Chennai Metro Rail Limited signed three (03) contract agreements with Rail Vikas Nigam Limited for Tender No. UG03, UG04 and UG05 for a combined value of INR 4058.20 Crores.
More Details:
- Chennai Metro Rail Limited signed the Contract Agreement for Contract No. C3-CP03-UG-03, C3-CP04-UG04 and C3-CP05-UG05 with M/s Rail Vikas Nigam Limited on 13/09/2203.
- On 20/06/2023, Letter of Acceptance (LOA) for Three (03) tenders was issued to M/s Rail Vikas Nigam Limited for Tender No. CMRL/CON/PHASE-II/CORR3/CP03/UG03-RT01/2021 for a value INR 1730.60 Cr, Tender No. CMRL/CON/PHASEII/CORR-3/CP04/UG04-RT01/2021 for a value INR 1461.97 Cr and Tender No. CMRL/CON/PHASE-II/CORR-3/CP05/UG05-RT01/2021 for a value INR 865.63 Cr.
- The Combined Value of all the three works is INR 4058.20 Crore. These Three (03) packages are funded by JICA under Loan Agreement No.ID-P272.
- The scope of Three (03) packages involves the construction of 12 full Underground Metro stations and 4 Underground Metro station works other than diaphragm wall from Kilpauk Metro to Taramani.
- The Contract Agreement is signed in presence of Mr. M.A. Siddique, I.A.S., Managing Director of CMRL by Mr. T. Archunan, IRSE – Director (Projects) on behalf of CMRL and Mr. Kamalakara Reddy- Chief Project Manager/Coordination/Chennai on behalf of M/s Rail Vikas Nigam Limited.
- Mr. T. Livingstone Eliazer, Chief General Manager (PP&D), Tmt. Rekha Prakash, Chief General Manager (PD), Mr. Ravichandran -General Manager (UG), Mr. D. Gurunath Reddy, Additional General Manager (CP), Officials from CMRL, GC and Contractor were present during the Contract Agreement signing ceremony.
About Chennai Metro Phase-2:
- Phase-2 expansion has been planned for a length of 118.9 Km network with 128 nos. of Stations. It consists of three Corridors i.e. Corridor -3 – From Madhavaram to SIPCOT (45.8 Km), Corridor -4 – From Lighthouse to Poonamallee Bypass (26.1 Km), Corridor-5- From Madhavaram to Sholinganallur (47 Km).
- The estimated cost of the project is Rs. 63246/- Crore (Rupees Sixty three thousand two hundred and forty six only) (including IDC). The project is proposed to be completed by the end of 2026.
About RVNL:
- The company began its operation in 2005 with the appointment of a Board of Directors.
- The company was granted Miniratna status in September 2013.
- RVNL has been rated “Excellent” for the 9 successive years by the Department of Public Enterprises.
- RVNL has also been ranked 1st amongst the Railway PSEs for the 4 times out of the last 5 years.
- The turnover of the company for the financial year 2019-20 has increased by 44.44%.
- The authorised share capital of the company is Rs. 3000 cr. with paid up share capital of Rs. 2085 cr.
- The company has been listed after its disinvestment of its stake of 12.16% of the company through IPO.
Source: CMRL- Press Release | Image Credit: CMRL
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