Patna Metro Update: Tender invited for supply and installation of standard gauge track at New ISBT Depot for Patna Metro Rail Project

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited (DMRC) has invited open e-tenders from eligible applicants, who fulfil qualification criteria for Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of standard gauge track (Ballasted, Embedded and Column Lines) at New ISBT Depot for Patna Metro Rail Project.

  • Tender Reference Number: PT-08R
  • Name of Work: Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of standard gauge track (Ballasted, Embedded and Column Lines) at New ISBT Depot for Patna Metro Rail Project.
  • Estimated Cost: INR 19.34 Crore
  • EMD: INR 19.34 Lakh
  • Completion Period: 15 Months
  • Document Download / Sale Start Date: 21st June, 2023
  • Document Download / Sale End Date: 20th July, 2023
  • Pre Bid Meeting Date: 04th July, 2023
  • Bid Submission Start Date: 14th July, 2023
  • Bid Submission End Date: 20th July, 2023
  • Tender Opening Date: 21st July, 2023


  • This specification defines the objectives, guidelines and requirements for “Supply,  Installation, Testing & commissioning of Standard gauge track (Ballasted, Embedded and Column lines) at New ISBT Depot for Patna Metro Rail Project.”
  • The works to be executed under the contract include manufacture & supply of materials (except Rails, Turnouts, Derailing Switch and Scissors X-over with its PSC sleeper sets for ballastless/ballasted track, which shall be supplied by the Employer), verification, delivery, installation, testing, including integrated testing and commissioning, technical support, training of Employer‘s staff and documentation for a complete system necessary to deliver the requirements of this specification.

Scope of Work:

  • This specification establishes the requirements for the manufacture, “Supply, Installation, Testing & commissioning of Standard gauge track (Ballasted, Embedded and Column lines) at New ISBT Depot for Patna Metro Rail Project.”
  • The details of curves, turnouts, scissors x-overs, gradients, etc. have been shown in alignment drawings, the exact locations and details of which shall be interfaced by the contractor with designated civil contractors.
  • For welding of Rails, the bidder /JV Partner/ Consortium shall have MOU with RDSO approved Flash Butt Welding Plant owner for HH and non HH Rail, for carrying out welding work for the project. The work area will also be made available to the contractor at New ISBT depot and the contractor shall have to interface with designated civil contractors for the same.
  • The installation of track work in New ISBT Depot shall be done as per mathematicized depot layout duly interfacing with designated contractors.
  • For welding of Rails, the bidder shall have MOU with RDSO approved Flash Butt Welding Plant with standardisation of welding parameters for HH Rails and non HH 880 grade rails along with final QAP approved RDSO as per Addendum & corrigendum slip no.2 of Manual for Flash Butt welding of rails (Revision Jan 2012) Clause 5.6.2 as Annexure –X & XI or shall have MoU with the owner of such welding plant owner on the date of opening. The bidder should submit documentary evidence in support of the above requirement at time of submission.
  • Manual tamping shall be used for tamping both plain line and turnouts arranged by Contractor at New ISBT Depot for tamping ballasted track.
  • The contractor shall be required to interface closely with the various Detailed Design Consultants and the designated civil/structural and system contractors on the Patna MRTS, SG Corridor appointed byEmployer.

The scope of work shall include but not limited to the following:

  • Supply of P. Way materials such as fastenings (For Plain Track, Colum Track & Embedded Track), glued insulated joints & buffer stops & (except Rails, Ballastless/Ballasted Turnout, Derailing Switch and Scissor Crossover and its PSC Sleepers which shall be supplied by the Employer).
  • The contractor will make arrangements for mechanised handling and transportation of all materials (including the materials supplied by the Employer) to the site of work.
  • The fastening system to be procured and installed in the ballasted track/ Column Track & Embedded Track shall comply to the performance criteria issued by Ministry of Railways vide letter No. 2009/proj/MAS/9/2 dated 21-05-2010 and approved by the Ministry of Railways, Government of India as on date of opening.
  • Railway Board under their letter No. 2010/Proj./Genl/3/3 dated 23.12.2011 have issued Technical standard for Track Structure for Metro Railways/MRTS Systems “a copy of which is enclosed as Annexure ‘A’ of Particulars Specifications provided in volume 3 of Tender documents;
    • The tenders design shall comply with these standards unless instructed by Employer.
    • Design of plinth / slab type track structure.
    • Setting out final alignment. 
  • Welding of UIC 60 IRS-T-12-2009, 1080/880 grade head hardened rails using the specified welding techniques.
  • Provision of shear connector, wherever required, between 1st pour and 2nd pour reinforced concrete for ballastless track.
  • Laying of Ballasted track on PSC sleepers, ballastless plain track on reinforced concrete plinth/RCC slab, installing track fastener system, rail expansion joint, glued insulated joint, turnouts, derailing switches, buffer stops, level crossings, check rails etc. to the stipulated tolerances on the running lines, stabling lines, Depot and Workshop lines.
  • Testing of components and installation methods.
  • The scope of work for the contract is further described in the Employer’s requirement. 


Work Experience:

  • The tenderers will be qualified only if they have successfully completed or substantially completed similar work(s), during last seven years ending last day of the month previous to the month of tender submission as given below:
    • At least One “similar work”* of value INR 15.47 Crores or more, or
    • At least Two “similar work”* of value INR 9.67 Crores or more, or
    • At least Three “similar work”* of value INR 7.74 Crores or more
  • If the tenderer is a JV/Consortium having foreign partner(s) and above work(s) have been executed by the foreign partner of JV and the work(s) were done in the country of the foreign  partner, then in addition to this the foreign partner must have executed works (which need not to be similar in nature) of total put together of value INR 7.74 Crores or more outside the country of the foreign partner.
  • Similar work for this contract shall be the work of “Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Standard Gauge or Broad Gauge Track (Ballasted/Ballastless) for MRTS or Railway system”.
  • Please Note that the experience on Tramways shall not be considered.
  • For Welding of Rails, the bidder shall have RDSO approved Flush Butt Welding Plant with standardisation of welding parameters for HH Rail and Non-HH Rails along with final QAP approved by RDSO as per Addendum & Corrigendum slip No. 2 of Manual for Flash Butt  Welding of Rails (Revision Jan. 2012) clause 5.6.2 as per Annexure – IX & X or shall have  MOU with the owner of such welding plant owner on the date of opening.
  • The bidder should submit documentary evidence in support of the above requirement at the time of submission.

Tender document can only be obtained after registration of tenderer on the website

Source: DMRC- Tender

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