Indian Railways plan to utilize its unused vacant Land parcels for setting up of Solar Plants for its requirement and to reduce fuel burden of Indian Railways . Hence , It seeks to install land based solar plants across the unused vacant land. Presently , Railway Energy Management Company Limited (REMCL), for and on behalf of Indian Railways, has invited bids in Single Stage Two Packet system (Technical-RFQ & Financial-RFP) for “Setting up 1 GW Solar plants on Railway Land Parcels in various states under Tariff Based Competitive Bidding”.
- Name of Work: Setting up 1 GW Solar plants on Railway Land Parcels in various states under Tariff Based Competitive Bidding
- Period Of Work: 390 Days
- EMD : Rs. 10.0 Lacs/MW.
- Date of Pre-bid: 28-May-2020 11:00 AM
- Bid Submission Start Date: 22-Jun-2020 09:00 AM
- Bid Submission End Date: 29-Jun-2020 02:00 PM
- Bid Opening Date: 30-Jun-2020 02:30 PM
Pre Bid Meeting Place:
Bid Opening Place:
Bid documents may be downloaded from web site on payment of Rs. @ 29,500/- (nonrefundable). Bids may be submitted as per bid guidelines through online mode on portal and offline mode at office of REMCL at Ground Floor, RITES Bhawan, Plot No. 1, Sector-29, Gurgaon 122001; Phone No. – 0124-2818748 on or before bid due date.
Amendment/Corrigendum, if any, would be hosted on the CPP portal i.e. website only.
Image Credit: Wiki – User – Citizenmj
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