
Transport India 2019

 Indian cities are home to millions of vehicles, contributing to traffic congestion, air pollution and inadequate parking infrastructure and operations. There is a need to address challenges like inadequate capacity of public  transportation, road safety, […]


3rd Transport India 2018 expo

The Indian transport sector is one of the most diverse and large in the world. Catering to the need of around 1.25 billion people across the country, India transport industry contributes about 5.5 percent to […]


ETTI 2017

Date of Event: 30/01/2017 Event Type: Conference Focus Area: Manufacturing & Production ETTI 2017 is a great opportunity for professionals, manufacturers, researchers and service providers from across the world to showcase their technological achievements and share their experience […]

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ETTI 2017

Category: Manufacturing & Production Type: Conference ETTI 2017 is a great opportunity for professionals, manufacturers, researchers and service providers from across the world to showcase their technological achievements and share their experience and knowledge with […]