Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) has invited digitally signed open e-tender through e-procurement portal for Supplying, fabricating and erecting of structural steel truss including roof sheeting and RCC works (Column and Roof Beam) for stabling bay shed (Part-A) at Poonamallee Depot.
- Tender Reference Number: CMRL/CON/C4-DPT-01-BW-01/2023
- Name of Work: Supplying, fabricating and erecting of structural steel truss including roof sheeting and RCC works (Column and Roof Beam) for stabling bay shed (Part-A) at Poonamallee Depot.
- EMD: INR 13 Lakhs
- Duration of Contract: 180 Days
- Document Download/Sale Start Date: 18th Aug, 2023
- Document Download/Sale End Date: 18th Sep, 2023
- Pre Bid Meeting Date: 25th Aug, 2023
- Bid Submission Start Date: 11th Sep, 2023
- Bid Submission End Date: 18th Sep, 2023
- Bid Opening Date: 19th Sep, 2023
Scope of Works:
Structural Steel Works:
- This specification covers the scope of work of structural steel works, submittals by the Contractor, applicable codes of practice for structural steel work and the specifications for the materials to be used, including steel, bolts & nuts, washers etc. and the storage thereof.
- These specifications shall be read in conjunction with the CPWD specifications 1996/2002, MORTH, IRC Specifications, and other relevant reference specifications described in section 1.1 of these specifications.
- For special structures like long span steel bridges, the contractor shall engage RDSO empaneled vendors/fabricators. The credentials shall be submitted to the Engineer for prior approval.
- Preparation of complete detailed fabrication drawings and erection marking drawing based on the design drawings, required for all the permanent and temporary structures.
- Submittal of revised design, with calculations and detailed fabrication drawings, in case any substitution of the designed sections is required.
- Supply of all raw steel materials for fabrication, taking into account wastage margin, including storage and upkeep of the materials.
- Furnishing of all materials, labour, tools and plant and all consumable required for fabrication and supply of all necessary bolts, nuts, washers, tie roads and welding electrodes for field connections, with necessary wastage margins.
- Fabrication of the steel works in accordance with the approved fabrication drawings, including all shop assembling, matching and marking. Design, manufacture / fabrication and provision of all jigs, fixings, manipulators etc. required for the fabrication.
- Provision of shop painting and requisite site painting to all fabricated steelwork, as per requirements of the related specification of the painting.
- Suitability marking, bundling and packing for transport of all fabricated materials.
- Preparing and furnishing detailed bill of materials, drawing Office dispatch lists, Bolts Lists and any other lists of bought out items required in connection with the fabrication and erection of the structural steelwork.
- Loading, Transportation and unloading of all fabricated structural steel materials from site storage yard to erection site, handling, assembling, bolting, welding and satisfactory installation of all fabricated structural steel materials in proper location, according to approved erection drawings and/or as directed by the Engineer.
- The contractor shall submit, for examination by the Engineer, detailed particulars of his proposed methods of erection of the superstructure steelwork, together with complete calculations relating to strength and deflection.
- If the erection scheme necessitates the attachment of strength steelwork to the permanent steel work, the contractor shall submit, for approval of the Engineer, the methods he proposes for making the permanent steel work after removing the temporary work.
- The contractor shall also submit the design and fabrication drawings of all temporary support, staging, braces etc. required for safe erection, for approval of the Engineer.
- The contractor shall provide all construction and transport equipment, tools, tackle, and consumables, materials, labour and supervision required for the erection of the structural steelwork.
- Receiving, unloading, checking and moving to storage yard, storage, guarding and upkeep of fabricated steelwork and other consumable materials and fasteners at site.
- Transportation of all fabricated structural steel materials from site storage yard, handling, assembling, bolting, welding, and satisfactory according to approved erection drawings and/or as directed by the Engineer.
- Setting out, aligning, plumbing, levelling, bolting, welding and securely fixing the fabricated steel structures in accordance with the erection scheme, or as directed by the Engineer.
- Provision of requisite site painting to all fabricated steelwork, as per requirements of related specifications of the painting.
- Providing protective treatment to the erected steel structures, as per Specification.
- All major modifications of the fabricated steel structures, as directed by the Engineer, including but not limited to the following:
- Removal of bends, kinks, twists etc. for parts damaged during transport and handling.
- Cutting, chipping, filling, grinding etc. if required or preparation and finishing of site connections.
- Reaming of holes for use of higher size bolts if required.
- Re-fabrication of parts damaged beyond repair during transport and handling or re-fabrication of parts which are incorrectly fabricated.
- Fabrication of parts omitted during fabrications by error, or subsequently found necessary.
- Drilling of holes which are either not drilled at all or are drilled in incorrect locations during fabrication.
- Carry out tests in accordance with the related Specification
- The Contractor shall observe all safety requirements for erection of structural steelwork as covered in IS:7205.
Roof Sheeting:
- Coated steel profiled sheet of approved colour shall be installed at roof and side cladding on steel framing or on any other location as directed by the Engineer and shall be executed as per the details shown on the approved stop drawings and as per specialist manufacturers recommendation, complete in all respects. The work shall be executed in flat, tapered, curved from both in plan and section as required.
- The feed material shall be of 0.45 mm BMT (0.50mm TCT excluding paint thickness) High tensile steel with min 550 MPa yield strength, metallic hot -dipped coated with Al -Zn alloy (55% Aluminium, 43.5% Zinc, 1.5% Si) as per AS1397/ IS15961- ZINCALUME AZ150 (min. 150 g/ m2 total on both sides) with Polyester steel quality paint system of approved colour , suitable for exterior application conforming to AS/NZS 2728 type-4 / IS 15965 class 3.
- The sheet shall have a total coating thickness of 35 microns, super durable polyester COLORBOND® XRW quality paint system of 20 microns on exposed surface and 5-micron reverse polyester coat on back surface over 5 micron primer coat on both surfaces.
- The paint system should have stable resin & inorganic pigments for paint durability and lead free for water harvesting. The steel sheet shall have brand marking of coated steel manufacturer (product details, date, mfc name, etc.) on back side at regular intervals confirming genuineness of the material.
- Galvalume Roof Sheet of nominal 1015 mm effective cover width and nominal 28 mm deep ribs with subtle square fluting in the five pans at nominal 203 mm centre-to-centre shall be used. The end rib shall be designed for anti-capillary action, to avoid any seepage of water through the lateral overlap.
- Minimum average annual turnover of INR 3.75 Crs calculated as total certified payments received for Contracts in progress and/or completed, within the last three years divided by three years ending on 31st March 2023.
Specific Experience:
- A minimum number of Single similar work of value 10.0 cr. or
- Two similar works of value 6.25 cr. or
- Three similar works of value 5.0 cr. contracts that have been substantially completed between Oct 2016 and bid submission deadline.
The complete documents can be downloaded from http://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app
Source: CMRL- Tender | Image Credit (representational): CMRL
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