Nagpur Metro Update: Tender Invited for licensing of advertisement rights on LED screens at selected metro stations of Nagpur metro rail project for 2 years

Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Limited (MMRCL) has invited tenders for Licensing of advertisement rights on LED screens installed at selected metro stations of Nagpur metro rail project for a period of 02 years.

  • Tender No: N1PD-54/2022
  • Name of work: Licensing of advertisement rights on LED screens installed at selected metro stations of Nagpur metro rail project for a period of 02 years.
  • License Period: 02 Years
  • Document Download Start Date: 14th September, 2022
  • Document Download End Date: 06th October, 2022
  • Pre-Bid Meeting: 23rd September, 2022
  • Bid Submission Start Date: 14th September, 2022
  • Bid Submission End Date: 06th October, 2022
  • Bid Opening Date: 06th October, 2022


  • The MAHARASHTRA METRO RAIL CORPORATION LTD. (hereinafter referred to as “MahaMetro”), a joint venture of the Government of India (GOI) and the Government of the Maharashtra, for implementing the Nagpur Metro Rail Project in Nagpur City. Maha-Metro was incorporated on 17th February 2015 with a vision to create a safe, reliable, efficient, affordable, commuter friendly and environmentally sustainable rapid public transport system for the Nagpur City and Nagpur Metro Region.
  • Maha-Metro is solely responsible for the successful and timely completion of the project & its operations subsequently. Nagpur Metro Rail Project consists of 38.215 Km metro corridor, 38 stations and 2 Depots. The entire stretch is divided into 2 alignments or corridors i.e.
    • North-South Corridor with Rail length approx. 19.658 Kms with 18 stations
    • East-West Corridor with Rail length approx. 18.557 Kms with 20 stations.
  • Maha-Metro has with a view to earn more non-fare box revenue, invites tender from reputed advertising agencies to whom the Licensing of Advertisement Rights for display of advertisement on LED Screens installed at selected Metro Stations of Nagpur Metro Rail Project will be granted for a period of 02 years.
  • The Reach-1 line is the North-South Line and Reach – 3 line is the East-West Line of Nagpur Metro Rail Project. The terminal stations of the Reach-1 are Khapri Metro Station near Mihan Depot and Sitaburdi Interchange Station being in the centre of the city, similarly the terminal stations of the Reach-3 are Lokmanya Nagar Metro Station near Hingna Depot and Sitaburdi Interchange Station.
  • Through this Bid, Maha-Metro intends to select one or more ‘Licensee/s’ to take up the Advertisements rights for display of advertisement on LED Screens installed at Selected Metro Stations of Nagpur Metro Rail Project on ‘License basis’. The advertisement rights in This bid shall be provided to Selected Bidder/s on license basis for a period of 02 years.
  • Brief details of LED Screens Display available in the selected metro stations are as follows:
Sr. No. Location Screen Size
1 Zero Mile Metro Station 8.4 m X 3.6 m
2 Kasturchand Park Metro Station 6.4 m X 4.5 m

Objectives and Scope:

  • Licensee shall procure No Objection Certificate (NOC) from Traffic Department Nagpur and Nagpur Municipal Corporation prior to execution of agreement.
  • The Successful Bidder shall, for a period of 02 years, have advertisement rights of nos. Of LED Screens installed within various metro stations of Nagpur Metro Rail Project (as per the locations indicated in ‘Annexure – I’).
  • Maha-Metro has borne the entire cost, of installation, development the hardware operation, maintenance of LEDs, fixtures, fittings, etc. of hardware software, networking, cabling, fabrication, and security by engaging manpower, electricity consumption charges, electricity deposit & other incidental expenses incurred for implementation of the system. The cost towards creation of media for the display of commercial advertisements are to be solely borne by the Successful Bidder.
  • The Advertisement shall be provided by the Successful Bidder and the operation and management of advertisement for display purpose shall be done by Maha-Metro. The necessary hardware/software for display of such advertisements is installed by Maha-Metro at the respective metro stations. The Licensee shall provide the advertisement media / content to Maha-Metro for display at the LED Screens to Maha-Metro’s Signalling & Telecommunication Department via registered email / soft copy with letter stating the date and giving undertaking of the media provided which is to be displayed on the screens.
  • Out of the total daily advertisement minutes available in the day, approx. 75 minutes per day will be reserved for Maha-Metro messages/social messages/display of content of Maha-Metro choice. The unutilised advertisement minutes, if any, shall be carry forwarded.
  • Various terms and conditions as stated in the Document along with other timely directives and approvals/instructions provided by Maha-Metro will be binding on the bidder.
  • The content / Advertisement of LED wall / Digital Screen will be controlled / displayed from the control room at CPM (S&T) office at Metro Bhavan.
  • The Successful Bidder can provide a maximum of 50 advertisements in a day. The video’s / media for each advertisement shall be shared as a separate video file. The bit rate of the video file should be 5000 KB/sec and average frame rate should be 24 Frames per sec. The system supports mp4 video format and the length should not be more than 30 seconds, or any changed time as decided by the Competent Authority of Maha-Metro.
  • During emergency situations or whenever asked upon to do so, the Successful Bidder shall also display Civic / Metro messages at his own cost on the off screen during time earmarked for commercial advertisement, for which no rebate in License fee shall be granted. The design & text of the Civic / Metro messages shall be approved from Maha-Metro prior to display.
  • The content shall be exhibited in harmonious, pleasing colour scheme in appropriate font size so as be easily visible and readable.
  • Maha-Metro reserves the right to change the location of the screens from the existing ones to the other location in the interest of Maha-Metro. The Successful Bidder shall not be permitted to change the Location and dimensions of the LED Screens. No additional area shall be granted to the Successful Bidder for display of Advertisement.
  • The Successful Bidder shall exhibit Name of the Firm / Agency, Correspondence Address, Telephone Nos., Email address, Fax no. (if any), Expiry Date of the contract on all screens in allotted time gap information of customers.
  • On completion / discontinuation / termination of the contract, Maha-Metro shall stop the advertisement display with immediate effect.
  • In addition to this tender, the Maha-Metro reserves the right to install /develop / create any additional LED Walls/ Displays/ media etc. and offer the same to other interested parties.
  • The Successful Bidder shall provide Maha-Metro with commercial advertisement media to display the same on LED Screen. The entire cost of Installation, Operating & Maintenance of LED Display at Various allotted stations as per Annexure – I on Nagpur Metro Rail Project is made by Maha-Metro. Maha-Metro shall bear all costs associated with O&M of the LED Screens.
  • For the purpose of the Commercial advertisement, only video/content will be supplied by the advertiser and other arrangements like screening of visuals to be done by the Maha-Metro.
  • All legal liabilities arising out of any exhibition shall be that of the Successful Bidder.
  • The Agency shall ensure that the Competent Authority duly certifies all the advertisements brought by them for display. Film Censor Board/Broadcasting Board duly certifies all the short films/audio visuals brought by them for screening.
  • The Advertising Agency shall also obtain all Licenses required for the purpose and shall observe the terms and conditions of such Licensees and shall strictly observe all terms and conditions of such license. They will be responsible for all consequences arising on account of any rules/laws in connection with display of advertisement/with the screening of audio visuals films etc.
  • The Successful Bidder shall not show Television Serials, features films, etc. telecast by TV Channels or any long film sequences on LED Display as such display attracts crowds and may obstruct free movement of the travelling public.


  • To be eligible for qualification and short-listing and for evaluation of its Financial Bid, a Bidder shall fulfil the following condition of eligibility.
  • For demonstrating eligibility of the bidder (the “Financial Capacity”) for taking of advertisement rights, the Bidder shall be required to have the Average Annual Turnover from advertising business amounting to Rs. 25,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty-Five Lakhs only) in the last 3 (three) financial years immediately preceding the Bid Due Date.


  • The Turnover Certificate shall be duly certified by Statutory Auditor/Chartered Accountant.
  • The bidders shall upload the audited/certified financial statements including Balance sheet and Profit and Loss Account for the last three financial years immediately preceding the Bid Due Date.
  • While calculating the updated value of turnover, escalation of 5% per annum shall be considered in India. In case of a JV/ Consortium, the eligibility of all substantial members of JV/ Consortium would be considered, in proportion of their share/ participation in the JV/ consortium and the lead member shall have Minimum Cumulative Gross Turnover in immediately preceding 3 completed financial years more than 26% of required Minimum Cumulative Gross Turnover in immediately preceding 3 completed financial years for the respective bidding schedule(s).

Sale of document, e-payment procedure, submission and other details are available on MAHA-Metro (Nagpur) E- tender portal under section in e- tenders.

Source: Maha Metro -Tender | Image Credit (representational): Nagpur Metro

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