The Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Limited (Maha-Metro) has invited tender for Consultancy work for “Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Study and Preparation of Social Management Implementation Plan, Rehabilitation & Resettlement (R&R Policy) Plan”.
- Tender Ref No.: N2-S&E-01/2021
- Name of Work: Consultancy work for “Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Study and Preparation of Social Management Implementation Plan, Rehabilitation & Resettlement (R&R Policy) Plan”.
- Estimated amount: INR:38.50 Lakh
- Completion Period: 20 weeks
- Date of Pre-bid meeting: 06.08.2021
- Date of submission of Tender: 20.08.2021
- Date of Opening of Technical bid: 20.08.2021
- Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. is a joint venture company of Govt. of India (GoI) and Government of Maharashtra (GoM) established under the companies act 2013 for the purpose of implementation of the project Nagpur Metro Rail Project Phase-II. RITES Ltd has carried out the investigation and studies for Nagpur Metro Rail Project Phase-II and prepared a Detailed ProjectReport (DPR) in July, 2018 based on which the project is proposed to be implemented.
- The Phase-II covers the rural parts of Nagpur district and will serve as an extension to the ongoing first phase. The proposed Phase-II will be spread over 43.8 km length with 32 stations.The corridors identified for Phase-II of Nagpur Metro include:
- Automotive Square to Kanhan-13 Km length and 12 Stations. The corridor will cater to the areas of Khasara, Lekha Nagar, Kamptee, and Dragon Palace.
- MIHAN to Butibori MIDC ESR-18.7 Km length and 10 Stations. The corridor will have the catchment area of Jamtha, Dongargaon, Mohgaon, Butibori, MHADA colony, Indorama Colony.
- Prajapati Nagar to Transport Nagar-5.5 Km length and 3 Stations. The corridor will cater to the vicinity of Ambe Nagar, Kapsi, Transport Nagar & Asoli.
- Lokmanya Nagar to Hingna-6.6 Km length and 7 Stations. The corridor will pass through Nildoh, Gajanan Nagar, Rajiv Nagar, Lakshmi Nagar, and Hingna Village including surrounding MIDC areas.
- The objective of the Extension of Nagpur Metro Rail Project Phase-II is to strengthening the need for augmenting the transport infrastructure in Nagpur region. Rapid urbanization and intense commercial development in the recent past have resulted in steep rise in travel demand, putting the existing city’s transport infrastructure to stress.
- The main objectives of Social Analysis is to improve decision making and to ensure that the Nagpur Metro Rail Project under consideration is socially sound, sustainable and contributes to the development of social and millennium development goals.
- The main objective of this Social Assessment is to identify the affected families/persons due to proposed metro corridor development. In order to mitigate the adverse impacts by developing a Social Impact Management Plan (as per RTFCTLARR Act, 2013) or a Resettlement Action Plan (as per relevant international funding agency).
The scope of work comprises the following main tasks:
Screening, Scoping And Social Assessment:
- Carry out a social screening which would include desk review of the available reports, designs and information along with field visits of the Metro alignment, its other components to be developed like depot area, stations, yard, sub-station, parking, etc., or an any other associated facilities to be established as part of the metro development to determine the magnitude of actual and potential envisaged impacts to ensure that social considerations are given adequate weight in the selection and design of proposed Metro project.
- The purpose of this screening shall be to minimize negative social impacts, both through the selection process and by providing inputs and guidance to the engineering designs.
- A census and inventory survey shall be undertaken to register and document the status of the potentially affected population within the likely project impact area, their assets, and sources of livelihood. This census shall cover 100% of those people who are potentially affected.
- Absence of legal title does not disqualify people from support; thus, people occupying private land as well as those currently occupying public lands for shelter, business purposes, or other sources of livelihood should be covered in a census. This information shall be documented and compared with available records of land ownership etc.
- The purpose of this census is to document and verify the existing population and their assets. A cut-off date shall be determined, to determine who may be entitled to relocation assistance or other benefits from the project. People moving into the project area after this cut-off date will not be entitled to support.
- Enumerate the magnitude of the impacts so that the field teams can be deployed accordingly to accomplish the surveys and field activities as per the time schedule defined.
- Collect information on the digitized revenue maps or urban area maps with the project alignment duly marked. Such revenue maps/urban areas maps shall be furnished by Client. This will enable us to enumerate the list of properties that will be affected due to the project development. The map should demarcate all the physical interventions proposed to be established along the alignment or in relation to the metro development.
- Identification of the different categories and extent of impacts envisaged under the project. This will include both titleholders and all non-titleholders within the impact zone.
- Identify cases of likely impact on local communities, to establish the applicability of GOI/State Government/Bank’s regulations as necessary.
- Carry out stakeholder analysis and public consultation with the likely affected groups, NGOs, implementing agency, line agencies and district administration.
Sale of document, e-payment procedure, submission and other details are available on Maha-metro (Nagpur) E-tender portal under section in e-tenders. https://mahametrorail.etenders.in.
Recent Tender:
Meanwhile, Maha-metro has invited Request For Proposal (RFP) for Development of Commercial space above Zero Mile Metro Station including operation and maintenance of parking on Public Private Partnership Basis.
- Tender Ref No.: N1PD-32/2021
- Name of work: Development of Commercial space above Zero Mile Metro Station including operation and maintenance of parking on Public Private Partnership Basis.
- Tender Document Download Start Date: 27-07-2021
- Tender Document Download and Bid Submission Last Date: 21-09-2021
- Tender Opening Start Date: 21-09-2021
- Pre-Bid Meeting Start Date: 12-08-2021
Source: Maha Metro-Tender | Image Credit: Nagpur Metro
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