TCIL invites EoI for commissioning of Integrated communication system in various tunnels on Katra-Dharam section of USBRL Project

Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd. (TCIL) has invited Expression of Interest (EoI) for Design, Supply, Installation, Wiring, Testing & Commissioning of Integrated communication system VHF (Simplex) in various tunnels on Katra – Dharam section in KRCL Jurisdiction of USBRL Project of Northern Railway.

Key Details:

  • EOI No: TCIL/71/001/06/2021-RS/ VHF_NR
  • Start date & time for Online submission of Bids: 29th June 2021, 11:00 Hrs
  • Last date & time for Online submission of Bids: 2nd July 2021, 11:00 Hrs
  • Online Opening of Technical Bids: 3rd July 2021, 11:00 Hrs

About TCIL:

  • Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd. (TCIL) is a Govt. of India Enterprise, under Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications.
  • It was set up in 1978 to share Indian experience and expertise with developing countries and to assist bulk users of telecom services in setting up dedicated telecom networks.
  • TCIL has been undertaking various projects in all fields of telecommunications and information technology and also continuously deploying new technologies in the field of Telecom Software, Switching and Transmission Systems, Cellular Services, Rural Telecommunications, Optical Fiber based Backbone Transmission Systems etc.
  • TCIL has diversified its operation and has been executing projects in the field of Civil Infrastructure, Architecture and Power, Rural Roads and Civil Construction.
  • TCIL has been executing projects in latest technologies like FTTH, VOIP, IPTV etc.

EoI Details:

  • TCIL intends to participate in Tender No. KR-JK-ST-VHF-COMM-2021 dated 14/06/2021 issued by KONKAN RAILWAY CORPORATION LIMITED (KRCL) for “Design, Supply, Installation, Wiring, Testing & Commissioning of Integrated communication system VHF (Simplex) as per RDSO specification RDSO/SPN/TC/109/2019 with latest Amendment/Revision, for Tunnels with associated equipments inside tunnels and in between tunnel & adjacent stations for section covering Tunnels T8/9, T10, T1, T2/T2-E & T3 connectivity from Katra (SVDK) & Reasi stations, Tunnels T5/T5-E connectivity from Reasi & Salal-A stations, Tunnels T6, T9, T10, T11 & T12 connectivity from Salal-A & Dugga stations, Tunnels T13/T13-E connectivity from Dugga & Basindadhar stations, Tunnels T14/14-E, T15/15-E & T40/41 connectivity from Basindadhar & Sangaldan station (including Tunnels being executed by IRCON in Basindadhar- Sangaldan section) on Katra – Dharam section in KRCL Jurisdiction of USBRL Project of Northern Railway.” hereinafter referred to as „KRCL VHF_NR_TENDER‟.
  • EOIs are invited from all eligible bidders (including consortium up-to three bidders) for pre-qualification for KRCL VHF_NR_TENDER.
  • The KRCL VHF_NR_TENDER is enclosed with this EOI for ready reference.
  • This EOI is for selection of bidder ready to work in the above tender for TCIL on exclusive basis.
  • This EOI follows single stage two packet systems, bidder have to submit both the packets i.e. technical and financial online.
  • Financial offers of technically qualified bidders will only be opened.

Description of the Project:

  • 290 Kms of Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Rail Link (USBRL) Project is being constructed by Indian Railways as National Project in Jammu & Kashmir.
  • The Railway Board, Government of India has entrusted the construction of part of Katra-Dharam Section of USBRL project to KRCL through Northern Railway.
  • A Contract Agreement has been executed between KRCL and Northern Railway on 9th August 2005.
  • KRCL is executing this project in terms of the above agreement on behalf of Northern Railway.
  • The works are already in progress at various portions of the alignment.

Scope of work:

  • Provision of Radio Communication system (VHF) through leaky coaxial cable for Tunnels on Katra-Dharam Section (KRCL jurisdiction) of Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Rail Link Project in the Union Territories of Jammu & Kashmir’’.
  • The work involves “Design, Supply, Installation, Wiring, Testing & Commissioning of Integrated communication system VHF (Simplex) as per RDSO specification RDSO/SPN/TC/109/2019 with latest Amendment/Revision, for Tunnels with associated equipments inside tunnels and in between tunnel & adjacent stations for section covering Tunnels T8/9, T10, T1, T2/T2-E & T3 connectivity from Katra (SVDK) & Reasi stations, Tunnels T5/T5-E connectivity from Reasi & Salal-A stations, Tunnels T6, T9, T10, T11 & T12 connectivity from Salal-A & Dugga stations, Tunnels T13/T13-E connectivity from Dugga & Basindadhar stations, Tunnels T14/14-E, T15/15-E & T40/41 connectivity from Basindadhar & Sangaldan station (including Tunnels being executed by IRCON in Basindadhar- Sangaldan section) on Katra – Dharam section in KRCL Jurisdiction of USBRL Project of Northern Railway . ”.
  • This work includes Supply of equipment as per schedule items, supply and fixing of various types of cables inside tunnel, erection of tower and installation of antenna over tower/Structure/Tunnel wall etc wherever required, as per specifications in tender documents and commissioning of complete system.
  • VHF Simplex are to be extended as per Railway Requirement in Tunnels for communication during maintenance and constructional blocks, communication in the train in between Guard & Driver, Emergency radio communication between driver, guard, station master & Cabin etc.
  • The leaky cable and equipment should be compatible for upgradation of VHF system for frequency bands for LocoTrol, GSM-R/LTE & TCAS communication as and when required by Railway.
  • OFC cable to be laid in existing Tray provided in Tunnels by re-opening the same and re-fixing after laying of cable.
  • Track crossing of cable wherever required with prior approval.
  • The contractor shall provide a Tunnel Radio System, which guarantees a complete radio Capability in the entire tunnel and in block section falling outside tunnels.
  • The complete Tunnel Radio System shall be as uniform as possible. Further, devices which are easy to expand and change shall be used. The different parts of the Tunnel Radio System shall be arranged by easy changeable, pluggable units with very accessible operator’s controls.
  • The section where work is to be executed is Katra- Dharam Section (From Katra station to Sangaldan station Km 24.8 to km 93.3) which has Five stations other than Katra Station (SVDK) viz., Reasi, Salal-A, Dugga, Basindadhar and Sangaldan.

EOI document is available on TCIL website ( & GePNIC portal (

Source: TCIL-Tender | Image Credit (representational): MoR

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