & Technical clearance for Metro Systems, December 2015.
  • The proposed Fastening System should have a Proven Track record. The fastening system should have satisfactory performance record of minimum three years in service in regular revenue operation on ballastless track on any two different established railway systems (except exclusive freight tracks) for a length of at least 5 km in each metro having speed potential of at least 80 kmph & design axle load 16T irrespective of wheel profile and rail section.
  • Any deviation/Modification in Proposed fastening system against Para 4.6 of Performance criteria issued by Ministry of Railways under Annexure C II of Procedure of safety certification & Technical clearance for Metro Systems, December 2015 will be considerable only if, system with deviation/ modification is approved by Ministry of Railways and Modified system will have Proven Track record as mentioned in A(ii).
  • In such a case an Assembly Test will be required to be done with the fresh samples and same to be witnessed by DMRC nominated Third Party Inspection agency/DMRC.
  • MOR Approval for the Proposed Fastening system is Mandatory. Any system proposed under Para 1.2 of Annexure C2 of Procedure of safety certification & Technical clearance for Metro Systems, December 2015 will not be considerable.
  • The tenderer shall submit the approval of Ministry of Railways along with the compliance of all observations of MOR, if any, while granting such approvals and also to submit the technical details and test reports to substantiate the compliance of performance criteria under Annexure C II of Procedure of safety certification & Technical clearance for Metro Systems issued on December 2015 by Ministry of Railways.
  • The Technical Proposal to be submitted by tenderer, shall clearly demonstrate the understanding and comprehension of the supply, including Preliminary Scheme/drawings of Fastenings System.

Regarding Fastening System for Ballastless track:

  • With respect to the fastening system for ballastless track proposed by the Tenderer, the following minimum information/ certification should be provided by the tenderer.
  • Prior MOR approval for the proposed Fastening system is mandatory, therefore, the tenderer has to submit a certificate along with all annexure and compliance of all observations of MOR along with proof.

Operating Environment:

Fastening system is expected to perform generally in the following conditions:

  • Gauge –Broad Gauge, 1676/1673mm (nominal) and standard gauge –1435 mm
  • Speed potential — 110 kmph (max.)
  • Rail section — 60kg (UIC)/60E1, 90 UTS/110 UTS
  • Static axle load — BG & SG — 20t (Max.)
  • Design rail temperature range: (-) 10 degree Celsius to (+) 70 degree Celsius
  • Curvature and gradient will be specified in SOD.
  • Rail seat inclination (slope) — 1 in 20
  • In addition, the client Railway may specify any other operating condition such as support spacing etc.

Ballastless Track Structure:

  • Track shall be laid on cast in situ/precast reinforced plinth or slab, hereinafter referred to as the ‘track slab’. The track slab shall be designed as plinth beam or slab type ballastless track structure with derailment guards.
  • The track slab dimensions and the clearance between rail and derailment guard shall be sufficient to accommodate the base plates of the fastening system and to facilitate easy and convenient replacement of the fastening system. The clearance between rail and derailment guard shall be within the range provided in Annexure-C-1.
  • In general, track slab on which the fastening and rails are to be fitted shall:
    • Resist the track forces.
    • Have adequate edge distance of concrete beyond the anchor bolts to provide resistance against edge failure.
    • Provide a level base for uniform transmission of rail forces.
    • Have geometrical accuracy and enable installation of track to the tolerances laid down.
    • Ensure adequate drainage
    • Resist weathering
  • Be construction friendly, maintainable and quickly repairable in the event of a derailment. The ‘Repair and Maintenance methods’ shall be detailed in the ‘Track Maintenance Manual’ to be prepared and made available before the line or a portion of a line is opened for traffic.
  • Ensure provision for electrical continuity between consecutive plinths/slabs by an appropriate design.


Financial Performance:

  • The financial statements (audited) for the last 05 Financial/Calendar Years shall be  submitted and must demonstrate the current soundness of the Bidder’s financial position and indicate its prospective long term profitability.
  • As the minimum requirement, the Bidder’s net worth calculated as the difference between total assets and total liabilities should be positive.

Average Annual Turnover:

  • Minimum average annual turnover of INR 65.45 Crore, calculated as total certified payments received for contracts in progress and/ or completed, within the last 05 years, divided by 05 years.

Specific Experience:

  • A minimum number of 02 similar contracts, each of minimum supply and/or production capacity of 1,06,575 Sets of 02/04 anchor fastening Systems for Ballastless Track (i) that have been satisfactorily completed (ii) as a prime supplier (single entity or JV member) (iii) between 1st January 2014 and Bid submission deadline.

Definition of similar work:

  • Supply of 02/04 anchor fastening system for ballastless track conforming to Performance criteria issued by Ministry of Railways under Annexure C II of Procedure of safety certification & Technical clearance for Metro Systems, December 2015.

Tender document can only be obtained after registration of tenderer on the website

Source: DMRC- Tender | Image Credit (representational): DMRC

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