IRCON International Limited, a Government of India Undertaking of Ministry of Railways, has invited bid for CTP-12 for “Construction of civil works up to formation for double line railway involving formation in embankments/cuttings, blanketing, minor bridges & RUBs (excluding those already awarded to other contractors) Retaining walls, Drains, Ground Improvement works, relocation of existing roads etc. DFC Ch. 151+024 to Ch. 151+450, Ch. 151+670 to Ch.152+600, Ch. 153+909 to Ch. 154+836, Ch. 155+250 to Ch. 155+750 and Ch. 156.440 to Ch. 156.920 in connection with construction of Western Dedicated Freight Corridor, Phase II (Vaitarana – Sachin Section) for sub packages SS2B-III in Maharashtra State”.
- Express Freight Consortium (Consisting of Mitsui & Co., Ircon International Limited & TATA Projects Ltd) have been awarded the work “Design and Construction of Civil, Building and Track Works for double line Railway involving formation in embankments/ cuttings, bridges, structures (excluding civil works for 50 bridges already under execution and 02 bridges across rivers Damanganga and Par and formations in embankments/cuttings and structures in their approaches on both sides), buildings, ballast on formation, track works (including track works on 50 bridges already under execution and on 02 bridges across rivers Damanganga and Par and on formations in embankments/ cuttings and on structures in their approaches on both sides) including Testing and Commissioning on Design-Build Lump sum Price Basis for VAITARANA-SACHIN section of Western Dedicated Freight Corridor phase-II (CTP-12)”, (hereinafter referred to as CTP-12) by Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation India Limited (DFCCIL).
- It has been decided that Ircon International Limited shall execute the work for CTP-12 on behalf of consortium.
Key Details:
- Estimated Cost: Rs. 24.36 crore
- Completion Period: 4 months from the date of issue of LoA
- Bid Document Downloaded/Start Date: 08.05.2021
- Clarification Start Date: 08.05.2021
- Clarification End Date: 10.05.2021
- Bid Submission Start Date: 11.05.2021
- Bid Submission End Date: 17.05.2021
- Bid Opening Date: 18.05.2021
Scope of Work:
The scope of work is broadly described as “Construction of civil works up to formation for double line railway involving formation in embankments/cuttings, blanketing, minor bridges & RUBs (excluding those already awarded to other contractors) Retaining walls, Drains, Ground Improvement works, relocation of existing roads etc. DFC Ch. 151+024 to Ch. 151+450, Ch. 151+670 to Ch.152+600, Ch. 153+909 to Ch. 154+836, Ch. 155+250 to Ch. 155+750 and Ch. 156.440 to Ch. 156.920 in connection with construction of Western Dedicated Freight Corridor, Phase II (Vaitarana – Sachin Section) for sub packages SS2B-III in Maharashtra State.
Scope of works is as indicated below but not limited to:
- True and proper setting out and layout of the works, providing location marks, benchmarks per (XYZ) coordinates system adopted by Client, preparation of report and plans.
- Relocation of utilities & Removal of existing structures e.g. Duty Huts/Gates Lodges & existing structures as identified within the ROW.
- Retaining Walls.
- Ground improvement, Slope Stability work.
- Drainage work, Safety wall.
- Construction of Minor bridges /box culverts, Underpasses/RUB etc.
- Construction of Embankment/Cutting including clearing & grubbing, stripping of Soil, Earthwork in filling (with suitable soil from approved borrow area & cut spoil)/Cutting disposal of unsuitable earth with construction of drainage.
- Construction of Granular Sub-grade and Blanketing.
- Road Works.
Any other item of work as may be required for completing the scope of works including all incidental works in all respects in accordance with the provisions of the contract.
The complete Bid Document can be viewed / downloaded from the e-procurement portal i.e.
Other Recent Tenders:
- Tender No: IRCON/3018/DFCCIL-CTP12/e-Tender/Infra Works/SS1C-II/08-384
- Name of work: Construction of civil works up to formation for double line railway involving formation in embankments/cuttings, blanketing, minor bridges & RUBs (excluding those already awarded to other contractors) Retaining walls, Drains, Ground Improvement works, relocation of existing roads etc. DFC Ch. 125+000 to DFC Ch. 133+520 and DFC Ch. 136+653 to DFC Ch. 138+000 in connection with construction of Western Dedicated Freight Corridor, Phase II (Vaitarana – Sachin Section) for sub packages SS1C-II in Maharashtra State.
- Estimated Cost: Rs. 47.46 crore
- Completion Period: 06 Months from the date of issue of LOA (Including Monsoon Period)
- Tender No: IRCON/3018/DFCCILCTP-12/ e-tender/ PVD/ SS2A/8-383
- Name of Work: Ground improvement work involving supply & installation of Pre-fabricated vertical drain (PVD) & other allied works as per approved design from DFC Km 145+524 (IR 112+716) to DFC Km 151+000 (IR 118+360) excluding Stilt Bridge stretches between DFC Km 145+524 and DFC Km 150+530 in connection with Construction of Western Dedicated Freight Corridor Phase II Vaitrana Sachin Section- Infra Works Package SS2A.
- Estimated Cost: INR 12,65,12,012/-
- Completion Period: 45 days
Source: IRCON-Tender | Image Credit (representational): DFCCIL
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