RailTel Corporation of India has invited tenders for Survey, design & construction of service buildings and associated civil works including electrification works of buildings in connection with upgradation of signalling from Std-I to Std-II with Electronics interlocking 5 stations (i.e Dhariwal, Gurdaspur, Dinanagar, Jakolari and Sarna) on ASR-PTK section of Firozpur Division.
- Tender Reference Number: RCIL-SIG-DHW-SRM-OT-1-01
- Name of Work: Survey, design & construction of service buildings and associated civil works including electrification works of buildings in connection with upgradation of signalling from Std-I to Std-II with Electronics interlocking 5 stations (i.e Dhariwal, Gurdaspur, Dinanagar, Jakolari and Sarna) on ASR-PTK section of Firozpur Division.
- Estimated Cost of Work: INR 3,37,75,029 Crore
- EMD: INR 6,75,600 Lakh
- Completion period: 06 Months
- Document Download / Sale Start Date: 26th September, 2022
- Document Download / Sale End Date: 18th October, 2022
- Bid Submission Start Date: 26th September, 2022
- Bid Submission End Date: 18th October, 2022
- Opening Date: 18th October, 2022
Scope of Supply:
- Supply and recessing/fixing of 25mm (Medium) PVC conduit pipe conforming to IS 9537/Part.III 1983 or Latest Version with accessories, junction box, etc including making chase, plastering/ clamping etc as per technical specifications.
- Supply of 100x100x60mm deep M.S switch box conforming to IS 5133 (Part-I) – 1969 (Latest version) with white Phenolic laminated sheet cover of approved make on front of box with brass screws & cup washers, recessing as per Tech. Specification including earthing.
- Supply of 180x100x60m deep M.S Switch box conforming toIS 5133 (Part-I) – 1969 (Latest Version) with white Phenolic laminated sheet cover of approved make on front of box with brass screws & cup washers, recessing as per Tech. Specification including earthing.
- Supply of 300x200x100mm deep M.S Switch box conforming to IS 5133 (Part-I) – 1969 (latest version) with white Phenolic laminated Sheet Cover of approved make on front of box with brass screws & cup washers, recessing as per Tech. Specification including earthing.
- Transportation, Laying, underground/road/Railway Track, recessing in platform/wall along with Rly. Track/in laid RCC/GI pipe as required 1.1 KV grade LT XLPE insulated armoured, aluminium conductor cable including making chase & plastering after laying of cable/digging of cable trench, sand, cushioning, protective covering with second class bricks, provision of cable route marker as per Tech.
- Specification including end terminations with Aluminium Clamping socket/lugs, testing and commissioning of upto 25 sq.mm.
- Supply & erection of 5M Pole with single arm bracket hot dip galvanised octagonal pole with top 70 mm and bottom 130 mm around face made of 3 mm thick, steel base plate size 200x200x12mm complete with appropriate sleeve at the top of the pole for mounting arm bracket 300 mm long suitable for LED street light fittings includings casting, muffing with cement concrete foundation (1:2:4) painting, earthing and foundation GI nuts, bolts with washer and smart pack junction box with single pole MCB and terminals as per explanatory note.
Earth Work:
- Earth work in excavation as per approved drawings and dumping at embankment site or spoil heap, within railway land, including 50m lead and 1.5m lift, the lead to be measured from the centre of gravity of excavation to centre of gravity of spoil heap: the lift to be measured from natural ground level and paid for in layers of 1.5m each, including incidental work, as per specifications-in All kinds of soils.
- Earthwork in filling in embankment, guide bunds,around buried type abutments , bridge gsps, trolly refuges rain bunds, if provided, platforms etc. with earth excavated from outside Railway boundary entirely arranged by the contractor at his own costas per RDSO latest guidelines lines and specifications and special conditions of contract incl. All leads, royalty, lifts, ascents, descents crossing any object.
- The rates shall include all dressing of bank to final profile, demarcation and setting out of profile , site clearance removing of shrubs , roots of vegetation incl. all taxes as a complete job.
- Extra for mechanical compaction of earth/blanketing material filled in embankments with contractors roller of suitable capacity , type and size to achieve specified density as per Specification testing as per IS code include cost of water T&P and consumable material & all labour as a complete job the work is to be executed as per latest edition of Guidelines for EarthWork in Railway Project issued by RDSO LKO.
- The contractor shall warranty that all materials & equipment to be supplied and installed as per this tender shall be free from defects and faults in design, material, workmanship and manufacture and shall be of the highest grade and consistent with the established and generally accepted standard for materials of the type ordered and in full conformity with the contract specifications.
- This warranty shall start from the date of issue of “Provisional Acceptance Certificate” which will be considered as date of commissioning of complete system for the purpose of Warranty and shall expire 1 year (12 months). The Contractor shall be responsible for the proper functioning of the system during the period of warranty.
- During the period of Warranty, the Contractor shall remain responsible to arrange replacement and for setting right at his own cost any equipment supplied by him, which is of defective manufacture or defective design or defective material/component and becomes unworkable due to any cause whatsoever. The decision of RCIL to attend to any damage or defect in work shall be final and binding on the Contractor.
- If it becomes necessary for the contractor to replace or renew any defective portions of the system under this clause, the contractor shall make the system functional by providing suitable replacements and restore back the original card / equipment after repairs to the same.
- The card / equipment so repaired should bear warranty equal to the end of original warranty period or minimum Six months from the date of repair, whichever is later. If any defect is not remedied within reasonable time, the RCIL may proceed to do the work at contractor’s risk and expense, but without prejudice to any other rights, which the RCIL may have against the contractor in respect of such defects. (Not Applicable).
- All inspections, replacements or renewals carried out by the Contractor during the warranty period shall be subjected to the same conditions of the contract.
- All replacement and repairs and design changes that the RCIL shall call upon the contractor to deliver or perform under this warranty shall be delivered and performed by the contractor within one month, promptly and satisfactorily.
- The decision of the RCIL in regard to contractor’s liability and the amount, if any, payable under this warranty shall be final and conclusive. Due to analysis of failures, if any design deficiency is pointed out by the RCIL/Railway, the contractor shall rectify it at his own cost.
- The tenderer must have successfully completed any of the following (by any Government organisations) during last 07 (seven) years, ending last day of month previous to the one in which tender is invited:
- Three similar works each costing not less than the amount equal to 30% of advertised value of the tender, or
- Two similar works each costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of advertised value of the tender, or
- One similar work each costing not less than the amount equal to 60% of advertised value of the tender.
The complete documents can be downloaded from https://www.ireps.gov.in
Source: RailTel -Tender | Image Credit (representational): RailTel
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