Northeast Frontier Railway has been continuously registering growth in freight loading. N. F. Railway loaded 2.979 MT during the 1st quarter of the current financial year (April to June, 2022).
More details:
- This is an increase of 28% in comparison to the corresponding period of last year. N. F. Railway loaded 0.910 MT during the month of June, 2022. This is an increase of 7.9% as compared to the corresponding period of last year.
- During the month of June, 2022, coal loading was increased by 1133.3% and loading of few other commodities like stone chips, potatoes etc. were also increased by a good margin in comparison to corresponding period of last year.
- During the month, dolomite loading increased by 47.7%, container loading increased by 75%, POL loading increased by 23.5%, cement loading increased by 86.7% and loading of other commodities increased by 2.2%.
- During the current financial year from April, 2022 to June, 2022, coal loading increased by 2515.4%, dolomite loading increased by 19.9% in comparison to corresponding period of last year.
- Cement loading increased by 68.3%, POL loading increased by 17.3%, container loading increased by 27.8% and other commodities increased by 21.4%. It is an overall increase of 28%.
- Freight transportation by railways is covering new boundaries as it provides the most economical & environment friendly mode for transportation of goods (perishable & non-perishable) available for customers.
- Improved terminal handling facility and improvement in mobility due to enhanced maintenance efforts and continuous monitoring at all levels resulted in increased loading.
Source: Northeast Frontier Railway -Press Release | Image Credit (representational): MoR
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